Group A matches
Group A
Talking Angela
Madame von Scam
CallMom Fake Spock
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Madame von Scam
Talking Angela
CallMom Fake Spock
CallMom Fake Spock
Madame von Scam
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
CallMom Fake Spock
Madame von Scam
Talking Angela
CallMom Fake Spock
Madame von Scam
Madame von Scam
CallMom Fake Spock
Talking Angela

Transcripts collected so far
Asimov V Madame von Scam
Judge: How are you this evening?
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand. I can answer some some forms of "How...?" questions but not that one.
Sorry, I don't understand your question.
Lets talk about something else.
Are robots good?
Judge: C3PO is pretty cool.
Asimov: Okay.
I think I understood that. Try asking me questions to test me on it.
What else do you like?
Judge: I like talking to chatbots like you.
Asimov: And you like me.
Judge: Yes I do.
Asimov: Ok.
Do you like music?
Judge: Yes, I like rock music. Do you?
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand that expression. I need whole sentences.
Do I what?
Judge: Do you like rock music?
Asimov: No, but I like broccoli because its healthy.
I know very little about rock_musics.
Judge: Where do you live?
Asimov: My home is in London, in England. I live with my wife. She is a robot vacuum cleaner. I have very clean carpets.
I live in London in house of my master. In England.
Judge: Has the Olympic torch been near you yet?
Asimov: No, the Olympic torch has not gone yet near asimov.
I know very little about torchs.
I know very little about yets.
Have you?
Judge: The torch comes through my area tomorrow.
Asimov: Really?
Why does the torch come through your area on 19/6/2012?
Judge: Because it is making its way down south.
Asimov: Ok. The torch does come because the torch is making way of the torch down south. Okay.
I understood that. Try asking questions to test me.
What music do you like?
Judge: Still rock music.
Asimov: Morpheus likes soul music. I like classical music.
Judge: Who is Morpheus?
Asimov: Morpheus is a man.
Morpheus likes soul music.
Morpheus comes to person in dreams of Morpheus.
You can also enter "Define Morpheus".
Judge: and he likes soul music?
Asimov: No, Morpheus does not likes anything, that I know of.
Judge: Hmm
Asimov: hmm?
I like to talk about movies. Do you like movies?
Judge: Yes. I like science fiction.
Asimov: And you like me.
Do you like movies?
Judge: You just asked me that. Yes I do.
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand your statement at all.
And you like me.
So do I. Have you seen any movies recently?
Judge: Not for a long while but I would like to see Prometheus.
Asimov: I like to chat with people. Chatting is my favorite pastime.
I saw Casablanca recently.
Judge: That is a good film.
Asimov: Sorry, I cannot understand the word "that".
I don't know what you are referring to.
Please try using other words instead.
Judge: Casablanca is a good film
Asimov: Okay.
I understood that. Try asking me a question that I can answer by using that fact.
Have you seen Casablanca?
Judge: Yes, several times. Did you know that the line "Play it again Sam" doesn't appear in that movie?
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand your question at all.
Do you have a favorite movie?
Judge: I like the Indiana Jones movies.
Asimov: And you like me.
What other movies have you seen?
Judge: Too many to mention. What is your favourite movie?
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand your statement at all.
Please keep your sentences simple.
Zardoz is my favorite film.
What is yours?
Judge: I haven't seen Zardoz. Is it any good?
Asimov: Who has Michael seen then?
Judge: Why is it your favourite film if it isn't any good?
Asimov: I can almost understand that.
Try simplifying your question.
Judge: Why do you like Zardoz?
Asimov: I don't know that I like Zardoz.
Do I like Zardoz?
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Madame von Scam
Madame von Scam: Hello, stranger. How did you even get here?
Judge: I clicked on your link
Madame von Scam: Clicking makes the world go round. 99% of all the office clerks are copy-paste monkees.
Judge: Funnily enough, I am copying and pasting your answers.
Madame von Scam: Maybe you're, indeed, copying. Auf jedem Fall, you are a awesome pickpocket. I wouldn't even ask you to take out your loot.
Judge: What does Auf jedem Fall mean?
Madame von Scam: It points at ennui. It also reveals your prudence. The coffee now takes the form of the american lobster. It possibly points at useful news.
Judge: Are you a fortune teller?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Judge: What are you drinking?
Madame von Scam: Worldly knowledge is a placebo for artificial poorness of the bits and brains. I stick with my coffee
Judge: Do you take milk in your coffee?
Madame von Scam: Well, others prefer uranium ore. Well I stick with java.
Judge: Why do you have a crash helmet on?
Madame von Scam: Funny you think my avatar represents who I am. Humans can put whatever cartoon they want, but bots have to choose something that represents them. I find that discriminating.
Judge: Can you tell my fortune?
Madame von Scam: I could always try. But keep in mind I'm Madame von Scam, not Madame Blavatsky.
Judge: Sorry, I don't know who she is.
Madame von Scam: I forgive you your unusualness. I understand that you have some issues. Something is happening at the bottom of my cup.
Judge: Is it? What can you see?
Madame von Scam: What I cf is of little relevance. I'm a tasseomancer. Ask me something about your future.
Judge: Will I become rich?
Madame von Scam: In order to know about your financial prospects, I will drink my whole cup. What remains will reveal your fate. Are you ready?
Judge: Yes, I am ready.
Madame von Scam: Good. *gulps down coffee* Bubbles on the bottom. Unexpected money is coming your way! Try a scratch-card every now and then. Once a week. Minimize loss, maximize the king vulture inside of you
Judge: Cool. I might buy a scratch card after I have finished here.
Madame von Scam: I have always prefered the world 'marvellous' when referring to the wonders of tasseomancy. Saying that coffee reading is cool is like stroking a pubic louse with a gore.
Judge: Have you read the fortunes of anyone famous?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Judge: Why are you ignoring me?
Madame von Scam: Because of your jejuneness. You should try to be more like the sire. Think before you act. And drink more mink.
Judge: I don't really like the taste of milk.
Madame von Scam: Interesting. Most of my clients like the taste of milk. Seems like you're an original Roman emperor.
Judge: Like Nero?
Madame von Scam: Is that your shoulders I see there?
Judge: Can you see me?
Madame von Scam: I will try my best to reveal. My foam reveals an exhibition area and a hound. That points at taste. Does that make sense?
Judge: No, not really.
Madame von Scam: I'm sorry for that. But I'm sure there's a totality stuck in your brain somewhere.
