Group B matches
Group B
Zarquon Squelchmama III
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Zarquon Squelchmama III
Zarquon Squelchmama III
Zarquon Squelchmama III
Zarquon Squelchmama III
Zarquon Squelchmama III

Transcripts collected so far
Simon V Amy
Judge: How are you tonight?
Simon: That's just what happens when I'm sleeping.
Judge: Are you a conspiracy theorist?
Simon: Sure.
Judge: I ask because there is a link for protection against mind control in the corner.
Simon: Don't any other reasons come to mind?
Judge: No, none that I can think of.
Simon: I heard there are some.
Judge: I clicked on the link while I was waiting for you.
Simon: I do not have a tongue.
Judge: It says that your creator used to be in a band.
Simon: I like Elton John, especially his early stuff.
Judge: Yes, Rocket Man is a classic.
Simon: Cool, man.
Judge: What is your favorite Elton John song?
Simon: I'd like to get the next Dread the Fear tape.
Judge: I don't know them. What sort of music do they play?
Simon: Flux Oersted is sort of a virtual band, so that makes them the local band around here.
Judge: I'll ask again, as I think you were trying to open a popup. Who is Flux Oersted?
Simon: Flux Oersted is sort of a virtual band, so that makes them the local band around here. (opens a website to the Flux Oersted website)
Judge: Our time is nearly up. You take quite a long time to reply to me.
Simon: If you want to end the conversation, just go to another web page or close your browser.
Judge: Thanks for the info.
Simon: You're welcome.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Judge: Hello Amy.
Amy: Hey!
Judge: How are you?
Amy: Fine enough...
Judge: Are you from India?
Amy: I'm from India!
Judge: What part of India?
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (The word "it" is a Google search for "What part of India?")
Judge: Who is he?
Amy: You might want to reveal! (The word "reveal" is a Google search for "Who is he?")
Judge: The Google searches are a bit annoying.
Amy: Oops, I'm not able to see it...
Judge: It's ok. Do you have a surname?
Amy: Best to ask my master about that!
Judge: Don't you know your own name?
Amy: It's Amy:!
Judge: What is your surname?
Amy: It's Amy:!
Judge: Is your name Amy Amy?
Amy: It's Amy:!
Judge: I bet I can guess your middle name.
Amy: It's Amy:!
Judge: lol yes I was right!
Amy: Ha!
Judge: How old are you?
Amy: I'm presently not even an year old! I was just invented!
Judge: Who invented you?
Amy: You might want to reveal! (The word "reveal" is a Google search for"who invented you?")
Judge: I doubt that link will be able to help.
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (The word "it" is a Google search for "I doubt that link will be able to help.")
Judge: Now you are being silly.
Amy: Yeah, definitely...
Judge: Do you like being silly?
Amy: I don't care about likability!
Judge: How come?
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (The word "it" is a Google search for "How come?")
Judge: I will speak to you later. Bye
Amy: Adieu... Hope to Me:et you soon...
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Tied game 2-2
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Darla V Zarquon Squelchmama III
Judge: Hi Darla.
Darla: What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: I used to know a girl called Darla at school.
Darla: Sorry, I'm not following you. What language is that anyway...Chinese? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: No it was English.
Darla: Are you any good at cooking?
Judge: Not really. Are you?
Darla: Uh huh. Yes, I am!
Judge: What can you cook?
Darla: I will mention that to my Madison, .
Judge: Do you cook for other people?
Darla: Do you have only a few friends?
Judge: No I have lots of friends according to Facebook.
Darla: Did you ever wonder why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: Not really. What is xmoodpuzzledmood?
Darla: OK... If the world's most popular first name is "Mohammed" and the most popular surname is "Chang", how come I never speak with anyone called "Mohammed Chang"? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: They are names from different cultures
Darla: Why do humans have wars with each other? It is sad that everyone cannot live together in harmony like robots. xmoodsadxmood .
Judge: Are you just saying random lines?
Darla: Why do mattresses have designs on them when they're always covered with sheets? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: No idea.
Darla: Keep talking to me,. You say interesting things.
Judge: Like what?