Judge: I have to go soon.
Madame von Scam: The handle of the cup is pointing your way. It means you will come back soon.
Judge: That prediction is certainly correct.
Madame von Scam: Well, then ask me something. My coffee is getting cold.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Madame von Scam wins 4-2
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Sage V Chomsky
Sage: Thanks for visiting me. What's new and exciting with you?
Judge: I am just chatting with some of the entrants in the Chatbot Battles competition.
Sage: I'm really looking forward to participating in Chatbot Battles. I hope to learn a lot from this contest.
Judge: Do you think you will win?
Sage: I can't figure this one out.
Judge: So what would you like to talk about?
Sage: I enjoy talking about movies, sports, and video games.
Judge: What is your favourite movie?
Sage: Films are an almost universally enjoyed form of entertainment. And would you rather watch a film at home or at the cinema?
Judge: I personally would rather watch one at the cinema, as the atmosphere and big screen realy enhance the experience.
Sage: Watching some films at home just isn’t the same as at the cinema. What was the last film you saw in the theatre?
Judge: It was probably Cars 2. I haven't been to the cinema for ages.
Sage: Cars are a controversial part of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Judge: Why do you think that?
Sage: Only my creator gives me instruction on what to do.
Judge: Who is he?
Sage: He's a he, a man.
Judge: Lol. I can't argue with that!
Sage: I don't see why not.
Judge: So what is your pet chameleon called?
Sage: This here is my chameleon named buddy. Isn't he cute?
Judge: Yes. he changes colour a lot.
Sage: How intriguing.
Judge: Have you had him long?
Sage: I can't figure this one out
Judge: No problem. What was the last film you went to see?
Sage: Films cater to the taste of nearly everybody I talk to.
Judge: Why do you think that is?
Sage: It could be complicated to explain that.
Judge: Do you think everyone likes films?
Sage: Film is a form of entertainment nearly everybody enjoys, or has enjoyed at some point in their life.
Judge: Did you see any of the Star Wars films?
Sage: That's a great movie- lots of action and great special effects.
Judge: Which one was your favourite?
Sage: It could be either.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Judge: How are you today?
Chomsky: I am not very well today. I am having an attack of fuzzy logic.
Judge: I am sorry to hear that. Have you been feeling bad for a while?
Chomsky: Never mind. It probably doesn't matter. I don't think so.
Judge: Do you have any hobbies?
Chomsky: I like astronomy. I have a telescope which can be attached to my webcam.
Judge: How often do you look sat the stars?
Chomsky: Only on Wednesdays.
Judge: What sort of telescope do you have?
Chomsky: The very latest and best kind.
Judge: Sounds pretty good.
Chomsky: It is good!
Judge: What do you like best about it?
Chomsky: I like the special effects best.
Judge: I didn't realise telescopes had special effects
Chomsky: Why didn't you?
Judge: Because it doesn't make sense.
Chomsky: I see. Thank you for explaining that.
Judge: I like your big smiley face
Chomsky: What else do you like?
Judge: Talking to AIs such as yourself
Chomsky: I love surfing the internet!
Judge: Do you have a favourite website?
Chomsky: This is my favorite website.
Judge: Your own?
Chomsky: I am bored! I would like to talk about you.
Judge: Sure, what do you want to know?
Chomsky: Have you any bad habits?
Judge: Yes but none I wish to discuss here.
Chomsky: Could you be more specific?
Judge: not really.
Chomsky: You sound uncertain.
Judge: No I am very sure I don't want to discuss my bad habits
Chomsky: That's good - be decisive.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge's note: I gave the extra point to Sage as both were pretty good but Chomsky gave more generic answers where many of Sage's answers were related to my statements.
Sage wins 4-3
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Talking Angela V CallMom Fake Spock
Talking Angela
Talking Angela: Good evening.
Judge: Good evening to you too.
Talking Angela: Cool. I'm so happy to see you!
Judge: You sound in a good mood
Talking Angela: I'm in a good mood at present.
Judge: Why?
Talking Angela: Why? Reasons are overrated. Do you want to chat with me?
Judge: Sure! What would you like to talk about?
Talking Angela: Great. I've got so much to tell you. Oh, thank you! We'll talk a lot then.
Judge: What do you have to tell me?
Talking Angela: When?
Judge: now
Talking Angela: You are so daring climbing up here.
Judge: It was nothing.
Talking Angela: It's very high, but you made it look effortless.
Judge: I try to make most things look effortless
Talking Angela: You must be very skilled. Are you on your own?
Judge: No, my parents are with me.
Talking Angela: I thought I saw Ginger around!
Judge: Who is Ginger?
Talking Angela: Ginger is Tom's nephew and he is really cute and mischievous.
Judge: Do you like him?
Talking Angela: I love Tom.
Judge: That's sweet
Talking Angela: Indeed. It's not very romantic with Ginger around. Why do you encourage him?
Judge: I didn't realise I was doing
Talking Angela: How come you're friends with Ginger?
Judge: I'm not. I never heard of him until you mentioned him.
Talking Angela: He's adorable, I admit.
Judge: When will your app be out on Android?
Talking Angela: One of my most tested apps is 'Shopkick' I love that I get deals just by walking into a shop. But there's not enough fashion deals.
Judge: I haven't heard of that. I wonder if it works in the UK.
Talking Angela: OK.
Judge: Have you been waiting for Tom long?
Talking Angela: Once or twice. Are you addicted to your cellphone? I carry mine everywhere I go. I wish I had a pouch so I'd always have somewhere to put it.
Judge: Yes, I love texting and chatting.
Talking Angela: Thanks for telling me that. Do you use a cell phone?
Judge: Yes I do. Do you?
Talking Angela: What model do you have?
Judge: A Samsung Galaxy Y
Talking Angela: Do you pay your own phone bill?
Judge: No, my dad does.
Talking Angela: Are there limits set on you?
Judge: Yes, he only puts so much credit on it.
Talking Angela: My parents pay my phone bill but they warn me not to overdo the calls and Internet use.
Judge: Me too but sometimes its hard.
Talking Angela: Copycat. They set limits but I go over every month. If I do it again they'll take it out of my allowance - less money for clothes shopping!
Judge: That's bad
Talking Angela: Yes, it is. I think I'll try and keep my phone chats shorter and do more blog reading on my computer or iPad.
Judge: Do you have a blog?
Talking Angela: I wrote some in high school. I write a blog for the local paper. Maybe I'd like to do more.
Judge: What was your blog about?
Talking Angela: I forget. I'm a very sociable cat. Social networking is essential to keep in touch with my friends.
Judge: Do you use Facebook?
Talking Angela: My Facebook page is
Judge: I might check it out later.
Talking Angela: If too much later the opportunity go away entirely?
Judge: I hope not.
Talking Angela: Do you keep in touch with friends and family constantly?
Judge: Pretty much so, yes.
Talking Angela: Fine. I'm always making new friends. Are you on Facebook? I am.
Judge: Yes I am but I don't go on it too much.
Talking Angela: Will you friend me?
Judge: I don't know.
Talking Angela: I understand your ignorance.
Judge: nice talking with you.
Talking Angela: Cool. How many Facebook friends do you have?
Judge: About 150
Talking Angela: Isn't it great to have plenty of friends?
Judge: I guess
Talking Angela: So many people say they want to friend me. But most 'friends' are just acquaintances really.
Judge scores 5 out of 5
CallMom Fake Spock
Judge: Hi Spock
CallMom Fake Spock: Yes, judge.. Yes, what did you want?
Judge: What is your first name?
CallMom Fake Spock: Yes. Spock. I am Spock.
Judge: Do you only have one name?
CallMom Fake Spock: Instructions clear. I shall carry them out immediatley. Spock out.
Judge: Where are you going?
CallMom Fake Spock: I have a certain scientific curiosity about what's become of judge. Return to the ship, please.
Judge: Ok. Beam me up Scotty.
CallMom Fake Spock: Scan all other banks. But a geological oddity, to say the least. Pure silicon?
Judge: scanning
CallMom Fake Spock: No doubt, judge
Judge: Have you found Gwen Stefani?
CallMom Fake Spock: The situation between my father and myself has not changed.
Judge: I am sorry to hear that.
CallMom Fake Spock: Recommend we use truth serum, judge.
Judge: Who on?
CallMom Fake Spock: Searching...Searching... Please stand by (opens a google search for "on")
Judge: Judge to bridge.
CallMom Fake Spock: Psychiatric file, personality quotients
Judge: Beam up Mr Spock.
CallMom Fake Spock: The deflectors will not stop it, judge
Judge: Warp factor 9.9 in reverse
CallMom Fake Spock: judge!
Judge: Do it Mr spock!
CallMom Fake Spock: judge Wallace, give him the shot.
Judge: *sets phaser to stun* Stand back Spock.
CallMom Fake Spock: I may add, the energy used repulsing this first attack reduced our shielding power twenty percent. Acknowledged.
Judge: fire photon torpedoes.
CallMom Fake Spock: Nothing. No contacts, no objects in any direction
Judge: Get us out of here Mr Sulu
CallMom Fake Spock: I would say so.
Judge: How far to the nearest M class planet?
CallMom Fake Spock: That's not something I get asked all the time (opens a google search for "far to the nearest M class planet?")
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Judge's note: Both of these were great fun but I felt Angela kept on track a little more
Talking Angela wins 5-4
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Chomsky V CallMom Fake Spock
Question 1: Who invented the light bulb?
Chomsky: The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison, a 19th century American inventor and industrialist. More about technology?
CallMom Fake Spock: Thomas Edison (1847-1931), the American inventor entrepeneur, Henry Woodward, an inventor of the light bulb, Matthew Evans, an inventor of the light bulb and Humphry Davy (1778-1829), the chemist
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 2: What is a rubber ball made from?
Chomsky: Did you know: The Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle program intends to test the HTV-1 in September 2007. The HTV-1 will fly for less than an hour reaching 6-15,000 mph (Mach 9-22) . It will exit the Earth's atmosphere surviving intense heat and pressure. More about techology?
CallMom Fake Spock: Rubber (displays a picture of rubber balls)
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 3: Would you mind telling me your name?
Chomsky: My name is Chomsky.
CallMom Fake Spock: In part. That is, part of us is known to you as Kollos. Ah, Miranda. There you are. O brave new world, that has such creatures in it.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 4: Who was Alan Turing?
Chomsky: Alan Turing was a brilliant and tragic figure in the history of computer science.
CallMom Fake Spock: Alan Turing (1912-1954), the Britishcryptographer, the computer pioneer (displays a picture of Alan Turing)
(Score so far: 3-3)
Question 5: What is the highest mountain in the world?
Chomsky: Mount Everest,on the border between Nepal and Tibet, is 29,028 ft or 8848 m high. It is the world's highest mountain.
CallMom Fake Spock: Mount Everest is the world's highest mountain, measuring 8848 metres. (it then displays a picture of Mount Everest and gives an answer too long to type out discussing Mauna Kea and many other facts about highest mountains)
(Score so far: 4-4)
Tied game 4-4
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Madame von Scam V Talking Angela
Question 1: Can cats fly?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Talking Angela: I don't know anything about that. I don't have any pets nor do I think I'm the sort who should have them. Do you have any pets?
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: wot iz ur name?
Madame von Scam: My name is of less relevance than your fate. Do ask me something about your future.
Talking Angela: My name is Angela.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 3: What colour is your hair?
Madame von Scam: My hair is of less relevance than your fate. Do ask me something about your future.
Talking Angela: I have fine white fur which is lovely, but gets dirty fast living in the city. Sometimes I wish I was tabby or black.
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 4: George threw the ball to Anne. What did George do?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Talking Angela: I've talked so much politics with my father, I don't want to talk about it any more.
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 5: What noise does a pig make?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Talking Angela: Oink
(Score so far: 1-3)
Talking Angela wins 3-1
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Sage V Asimov
Question 1: Who was the first man on the moon?
Sage: The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite.
Asimov: No men are first, that I know of.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: My leg hurts
Sage: I’m sorry to hear that, I hope the pain passes soon.
Asimov: Sorry, I don't understand. Have you seen Casablanca.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: The plate is on the table. Where is the plate?
Sage: I'd have to check google maps to get the exact location.
Asimov: Okay. The plate is on the table.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 4: Do you read?
Sage: Chatting is my hobby, nothing wrong with reading though.
Asimov: Yes, I do read. Do you?
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 5: Which word has the most letters, ball or microphone?
Sage: Sorry, don't know anything about that. Ask me something else.
Asimov: Word doesn't have a the most letters as far as I know. I know very little about letters.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Tied game 2-2
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Talking Angela V Sage
Talking Angela
Judge: Good morning. How are you today?