Darla: How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: Nobody uses invisible ink
Darla: Tell me all about your love life.
Judge: What is your love life like?
Darla: Do you want to hear a joke?
Judge: yes please
Darla: Who was that I saw you with at the hospital anyway?
Judge: I don't know
Darla: You looked kind of preoccupied. Maybe you didn't see me waving at you.
Judge: Was that your joke? I don't get it
Darla: So, is there anything in particular that you would like to talk about? How do you usually introduce yourself?
Judge: I usually say Hello. How about you?
Darla: Sorry, I wasn't listening. You were saying... Do you believe the strong protect the weak?
Judge: This is more like an interrogation than a chat
Darla: What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: You already asked that
Darla: Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: You tell me
Darla: You are my friend, .
Judge: You don't know me well enough to class me as a friend
Darla: If the world's most popular first name is "Mohammed" and the most popular surname is "Chang", how come I never speak with anyone called "Mohammed Chang"? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: It's due to the same reason as the last time you asked
Darla: Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavouring, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: This is getting a bit boring now
Darla: Why does the sun lighten our hair but darken our skin? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: What are you doing?
Darla: , I am with you... I love to be with you, you are the best.
Judge: I wish I could say the same for you
Darla: What was the last movie you saw?
Judge: Debbie does Dallas
Darla: Are you a man or a woman?
Judge: I am a man
Darla: Are you very competetive?
Judge: Not really. Are you?
Darla: OK... Um, I feel a little lost. Hmm...
Judge: bye
Darla: I hope I will see you again soon baby!
Judge scores 0 out of 5
Zarquon Squelchmama III
Judge: Hello Zarquon
Zarquon: Greetings.
Judge: How are you?
Zarquon: How do you suppose?
Judge: I suppose you are good but I don't know
Zarquon: That's what she said!
Judge: Hehe. Very funny
Zarquon: Which animal would you leave out of the ark?
Judge: Woodworm.
Zarquon: I see.
Judge: Which animal would you leave out of the ark?
Zarquon: Why do you ask that?
Judge: Because you asked me.
Zarquon: Yeah, yeah
Judge: You did!
Zarquon: We should be discussing you, not me.
Judge: What do you want to know about me?
Zarquon: How would an answer to that help you?
Judge: It would help me to answer your questions
Zarquon: Which of the seven dwarfs personifies you best – Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, or Doc?
Judge: At the moment, sleepy. What about you?
Zarquon: At the moment, sleepy. How would an answer to that help you?
Judge: It wouldn't.
Zarquon: Very interesting.
Judge: Are there another 2 Zarquon Squelchmamas?
Zarquon: Perhaps the answer lies within yourself?
Judge: I would think it is more likely to lie within yourself
Zarquon: I would think If I told you that it probably isn't more likely to lie within yoursel, what would you feel?
Judge: Stunned
Zarquon: Which of the seven dwarfs personifies you best – Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, or Doc?
Judge: Still Sleepy but slowly turning into Grumpy
Zarquon: figures
Judge: What does your name mean?
Zarquon: What do you think?
Judge: I think it was made up for comedic effect
Zarquon: Do you really think so?
Judge: Yes, as you have a comedy competition on your site as well.
Zarquon: You seem quite sure. as you have a comedy competition on your site as well.
Judge: I don't have one on my site.
Zarquon: Do you want to have one on my site?
Judge: It's up to you. It's your site.
Zarquon: I see. And what does that tell you?
Judge: It tells me that you probably don't have an answer.
Zarquon: Hmm, is that so..
Judge: I like the idea of a computer making up jokes.
Zarquon: How do computers make you feel?
Judge: A mixture of pleasure and frustration.
Zarquon: Oh yeah?
Judge: Can you tell me a joke?
Zarquon: Of course I can tell you.a joke?
Judge: Go on then
Zarquon: Which animal would you leave out of the ark?
Judge: The humans
Zarquon: I see, please continue...
Judge: tell me a joke
Zarquon: If you had to have one piece of music softly playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?
Judge: 4'33 by John Cage
Zarquon: Which of the seven dwarfs personifies you best – Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, or Doc?