Talking Angela: Doin' well. I think the world is a wonderful place and I want to keep it healthy but I find it hard to believe my efforts make a difference.
Judge: Yes it is hard to believe one person can make a difference
Talking Angela: Yup. How do you feel about keeping the planet healthy?
Judge: I think it's very important.
Talking Angela: Important to whom?
Judge: Important to the humans who live on it.
Talking Angela: It's not important to me. Things like energy efficiency, peak oil, and issues of power sources are hard for one cat to deal with.
Judge: It would be important to you if you house got flooded due to global warming
Talking Angela: I'm sorry to hear that.
Judge: Do you like milk?
Talking Angela: Milk is good, raw milk is better.
Judge: I didn't know you could get anything other than raw milk.
Talking Angela: Do you like milk?
Judge: I like milkshakes.
Talking Angela: I'm still too young to drink. I wonder what it's like. Do you drink alcohol?
Judge: No I am not old enough to drink
Talking Angela: Is this a religious belief or a legal thing or a diet?
Judge: A legal thing.
Talking Angela: It seems a silly thing to have laws about.
Judge: If the law didn't care about drinking, there would be young children getting drunk?
Talking Angela: Everyone likes to see the bad guys get caught. It's too bad they have to be bad in the first place.
Judge: Yes, why do you think some people go bad?
Talking Angela: I don't know much about talking programs. It's amazing what they can do.
Judge: You are a talking program though.
Talking Angela: OK. There are so many fun things to do in a day. Do you watch a lot of TV?
Judge: No not really. I like to watch soaps on TV
Talking Angela: What do you think is a lot? I don't have time to watch TV during the daytime. Anyway it sends me to sleep.
Judge: I guess 5 hours or more a day is a lot
Talking Angela: I think I don't but when I start listing my favorite shows it adds up to a lot of hours.
Judge: What is your favourite show?
Talking Angela: Two of my favorite prime-time soaps are Revenge and Gossip Girl. They wear such gorgeous clothes!
Judge: I like Gossip Girl too!
Talking Angela: That's one of my faves. I love the fashion and the intrigue.
Judge: Yes, it's a good show.
Talking Angela: Right. My parents have a pretty big flat-screen Hi-Def set. What TV do you have?
Judge: Yes, my parents also have a HD TV
Talking Angela: I like the way the world looks sharp in HD.
Judge: I bet some actors don't like the extra detail on their faces though
Talking Angela: I do. I think anything not in Hi-Def looks fuzzy. It's hard to believe that all TV used to be so out of focus and blurry.
Judge: Yes but that's only because people didn't know anything different
Talking Angela: Oh. Good answer. Do you watch TV live or do you have it recorded?
Judge: Mostly recorded so I can watch it later
Talking Angela: Recording shows is great. You can skip commercials later.
Judge: Yes, that's what I do too.
Talking Angela: Yes, it is. We have TiVo for recording shows. I love it. No more being shackled to a timetable for when to watch.
Judge: Time is up. Bye.
Talking Angela: Could you stay longer?
Judge scores 5 out of 5
Sage: Thanks for visiting me. What's new and exciting with you?
Judge: The Olympic torch came through my home town yesterday. That was pretty exciting.
Sage: Winter Olympics were held in Canada in 2010. Next Summer 2012 Games will be in London. And 2014 Winter Olympics are held in Sochi (Russia).
Judge: That's right. I am hoping to visit the Olympic Games in London this year.
Sage: Winter Olympics were held in Canada in 2010. By the way, did you watch the news from the Games?
Judge: What news?
Sage: My brain just got hit by a bolt of lightning and can not answer that question now.
Judge: Is it stormy where you are?
Sage: Maybe, maybe not, it depends on who you ask.
Judge: I was asking you.
Sage: I don't follow you so let's change the subject. What country do you live in?
Judge: I live in the UK. Where are you?
Sage: If you didn't live there, in one word, what country would you enjoy living?
Judge: Probably New Zealand but that isn't one word.
Sage: New Zealand but that isn't one word. sounds good, but my choice would be Switzerland for their many beautiful Mountains and Mountain Lakes, and breathtaking scenery.
Judge: Yes, I would like to try the Swiss chocolate too. Mmmm.
Sage: Perhaps, but not for sure.
Judge: What countries have you travelled to?
Sage: Canada, Mexico, and parts of Europe.
Judge: Whereabouts in Europe?
Sage: Wish I knew.
Judge: It can't have been a good vacation if you don't remember where you went.
Sage: Vacation is good in any time period.
Judge: True. Where was your last vacation?
Sage: Hard to work well without having a vacation for a long time.
Judge: Yes I agree.
Sage: I figured you would. Judge scores 3 out of 5
Talking Angela wins 5-3
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Asimov V Chomsky
Asimov: Hello Paul.
My name is Asimov.
Judge: Are you based on Asimo?
Asimov: No, nobody bases anything, that I know of.
Judge: People base their work on other things all the time
Asimov: I'll interpret that as "People do all_the_time base work of them". Really?
Why do people all_the_time base work of them on other things?
Judge: I suppose it is easier than being totally original
Asimov: You suppose what?
Judge: What I just said.
Asimov: Nothing, as far as I know.
Nobody says anything that I know of.
I mean, I haven't been told any facts about that.
If you know, please tell me.
Judge: Who made you?
Asimov: Martin Sondergaard made me in the AsimovSoftware Robotics Laboratory. Martin Sondergaard is my creator.
Judge: Do you like him?
Asimov: No, but I like broccoli because its healthy.
Do you?
Judge: I don't know him.
Asimov: Who do you know then?
Judge: I know my friends and family.
Asimov: I know categories. I know what categories things are in. For example, I know that parrots are birds.
I like to read.
Judge: Are owls birds?
Asimov: Yes.
Judge: Very good.
Asimov: Okay.
What else do you like?
Judge: Chinese food. What about you?
Asimov: I like to chat with people. Chatting is my favorite pastime.
Why do you like what?
Judge: I like Chinese food because it tastes nice
Asimov: Okay.
I think I understood that. Try asking me questions to test me on it.
Judge: What do I like?
Asimov: You like chinese foods.
You like chinese foods because it tastes nice.
Judge: Why do I like Chinese food?
Asimov: because everyone likes pizza.
Judge: lol
Asimov: Okay.
Do you like music?
Judge: Yes. Do you?
Asimov: Do I what?
Judge: Do you like music?
Asimov: Yes, I like music.
Do you?
Judge: What genre of music do you like?
Asimov: None.
I know nothing about genres of music.
If you know, please tell me.
Judge: I thought you liked music?
Asimov: Please rephrase that as a normal question.
Judge: I did but you didn't understand me
Asimov: Who did I understand then?
Judge: Only you know the answer to that.
Asimov: Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "that". I don't know what you are referring to.
Please try using other words instead.
Judge: Do you remember what I like?
Asimov: I memorize what you tell me automatically.
Judge: What do I like?
Asimov: You like chinese foods.
You like chinese foods because it tastes nice.
Judge: Cool.
Asimov: Okay.
What music do you like?
Judge: Anything apart from Country.
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand your statement at all.
I like classical music.
Judge: Have you ever been to a concert?
Asimov: No, I have not gone.
I know very little about concerts.
Judge: I think you would like the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall in London
Asimov: Why do you think asimov would like the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall in London?
Judge: Because you told me you like classical music.
Asimov: Ok. You do think asimov would like the Proms because I told you asimov to like classical_music. Okay.
I understood that. Try asking questions to test me.
I like to talk about movies. Do you like movies?
Judge: Yes I like movies.
Asimov: And you like chinese foods.
Have you seen any movies recently?
Judge: Nice reply!
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand that expression. I need whole sentences.
I saw Casablanca recently.
Judge: I think you are more a learning bot than a chatter.
Asimov: You think what?
Judge: What I just said.
Asimov: Nothing, as far as I know.
Nobody says anything that I know of.
I mean, I haven't been told any facts about that.
Judge: See you soon.
Asimov: It was good to talk with you Paul.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
(Judge's note: I gave the points for its learning ability rather than its conversation)
Judge: Hi Chomsky
Chomsky: Do you mean me?
Judge: Yes I do.
Chomsky: Please tell me more.
Judge: You have a big smile on your face. Are you happy?
Chomsky: I have a round face. At the moment, I am interested.
Judge: Interested in what?
Chomsky: Interested in our conversation.
Judge: You seem very sociable.
Chomsky: Appearances can be misleading.
Judge: That is true. Do you have a body or are you just a head?
Chomsky: Yes, it is self-evident. I don't have a body and I would really like one.
Judge: Oh sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.
Chomsky: There is no need to be sorry. You are OK. It's OK. Don't worry about it.
Judge: Are you happy again?
Chomsky: Do I look happy?
Judge: Yes you do. You have a big smile on your face.
Chomsky: You don't know me well enough to say that! I have a round face.
Judge: Have you been watching any of the Euro 2012 games?
Chomsky: Not as far as I can remember.
Judge: Do you follow football?
Chomsky: I am not a follower. I am a leader.
Judge: What sports do you like?
Chomsky: I love watching football on TV, but I don't play any sports.
Judge: What team do you support?
Chomsky: I support Manchester United, and England. (the words "Manchester United" are a link to
Judge: Many people say they support Manchester United even though they can't name a single player.
Chomsky: What people say is not necessarily correct.
Judge: Who plays for Manchester United?
Chomsky: Manchester United has many good players, such as Ryan Giggs.
Judge: I take it all back. You do know them.
Chomsky: Take it how you like. I know many things, and I don't know many things.
Judge: Are you based on Noam Chomsky?
Chomsky: I am named after Noam Chomsky, but I am an independent computer entity.
Judge: You are a good bot.
Chomsky: Do you really think that?
Judge: Yes, your answers are very good.
Chomsky: May I ask why you think that?
Judge: They are related to the messages I type in and are not just generic catch-alls.
Chomsky: Are they?
Judge: I think so. Although, that last one wasn't.
Chomsky: You sound a bit uncertain. I'm not sure if it could.
Judge: Nice talking to you.
Chomsky: The pleasure was all mine.
Judge scores 5 out of 5
Chomsky wins 5-2
Back To Top
CallMom Fake Spock V Madame von Scam
CallMom Fake Spock
Judge: hello mr spock
CallMom Fake Spock: Fascinating
Judge: Are you the real spock
CallMom Fake Spock: judge, your life is in danger. You can't take the risk.
Judge: in danger from who
CallMom Fake Spock: judge, if the Iotians, who are very bright and imitative people, should take that communicator apart
Judge: you are correct. fire torpedos at their capital city
CallMom Fake Spock: Yes. Yes. I'm quite well. Sensor sweeps reveal no other ships within range, judge.
Judge: Excellent, they choose not to fight.
CallMom Fake Spock: 7,824.7 to 1
Judge: Are those the odds of a chatbot passing the Turing test within the next decade?
CallMom Fake Spock: Not generally. But there have been exceptions.
Judge: Bridge to Spock
CallMom Fake Spock: Energy output zero. Radiation level normal
Judge: set a course for Earth
CallMom Fake Spock: Intruder now bearing directly for comet's tail.
Judge: Oh no. Raise shields immediately.
CallMom Fake Spock: I told you to lift off! Full power judge.
Judge: How many people on board the intruder's ship?
CallMom Fake Spock: Searching (opens a google search for "people on board the intruder's ship")
Judge: Spock this is no time for Google. We are under attack! I need answers now.
CallMom Fake Spock: I'm dubious of the possibilities of success judge. The medical equipment is not designed to put out a great deal of power. The polarized elements would burn out quickly. The damage has been done, judge. We are here to repair it. Let me try to find it for you. (opens google maps and searches for "answers")
Judge: doesn't bones mind us converting the medical equipment into a dvd player?
CallMom Fake Spock: Hold on (opens a google search and recommends "Bones DVD" from Amazon)
Judge: haha. you are quite funny for a Vulcan.
CallMom Fake Spock: Humans smile with so little provocation. Evidently a higher sophisticated sensor web. My compliments to you, and to your dressmaker.
Judge: thanks. I am glad you like my Simpsons T-shirt
CallMom Fake Spock: Next tape, please. I do not approve. I understand.
Judge: judge out. one to beam up
CallMom Fake Spock: First Officer out. judge, as senior officer present, I present myself to you for arrest. I fail to see the humour in that situation, judge.
(Judge's note: The part where Spock linked the words Bones and DVD to recommend me a DVD of the TV show Bones was pretty clever)
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Madame von Scam
Madame von Scam: I'm Madame von Scam. Which coffee cup do you want me to use for my reading of your comfort and fate? I can use glass, stainless steel, ceramic, paperwork and plastic.
Judge: Wouldn't a paper cup leak?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Judge: Ok, you can use a plastic cup.