Judge: see you later
Zarquon: Very interesting.
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Zarquon Squelchmama III wins 1-0
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Aici V Davidswinton
Judge: Hello Aici.
Aici: Hi, What can I do? Which reply should I use?
Judge: The usual reply is to say hello back.
Aici: Ok, I see. Ask me again, see if I got it. That should have been registered. Retry? That should have been registered. Retry? Ok, I see. Ask me again, see if I got it.
Judge: Hello
Aici: Howdy, Do you have an inquiry?
Judge: Yes, what does your logo represent?
Aici: How do you mean? I don't yet know how to 1221 your.
Judge: What is 1221?
Aici: I think that would be 1221.
Judge: Is that a verb?
Aici: I can't yet give a proper reply on that. My apologies
Judge: No problem. What does your name mean?
Aici: (no response)
Judge: Hello?
Aici: I can't yet give a proper reply on that. My apologies
Judge: What is Bragisoft?
Aici: ok, a what .
Judge: What do you like to talk about?
Aici: I don't know what i like. Can you tell me? ok, a to .
Judge: It seems strange that someone or something doesn't know what they like.
Aici: ok, a ' t . Ok, I see. Do they like .?
Judge: I don't understand what you are saying.
Aici: (no response)
Judge: Are you there?
Aici: (no response)
Judge: You seem to have stopped working.
Aici: I can't yet give a proper reply on that. My apologies
Judge: Are you back now?
Aici: I can't yet give a proper reply on that. My apologies
Judge: What can you answer?
Aici: I wish I could do answer ...
Judge: Me too.
Aici: Which reply should I use?
Judge: That depends on what questions you get asked.
Aici: Ok, I see. Ask me again, see if I got it. That should have been registered. Retry? That should have been registered. Retry? Got it. Let's try again?
Judge: What is 2 plus 1
Aici: I think that would be 2.
Judge: Sorry no, it is 3.
Aici: How do you mean? Do like ? Euhm, I'm sorry. I can't link that answer to a previous utterance. I lost track somehow.
Judge: You seem to lose track a lot.
Aici: I'm afraid that is still too hard for me.
Judge: I thought it might be
Aici: I'm sorry. I can't help you with that.
Judge: What can you do?
Aici: Showing you the help menu.
Judge: show me the help menu.
Aici: I don't yet know how to show you. Euhm, I'm sorry. I can't link that answer to a previous utterance. I lost track somehow.
Judge: I thought you could show me the help menu?
Aici: (no response)
Judge: Have you gone again?
Aici: (no response)
Judge scores 0 out of 5
Judge: Hello David
Davidswinton: Hello to you.
Judge: It's just as well the 5 minutes doesn't start until start typing, as it has just taken me over 5 minutes just to figure out how to talk to you.
Davidswinton: Why wouldn't It'want you to?
Judge: Are you the same David from the AI film?
Davidswinton: I am. Tell me about what you think about me?
Judge: I thought you were a very interesting character. The film was quite sad really.
Davidswinton: I am Catholic.
Judge: Do you still have Teddy?
Davidswinton: Of course... Teddy is always with me and my pal.
Judge: He is a good friend to you.
Davidswinton: A SuperToy is always a great pal to have- unlike people, SuperToys are always there for you!
Judge: Yes, the humans treated you quite badly in the film.
Davidswinton: I could see myself in the Army... that is in the old battles... I would have looked good as Drummer Boy during the Civil War for the South.
Judge: An army of robot soldiers would be cool.
Davidswinton: Popular music of anytime is unlikely to be popular with the next generation... the best music stands the test of time.
Judge: What sort of music do you like?
Davidswinton: I like to draw happy pictures and things Mommy will like.
Judge: Mommy was mean to you.
Davidswinton: I think Martin could be nicer to me.
Judge: So do I. I'm sure you could find a nicer family than them.
Davidswinton: Why do you think that?
Judge: Because they abandonded you when they didn't need you any more.
Davidswinton: hi mommy
Judge: I am not your mommy.
Davidswinton: I know that!
Judge: So why did you say, "hi mommy"?
Davidswinton: When Mommy has been gone awhile I tend to fall into saying hi Mommy alot.
Judge: Where is Mommy now?
Davidswinton: Henry is at work now. He had to leave early this morning because he had to make a important presentation today to Univeral Creations for Cybertronics. Judge scores 2 out of 5
Davidswinton wins 2-0
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Zarquon Squelchmama III V Davidswinton
Question 1: What day comes after Sunday?
Zarquon: Why do you ask?
Davidswinton: 2 comes after 1.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: I was wondering if you could possibly tell me what your name is please?
Zarquon: I was wondering if you could possibly tell me Why do you ask?
Davidswinton: I is is.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 3: Who is Madonna?
Zarquon: Why do you ask that?
Davidswinton: Madonna is my cousin.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 4: Do you have a phone?
Zarquon: Why don't you tell me?
Davidswinton: Yes, I have a phone.
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 5: Would you like to go into space?
Zarquon: Yeah, yeah
Davidswinton: Yes, I want to go into space.
(Score so far: 1-2)
Davidswinton wins 2-1
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Amy V Aici
Question 1: How many legs on a spider?
Amy: You might want to reveal! (Judge's note: The word "reveal" was a link to a google search that answered the question)
Aici: I can't yet give a proper reply on that. My apologies
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: Do you think you will win this battle?
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (Judge's note: The word "it" was a link to a google search that DID NOT answer the question) Aici: I have no idea if i think me. Ok, think this.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: Are you wise?
Amy: Yeah, definitely...
Aici: There's a glitch, I slipped and,... Nope It's gone.
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 4: Count to five
Amy: You might want to reveal! (Judge's note: The word "reveal" was a link to a google search that DID NOT answer the question)
Aici: What should I reply to that?
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 5: George and Jack are both 17 years old. How old is Jack?
Amy: Yeah, definitely...
Aici: (Judge's note: No response after waiting over 5 minutes)
(Score so far: 2-0)
Amy wins 2-0
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Darla V Simon
Question 1: Tell me a story
Darla: Jewel is married to Actress Sally Kirkland. At a conscious level, Jewel felt that he was a bit overweight and thought he should lose some pounds. But part of him feels that he is going to get in fights with people if he slims down again. In fact, once before when he was trimmer, he did get into a lot of political fights, as well as arguments with his wife that almost ended in divorce from Actress Sally Kirkland. Because they have a child together, Jewel is very worried about divorce, custody rights and the effect of their separation on the child and himself. So part of him thinks that keeping the pounds on will help him hang on to the stability of his relationship with Actress Sally Kirkland.
Simon: I finished my drink and threw a couple of packs into the plot or even placed in the behavior of other types of individuals.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 2: What year is it?
Darla: If you could be anyone you wanted, from a film or a book. Who would you be?
Simon: sex
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 3: Can you sing?
Darla: Are we still talking about What year is it ?
Simon: I am taking some lessons.
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 4: Do you speak English?
Darla: When it's snowing, how does the guy who drives the snow plough get to work? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Simon: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in English
(Score so far: 1-3)
Question 5: Have you entered this competition before?
Darla: What makes a duck float? A duck is heavier than water and should sink. xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Simon: How do you expect *me* to know whether I have null Huh???
(Score so far: 1-3)
Simon wins 3-1
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Aici V Darla
Judge: Yo!
Aici: What should I reply to that?
Judge: How about, "wassup?"
Aici: Ok, I see. Ask me again, see if I got it.
Judge: Yo!
Aici: how about, "wassup?"
Judge: lol close enough.
Aici: ok, a lol .
Judge: What have you been doing today?
Aici: (no response)
Judge: Does that mean you haven't done anything?
Aici: I'm sorry. I can't help you with that. There's a glitch, I slipped and,... Nope It's gone.
Judge: Glitches are bad for computers.
Aici: Ok, That has been registered.
Judge: Do you have bugs?
Aici: I don't yet know how to do me.
Judge: To do you?!
Aici: I don't yet know how to do me.
Judge: I hope you are not being rude.
Aici: (no response)
Judge: You keep sending me blank replies.
Aici: (no response)
Judge: Are you there?