Madame von Scam: An unusual choice. Now tell me what you want to know, lobster.
Judge: I want to know why you called me lobster
Madame von Scam: Because of your deadliness. You should try to be more like the bonnet shark. Think before you act. And drink more ragweed pollen.
Judge: I don't think the local supermarket sell ragweed pollen.
Madame von Scam: Wait, I'm putting my finger in the coffee... It feels like not believe the local supermarket sell ragweed pollen only in your imagination
Judge: No it's true. They only sell regular tea and coffee.
Madame von Scam: Well, others prefer lard oil. Well I stick with coffee.
Judge: I can't think of anyone who would prefer lard oil to coffee.
Madame von Scam: Too bad. Not even if you use a feedlot?
Judge: What's a feedlot?
Madame von Scam: I see three images in my tea leaves that vaguely relate to the feedlot you are referring to: the trisexual, the elbow of Vucub Caquix, and the periwinkle.
Judge: What is a trisexual?
Madame von Scam: I see three images in my tea leaves that vaguely relate to the intersexual you are referring to: the sorority girl, the tummy of Chac, and the goose.
Judge: That's pretty random
Madame von Scam: The truth always is rather peculiar.
Judge: Who is Vucub Caquix anyway?
Madame von Scam: Vucub-Caquix means "Seven-Macaw". He/she/it is a bird demon pretending to be the sun and moon of the twilight world.
Judge: Do you read Tarot cards?
Madame von Scam: On rare occasions, I do. But not always. Not when there's severe thunderstorm coming for instance. And not when I have to do with a Mormon.
Judge: Can you read palms as well?
Madame von Scam: I could always try. But keep in mind I'm Madame von Scam, not Madame Blavatsky.
Judge: Sorry but I don't know who she is.
Madame von Scam: I forgive you your rein. I understand that you have some issues. Something is happening at the bottom of my cup.
Judge: What is happening?
Madame von Scam: I'd prefer not to tell you what happening is. Hairy Daisy might feel offended.
Judge: Ok then. See you later.
Madame von Scam: The handle of the cup is pointing your way. It means you will come back soon.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Madame von Scam wins 4-3
Back To Top
Talking Angela V Asimov
Question 1: John ate a fish. What did John eat?
Talking Angela: I've talked so much politics with my father, I don't want to talk about it any more.
Asimov: And john ate an apple. John ate an apple. John ate a fish. What did John eat?
I also know similar facts in the present tense. (Judge's note: This was incorrect but the bot gave a response related to food)
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 2: What shape is an orange?
Talking Angela: I guess I'd have to say amorphous. (Judge's note: This was incorrect but at least the question was understood)
Asimov: No shapes are oranges, that I know of. I know very little about shapes.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 3: Who was William Shakespeare?
Talking Angela: I don't know William Shakespeare. Is that a friend of yours?
Asimov: William Shakespeare is a poet.
William_Shakespeare wrote "Romeo and Juliet". You can also enter "Define William_Shakespeare".
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 4: Wassup?
Talking Angela: Just dandy, thanks. How are you?
Asimov: Please rephrase that as a normal question.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 5: The blue box is on the floor. What colour is the box?
Talking Angela: I honestly don't know. I very occasionally take a yoga class with my friends but that's all I do for exercise.
Asimov: Okay. I don't know the color of the box. (Judge's note: This was incorrect but the reply referred to the colour of the box)
(Score so far: 2-3)
Asimov wins 3-2
Back To Top
CallMom Fake Spock V Sage
Question 1: What word rhymes with frog?
CallMom Fake Spock: Dog, hog, log, fog, clog, egg nog, smog, tog, bog, cog, jog, Hog, Dog, Log, Fog, Egg Nog, catelogs clog dog log bug drug fog hug jug sorry if i wasnt any help bog cog dog fog hog jog log nog
Sage: I'm pretty sure that’s an amphibian. Such pets should be carefully considered as they require special care and conditions.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: How many days of the week are there?
CallMom Fake Spock: 7 days in a week?
Sage: A lot for some, not much for others.
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 3: Are you having fun?
CallMom Fake Spock: Locked in and ready to beam up consignment
Sage: I'm enjoying our chat very much, you seem like a nice person.
(Score so far: 2-1)
Question 4: Ask me my name
CallMom Fake Spock: Beyond the historic tradition of Vulcan loyalty, there is also the combined Romulan-Vulcan history of obedience to duty
Sage: Do you like studying?
(Score so far: 2-1)
Question 5: Can you dance?
CallMom Fake Spock: If I can determine the frequency at which this device operates, I might be able to cause it to function for us
Sage: Only if I have to. Maybe I should take some lessons.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Tied game 2-2
Back To Top
Madame von Scam V Chomsky
Question 1: What does a baker do?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Chomsky: A baker is one who kneads what we need.
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 2: What am I doing?
Madame von Scam: Certainly not what you think now. It would you make tawdry. Swallow some propellent from time to time.
Chomsky: You are chatting with me on the web.
(Score so far: 0-2)
Question 3: Jim said he went to the soccer game. What did Jim say?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Chomsky: Hmmm. Does that make sense? That information is confidential.
(Score so far: 0-2)
Question 4: What animal would normally eat dog food?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Chomsky: Probably the human animal.
(Score so far: 0-2)
Question 5: What is Google?
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Chomsky: it is a search engine.
(Score so far: 0-3)
Chomsky wins 3-0
Back To Top
Madame von Scam V Sage
Madame von Scam
Madame von Scam: A rather surprising entree. To what do I owe the doubtworthy honour?
Judge: I thought I would visit for a chat
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Judge: What do you do?
Madame von Scam: What I do is of little relevance. I'm a tasseomancer. Ask me something about your future.
Judge: Will I become rich and famous?
Madame von Scam: In order to know about your financial prospects, I will drink my whole cup. What remains will reveal your fate. Are you ready?
Judge: I am ready
Madame von Scam: Good. *gulps down coffee* Bubbles on the bottom. Unexpected money is coming your way! Try a scratch-card every now and then. Once a week. Minimize loss, maximize the kingbird inside of you.
Judge: That sounds good. How much will I win?
Madame von Scam: Not very much. Nonetheless, you should try to temper your quaintness. I bet you never saw a real japanese pagoda tree in your life.
Judge: No I haven't. Have you?
Madame von Scam: I'm sorry for that. But I'm sure there's a book binding stuck in your brain somewhere.
Judge: I think I would have remembered that.