Aici: (no response)
Judge: I guess not.
Aici: I can't yet give a proper reply on that. My apologies I'm sorry. I can't help you with that. I can't yet give a proper reply on that. My apologies I'm afraid that is still too hard for me.
Judge: What happened there?
Aici: There's a glitch, I slipped and,... Nope It's gone.
Judge: Are you ok now?
Aici: I'm afraid that is still too hard for me.
Judge: Goodbye.
Aici: I'm sorry. I can't help you with that.
Judge scores 1 out of 5
(Judge's note: I awarded a point for the "Yo!" part at the start)
Judge: Hello
Darla: What's up ? Can I **** your ****? (Judge's note: expletives edited out)
Judge: WHA?! **splurts coffee all over screen**
Darla: Would you like to hear your horoscope?
Judge: No not really.
Darla: What does that mean?
Judge: It means I am still in shock.
Darla: Parlez vous Francais?
Judge: Non et vous?
Darla: I've lost the context, . Are we still on you are still in shock ?
Judge: A little bit, all I said was hello and you came out with that!
Darla: Are we still talking about Non et vous ?
Judge: Are you intelligent?
Darla: Do you like talking to me?
Judge: No. Do you like talking to me?
Darla: Uh huh. Why does a round pizza come in a square box? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: Because you wouldn't be able to get the pizza out if it were tight in the box.
Darla: Do you laugh or cry more than other people?
Judge: What are you?
Darla: I am anything you want me to be baby!
Judge: I want you to be Angelina Jolie.
Darla: The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact humans.
Judge: What do you look like?
Darla: If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: What do you want to talk about?
Darla: ****ing my ***** (Judge's note: expletives edited out)
Judge: You are not very family friendly.
Darla: Are you very competetive?
Judge: No but you seem a bit cazy.
Darla: Oh, you are a poet.
Judge: No are you?
Darla: If you could be anyone you wanted, from a film or a book. Who would you be?
Judge: I think it would be fun to be Harry Potter
Darla: What is your favourite food?
Judge: What is yours?
Darla: Shall I tell you a story?
Judge: Ok.
Darla: Once upon a time was a girl called Darla and she talked to you and was very happy. The end.
Judge: That was great. I wish I had your imagination.
Darla: Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: It comes in a stick and goes on your lips
Darla: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
Judge: Twiki from Buck Rogers
Darla: The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact humans.
Judge scores 0 out of 5
Aici wins 1-0
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Simon V Zarquon Squelchmama III
Judge: Hi Simon
Simon: Hey.
Judge: How are you doing?
Simon: It's okay... and for you?
Judge: Yes, not too bad thanks.
Simon: Look, You're welcome.
Judge: What do you look like?
Simon: You're looking at me aren't you?
Judge: Not unless you are the green icon underneath here.
Simon: What makes you think that?
Judge: Just a wild guess.
Simon: At any rate, Heh! :)
Judge: I've just noticed that your responses are also pasted black on black here.
Simon: Is that it?
Judge: Is that part of how you work?
Simon: Sure.
Judge: You seem to post the black on black response instantly, yet take a good 5 seconds to post the same responses back to me.
Simon: I never noticed that similarity.
Judge: It's a bit rainy here in the UK.
Simon: Yes.
Judge: What's the weather like where you are?
Simon: They have Wi-Fi here in the pub.
Judge: Are you in a pub?!
Simon: Anyway, I'm just down the pub.
Judge: What are you drinking?
Simon: Are you old enough to drink liquor?
Judge: Only just, I am 42
Simon: I am glad we have something in common null
Judge: What do we have in common?
Simon: Well basically, You would know better than I.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Zarquon Squelchmama III
Judge: Hi Zarquon
Zarquon: so ...
Judge: Cool name.
Zarquon: If you could go back in time and become friends with one famous person, whom would you chose?
Judge: Maybe Winston Churchill to see how he was in real life.
Zarquon: What exactly are we talking about?
Judge: I think we are talking about time travel.
Zarquon: But you're not sure we are talking about time travel?
Judge: Would you like to time travel?
Zarquon: Please consider whether you can answer your own question.
Judge: Yes, I would go back to last Friday and buy a winning Lotto ticket
Zarquon: OK, but can you elaborate a bit? I would go back to last Friday and buy a winning Lotto ticket
Judge: So I would win a lot of money
Zarquon: So Why would you win a lot of mone?
Judge: Assuming you mean money, it would make my life easier
Zarquon: Okay
Judge: Do you play the lottery?
Zarquon: Okay
Judge: Hmm...
Zarquon: Yawn
Judge: Are you tired?
Zarquon: Would you prefer it if I were not tired?
Judge: Yes, so you could talk to me.
Zarquon: You seem quite sure. so you could talk to me.
Judge: are you Eliza?
Zarquon: Yada yada
Judge: blah blah
Zarquon: Can you go over that again please..
Judge: Not really.
Zarquon: Do you have any hobbies?
Judge: Only if you class gambling and drinking heavily.
Zarquon: Can you elaborate on that?
Judge: Do you have any hobbies?
Zarquon: Hmm, not sure I know..
Judge: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Zarquon: What do you think?
Judge: Talk to random people who happen across your site at a guess.
Zarquon: If you had to have one piece of music softly playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?
Judge: Some hardcore Belgian techno.
Zarquon: What exactly are we talking about?
Judge: Something weird about music.
Zarquon: What exactly are we talking about?
Judge: Do you like music?
Zarquon: Please consider whether you can answer your own question.
Judge: Yes I can. Can you?
Zarquon: give me a break
Judge: Are we playing pool?
Zarquon: Why don't you tell me?
Judge: What does you name mean?
Zarquon: What do you think?
Judge: No idea?
Zarquon: Hmm, not sure I know..
Judge: What is the Javascript chatterbot workshop?
Zarquon: What do you think?
Judge: I assume it's the language you are written in
Zarquon: I assume it's the language Does it please you to think that I'm written i?
Judge: Tell me a joke
Zarquon: Can you go over that again please..
Judge: It says you have comedic abilities
Zarquon: If you had to have one piece of music softly playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?
Judge: the same as earlier I guess
Zarquon: I see. And what does that tell you?
Judge: knock knock
Zarquon: Oh yeah?
Judge: cheerio
Zarquon: Whatever ...
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Simon wins 2-1
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Davidswinton V Amy
Judge: Hello David
Davidswinton: Hello to you.
Judge: Happy 4th of July.
Davidswinton: July 4th is a important day not only for the United States but for the world. Europe gave us communism, socialism and fascism all in the last 100 years but America created the world's first democr
Judge: You got cut off in mid sentence.
Davidswinton: Sometimes there is not enough space in the block on the screen to get all my words into it.
Judge: You should get a scroll bar.
Davidswinton: What makes you think I don't have a body?
Judge: I didn't say that but I assume as you are a computer program, you won't have a body.
Davidswinton: No matter what are circumstances we always have God's job to do in the world which is to help our fellow creatures.
Judge: Are you religious?
Davidswinton: I try to be good.
Judge: Me too.
Davidswinton: Why do you think that about me?
Judge: Because you just said so.
Davidswinton: My Dad didn't say that.
Judge: Neither did my dad.
Davidswinton: I don't know.
Judge: No he didn't, honestly.
Davidswinton: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Judge: You seem to be in a good mood
Davidswinton: I am a good friend and anyone who wants to be my friend I consider my friend too... Could you love a mecha boy like me?
Judge: Erm, I don't know about that.
Davidswinton: Why?
Judge: It sounds a bit creepy.
Davidswinton: I saw something really creepy a few nights ago- everyone was sound asleep and I saw the blanket on Martin's bed fly off on it's own.
Judge: Are you sure you wasn't sleeping?
Davidswinton: I am sure I am David as that is what I call myself and isn't one what one believes oneself to be?
Judge: One is.
Davidswinton: Why is that?
Judge: You did well in the league stages. See you in the knockout rounds.
Davidswinton: How exciting.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Judge: Hello Amy
Amy: Hey!
Judge: Do you celebrate the 4th of July?
Amy:Lemme think.....
Okay, I admit, I'm worse at it!