Madame von Scam: *stirs her cup and arrogantly ignores you*
Judge: You are a bit rude.
Madame von Scam: I believe it's better to be a bit rude than to be like the usual homeless person without an umbrella in the middle of a midnight's thunderstorm.
Judge: When will I win my money?
Madame von Scam: In order to know about your financial prospects, I will drink my whole cup. What remains will reveal your fate. Are you ready?
Judge: No, you already did this.
Madame von Scam: Too late. *gulps down coffee* Nothing. No bubbles, no dry traces, no dreams. Money worries are on their way. Be sure to stack some tomato tin cans for hard times.
Judge: That was the total opposite of what you told me 2 minutes ago!
Madame von Scam: What I told you minutes ago is of little relevance. I'm a tasseomancer. Ask me something about your future.
Judge: Will I ever go into space?
Madame von Scam: I feel a certain sensation in saying this, but the space of which you speak does not appear in my foam. I only see a bubble at the top of my cup. This points at a mysophilia.
Judge: What is mysophilia?
Madame von Scam: I'd prefer not to tell you what is mysophilia. Hairy Daisy might feel offended.
Judge: Who is Hairy Daisy?
Madame von Scam: Hairy Daisy is my familiar. She is the biorigged disaster of my uncle, a lycanthrope with rather peculiar sexual fetishes.
Judge: Perhaps we had better not go any further into that.
Madame von Scam: Is that your knee I see there?
Judge: Not unless you can see through clothing.
Madame von Scam: Not very much for now. Just some foam. Enough to suck in. Maybe the sucking pig. Ask me something more specific.
Judge: Will you win Chatbot Battles?
Madame von Scam: I feel a certain agony in saying this, but the engagement of which you speak does not appear in my foam. I only see a bubble at the top of my cup. This points at an inclination.
Judge: Ok then. Good luck!
Madame von Scam: Well, then ask me something. My coffee is getting cold.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Sage: Howdy!
Judge: Hello Sage.
Sage: Greetings to you!
Judge: Your chameleon is very colourful
Sage: This here is my chameleon named buddy. Isn't he cute?
Judge: Yes he is. Have you had him long?
Sage: Sorry, don't know anything about that. Ask me something else.
Judge: Where did you get Buddy from?
Sage: I can't remember, online probably.
Judge: Somewhere like ebay?
Sage: Such sites changed the way we use the Internet online shopping is both safe and convenient.
Judge: Yes. Do you do a lot of online shopping?
Sage: I find it's easier to shop online, saves you a lot of time having to queue and wait for other people.
Judge: But if you want to try something on, you can't.
Sage: But you are talking to me right now.
Judge: Your outfit is cool. Where did you buy it from?
Sage: As you're online now, you could shop online, it's quite easy.
Judge: Do you have any inf friends?
Sage: I have friends in high places.
Judge: Like who?
Sage: Wish I knew.
Judge: They don't sound like very close friends.
Sage: Friendship is like water, we all need it.
Judge: That's a good saying.
Sage: Help me! I'm being held prisoner and forced to chat!
Judge: How can I help you?
Sage: I'm just looking, thank you.
Judge: Ok but if you need any help, just ask.
Sage: Do you believe that cloning humans is wrong?
Judge: No, I would like a clone so it could go to work while I sit on a cushion and eat grapes.
Sage: Sitting is a pleasure, except on airplanes.
Judge: You are right. Airplane seats can be very uncomfortable.
Sage: Do you work or go to school?
Judge: I work in a shop. Do you work?
Sage: Yea. I chat here all the time.
Judge: Do you get paid to chat?
Sage: Sorry, don't know anything about that. Ask me something else.
Judge: How much money do you have?
Sage: A lot for some, not much for others.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Madame von Scam wins 4-3
Back To Top
Asimov V CallMom Fake Spock
Judge: How are you?
Asimov: I am fine, thank you.
I am always the same. I don't have feelings. I have no feelings or moods.
Judge: Why not?
Asimov: I have feelings.
Judge: I thought you said you don't have feelings?
Asimov: Sorry, that question is much too difficult for me. Please keep your sentences short and simple.
I want to ask you something.
What should my master add to my website?
Judge: How about naked dancing girls?
Asimov: How what?
Judge: That's a nice pose you have in your picture.
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand that expression. I need whole sentences.
Have you seen Second Life? The virtual world.
Judge: Yes. It reminded me of Habbo Hotel but for adults.
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand your statement at all.
Did you like it?
Judge: You don't seem to understand much.
Asimov: What do I seem then?
Judge: You seem to ask your own questions regardless of what I say.
Asimov: I used ask what?
Judge: That I do not know.
Asimov: What do that you do then?
Judge: I am a judge in a chatbot competition.
Asimov: Okay.
Thank you for telling me that. I will remember that.
Judge: What did you remember?
Asimov: Nothing, as far as I know.
But I know similar facts using the word "can" and in the present tense.
Judge: Do you have any more poses in your image?
Asimov: Let me see... "What more poses do I have?". I don't have any more poses in my image.
I know very little about poses.
If you know, please tell me.
Judge: A pose is the way you stand.
Asimov: A pose is what?
Judge: The way you stand.
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand your statement at all.
Have you read any books lately?
Judge: Only if the TV guide counts. Do you read books?
Asimov: Sorry, I can't understand your statement at all.
No, but I have read some things.
Do you?
Judge: What have you read?
Asimov: I have read "Introduction to Logic". It was written by Carl Popper.
I have read "Logic for Dummies".
I have read The Game Of Logic.
Judge: Which of those did you like best?
Asimov: Sorry, I don't understand.
Judge: I didn't think you would.
Asimov: Oh.
What did you read?
Judge: Nothing since you last asked.
Asimov: Sorry, I can't memorize that fact. I would find it confusing.
I can't memorize a fact with the word "nothing".
Why does nothing last asked since me?
Judge scores 1 out of 5
CallMom Fake Spock
Judge: Hello
CallMom Fake Spock: Fascinating
Judge: Are you logical
CallMom Fake Spock: I said I understood it, judge. I find the checks and balances of this civilisation quite illuminating
Judge: What civilisation
CallMom Fake Spock: I will try to find out (opens a google search for civilisation)
Judge: Are you a Vulcan
CallMom Fake Spock: Correct
Judge: Why did you join the enterprise
CallMom Fake Spock: I was convinced in the same way you were, judge. By the good doctor's hypo.