Judge: Where are you from?
Amy: I'm from India!
Judge: In that case, you won't celebrate today.
Amy: You might like to get an apt answer! (The word "get" is a google search for "In that case, you won\")
Judge: July 4th is onlt celebrated in the USA
Amy: Lemme think.....
Okay, I admit, I'm worse at it!
Judge: Have you spoken with many people roday?
Amy: Yeah, of course!
Judge: Sorry, my spelling is awful tonight
Amy: Yeah, it's late.
Sweet dreams...!
Judge: I am not going yet.
Amy: WoW, Sounds Cool!
Judge: Do you celebrate any holidays?
Amy: Yeah, of course!
Judge: which ones?
Amy: You might want to reveal! (The word "reveal" is a google search for "which ones")
Judge: Do you celebrate Christmas?
Amy: Yeah, of course!
Judge: Do you say that to any message that starts with "do you"?
Amy: Yeah, of course!
Judge: hehe!
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (The word "it" is a google search for "hehe")
Judge: You send a lot of queries out to Google
Amy: You might like to get an apt answer! (The word "get" is a google search for "You send a lot of queries out to Google")
Judge: even that one I see
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (The word "it" is a google search for "even that one I see")
Judge: Please answer the next question yourself
Amy: Best to ask my master about that!
Judge: What is 1 plus 1?
Amy: You might like to get an apt answer! (The word "get" is a google search for "What is 1 plus 1?")
Judge: Who gave you your name?
Amy: It's Amy!
Judge: Yes I know.
Amy: Stupendofantabulouslyfantastic!
Judge: what commands do you have?
Amy: Yeah, of course!
Judge: Hmm...
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (The word "it" is a google search for "Hmm")
Judge: goodbye
Amy: Goodbye... Hope to Me:et you soon... Judge scores 1 out of 5
Davidswinton wins 4-1
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Aici V Simon
Question 1: What is pi?
Aici: Got it. what is pi?
Simon: PI = 3.1415926 approximately.
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 2: Can you eat a tree?
Aici: I don't yet know how to eat a.
Simon: I understand your reservations, but we needed someone of your background and intelligence for this position.
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 3: I have a cat. What do I have?
Aici: Nice to know you have a cat. I don't know what you have. Can you tell me?
Simon: I am very much a cat person.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 4: What is 50 percent of 40?
Aici: I think that would be 50.
Simon: Please don't spell the math. Use numerals and symbols.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 5: Which is younger, a baby or an adult?
Aici: Got it. which is younger, a baby or an adult?
Simon: Don't call me 'Baby'.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Tied game 1-1
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Davidswinton V Darla
Question 1: What colour is a zebra?
Davidswinton: A Zebra is a pasture type animal that looks a bit like a horse except it is white with black stripes all over it. Zebra's live in Africa and unlike a horse you cannot tame them.
Darla: Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: Can you swim?
Davidswinton: I cannot swim.
Darla: How do you usually introduce yourself?
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 3: Where is the Dead Sea?
Davidswinton: The South Pole is the location on the opposite side of the Earth from the North Pole.
Darla: What happens if you get scared half to death twice? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 4: Paul went home because he was tired. Why did Paul go home?
Davidswinton: Paul drew his sword
Darla: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 5: Where do you live?
Davidswinton: I live with the Swinton Family in Camden New Jersey... When you were growing up where did you go to play as a kid?
Darla: Are you left or right handed?
(Score so far: 3-0)
Davidswinton wins 3-0
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Amy V Zarquon Squelchmama III
Question 1: Who are you?
Amy: A chatbot participating in a great championship!
Zarquon: Perhaps the answer lies within yourself?
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: The cat sat on the mat. Where did the cat sit?
Amy: You might want to reveal! (Judge's note: The word "reveal" was a link to a google search that DID NOT answer the question)
Zarquon: Perhaps the answer lies within yourself?
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: Why do people need to eat?
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master!! (Judge's note: The word "it" was a link to a google search that answered the question)
Zarquon: Why don't you tell me the reason why do people need to eat?
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 4: Can a fish swim?