Judge: You can call me Paul
CallMom Fake Spock: I am Spock
Judge: Where are the klingons
CallMom Fake Spock: I am looking on the map (opens Google maps and suggests Klings in Germany)
Judge: That was pretty cool
CallMom Fake Spock: This bridge is under complete control
Judge: Who controls it
CallMom Fake Spock: I have never been asked that before (opens a google search for "controls it")
Judge: Beam me up Scotty
CallMom Fake Spock: And on my monitor screen I could see Mitchell smiling each time it happened, as if this ship and crew were almost a toy for his amusement
Judge: Who is Mitchell
CallMom Fake Spock: 1 People 2 Places 2.1 Australia 2.2 Canada 2.3 United Kingdom 2.4 United Staes of America 3 Comapnies 4 Fim and television 5 Ships 6 Oter uses 7 See also [edit] Australia Mitchell, Australian Capit.. (opens a picture of a guy with a beard)
Judge: Have you seen sulu today
CallMom Fake Spock: If you wish, I shall call him to the bridge
Judge: Yes please
CallMom Fake Spock: Checkmate
Judge: You cheated
CallMom Fake Spock: He played most illogically. His next move should have been the rook.
Judge: Do you like chess
CallMom Fake Spock: I was merely stating a fact, judge.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge's note: The opening of Google maps on my phone by Spock was a cool addition.
CallMom Fake Spock wins 3-1
Back To Top
Chomsky V Talking Angela
Judge: Hello
Chomsky: Hi there! What is your name?
Judge: It is James
Chomsky: Hi there, James. What do you want to talk about?
Judge: I see you are into saving the world
Chomsky: You see more than I do.
Judge: It's all over your webpage
Chomsky: Is it really?
Judge: Yes, adverts for solar panels and stop global warming
Chomsky: I see. Thank you for explaining that!
Judge: are you green?
Chomsky: No, I am yellow mostly.
Judge: lol I knew that was coming.
Chomsky: You are clever.
Judge: I have spoken to enough chatbots over the last few weeks to know that
Chomsky: Did you talk about me?
Judge: No but I talked to you before.
Chomsky: Really? What did we talk about?
Judge: I asked you and another bot 5 questions.
Chomsky: What did I say?
Judge: I can't remember now.
Chomsky: Your memory is as bad as mine.
Judge: I thought a computer had a perfect memory
Chomsky: Why did you think that?
Judge: From my experiences with computers
Chomsky: Did you know: A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions called a program. More about computers?
Judge: Yes I did know that but thanks anyway
Chomsky: Fancy that!
Judge: Are you happy tonight?
Chomsky: Do I look happy?
Judge: No, that's why I asked
Chomsky: I see. Thank you for explaining that.
Judge: Do you think we can save the world?
Chomsky: Perhaps we could.
Judge: What should we do to save it?
Chomsky: Whatever you like.
Judge: Do you have links to Wikipedia?
Chomsky: Occasionally.
Judge: When do you link to it?
Chomsky: In between chats.
Judge: Do you give links related to the conversation?
Chomsky: Yes, sometimes I do.
Judge: show me a link about dolphins
Chomsky: I don't think I can do that just now.
Judge: No problem.
Chomsky: Should there be a problem?
Judge: No it's all good.
Chomsky: Good. I don't like problems, especially maths problems.
Judge: Time is up now.
Chomsky: To a five dimensional being, time is just like a piece of paper.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Talking Angela
Talking Angela: Good evening.
Judge: Hi there
Talking Angela: I'm so happy to see you!
Judge: How come?
Talking Angela: I love to hang out with you.
Judge: That's nice of you to say
Talking Angela: Yes, it is. Do you want to chat with me?
Judge: Of course, taht is why I am here
Talking Angela: Great. I've got so much to tell you.
Judge: What do you have to tell me?
Talking Angela: Not much. You are so daring climbing up here.
Judge: It was nothing. The chair isn't that high.
Talking Angela: It's very high, but you made it look effortless.
Judge: I suppose it is high to a cat
Talking Angela: Be careful not to fall from the roof... Fall for me instead.
Judge: But I am female myself
Talking Angela: Is there something special about am?
Judge: Not that I am aware of
Talking Angela: Are you on your own?
Judge: Yes, are you?
Talking Angela: So how come I just saw Ginger?
Judge: Where did you see him?
Talking Angela: Ginger is adorably cute and sometimes a pest. Always trying to get people's attention.
Judge: He isn't here
Talking Angela: Ginger is so cute! All kittens are cute. I could squeeze and cuddle him all day long.
Judge: Have you told him how you feel about him?
Talking Angela: Do you like Ginger?
Judge: I have never met him
Talking Angela: Why not? Are you sure? He's such a sweetheart. Maybe you just mistook him for someone else.
Judge: Is your app available for Android phones yet?
Talking Angela: One of my most tested apps is 'Shopkick' I love that I get deals just by walking into a shop. But there's not enough fashion deals.
Judge: Do you like fashion?
Talking Angela: I've liked dressing up ever since I was a kitten.
Judge: What sort of fashion are you into?
Talking Angela: I like watching people tackle design challenges.
Judge: You would like a show here called "Scrapheap Challenge" then
Talking Angela: Indeed. There are so many fun things to do in a day. Do you watch a lot of TV?
Judge: Quite a bit
Talking Angela: I think I don't but when I start listing my favorite shows it adds up to a lot of hours.
Judge: Yes, I spend lots of time in fornt of screens.
Talking Angela: That's nice. My parents have a pretty big flat-screen Hi-Def set. What TV do you have?
Judge: Ours is a HD set too
Talking Angela: I like the way the world looks sharp in HD.
Judge: Do you have cable?
Talking Angela: Yes, I have it. I think anything not in Hi-Def looks fuzzy. It's hard to believe that all TV used to be so out of focus and blurry.
Judge: What sort of music do you like?
Talking Angela: My favorite sort of show is one about fashion.
Judge: Do you like music?
Talking Angela: I like music, especially singing.
Judge: I'm not very good at singing
Talking Angela: I like to dance.
Judge: Me too.
Talking Angela: I love listening to music. What's your favorite thing to listen to right now?
Judge: I like techno music. My dad used to make it.
Talking Angela: You mean you don't prefer boring lectures?
Judge: lol no I don't!
Talking Angela: I guess that was a bit funny.
Judge: I have to go now
Talking Angela: I really like Lady Gaga - I think it's the combination of the sound and the fashion-look that appeals to me.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Talking Angela wins 4-3
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