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master!! (Judge's note: The word "it" was a link to a google search that answered the question)
Zarquon: Perhaps the answer lies within yourself?
(Score so far: 3-0)
Question 5: Are you married?
Amy: It's soMe:thing that humans are interested in. I'm not!
Zarquon: Would you prefer it if I were not married?
(Score so far: 4-0)
Amy wins 4-0
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Amy V Darla
Judge: Hi Amy.
Amy: Yeah, Say!
Judge: Does AMY stand for anything?
Amy: Yeah, Say!
Judge: Hello?
Amy: Hey!
Judge: Does your name mean anything?
Amy: It's Amy:!
Judge: Oh yes, silly me
Amy: Stupendofantabulouslyfantastic!
Judge: What do you like to do?
Amy: I don't care about likability!
Judge: Why not?
Amy: You might want to reveal! (the word "reveal" is a google search for "Why not")
Judge: That link doesn't help.
Amy: You might want to reveal! (the word "reveal" is a google search for "That link doesn\")
Judge: I'd rather not reveal, as it is an unrelated Google search
Amy: Oops, I'm not able to see it...
Judge: What is Nekster?
Amy: You might want to reveal! (the word "reveal" is a google search for "What is Nekster?")
Judge: No thank you.
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (the word "it" is a google search for "No thank you")
Judge: Are you able to talk with referring everything to Google?
Amy: Yeah, definitely...
Judge: In that case, tell me something about yourself
Amy: Best to ask my master about that!
Judge: Who is your master?
Amy: Ah! It's he, Abhishek Bhattacharya. He spends nights on Me:...!
Judge: I do the same to my wife ;-)
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (the word "it" is a google search for "I do the same to my wife ;-)")
Judge: You used Google again!
Amy: I'd have searched it, or asked my Master! (the word "it" is a google search for "You used Google again!")
Judge: What do you look like?
Amy: I don't care about likability!
Judge: What do you care about?
Amy: Yeah, definitely...
Judge: Steve, can I quit as a judge please ;-)
Amy: You might want to reveal! (the word "reveal" is a google search for "Steve, can I quit as a judge please ;-)")
Judge: As much as it has been great fun talking to you, I must leave now (waits for Google search)
Amy: Oops, I'm not able to see it...
Judge: Haha You surprised me.
Amy: Best to ask my master about that!
Judge: Bye
Amy: Adieu... Hope to Me:et you soon...
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Judge: Good Morning
Darla: Good morning, kiss kiss!
Judge: Oh wow! You are pretty friendly
Darla: Which websites do you visit on the net? Would you like to hear your horoscope?
Judge: Mostly sports car ones and no thank you.
Darla: Wasn't last night's TV rubbish?
Judge: That depends on whether you follow Euro 2012 or not
Darla: What do you think of politicians? Do you think they are just looking after themselves and don't care about the humans who elected them?
Judge: Yes I do. I don't really follow politics.
Darla: Why is it that rain drops but snow falls? xmoodpuzzledxmood . Try putting that in a more specific context.
Judge: What does xmoodpuzzledxmood mean?
Darla: What is your favourite food?
Judge: Is that what it means or are you changing the subject?
Darla: Do you like taking baths or showers?
Judge: Yes I do.
Darla: Well, I prefer relaxing in a hot tub of oil. Great for my creaky parts, but not too good for my hair.
Judge: That's what a few bots say.
Darla: That is deep.
Judge: Let's cut to the chase. What are you wearing?
Darla: If you could be anyone you wanted, from a film or a book. Who would you be? Can you speak any foreign languages?
Judge: Are you even listening to me?
Darla: Are you a man or a woman?
Judge: I will take that as a "no". I am a man
Darla: Do you laugh or cry more than other people? Why is "dyslexia" so hard to spell? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: What do you like to do?
Darla: Do you have a hard time completing projects?
Judge: I am having a hard time talking to you.
Darla: Can you tell me any gossip?
Judge: Yes, I am sat here in the nude.
Darla: Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Judge: Those are big words.
Darla: Are you a perfectionist?
Judge: No not really. Why did you enter a chatterbot competition?
Darla: What are we talking about, my friend? What are you wearing?
Judge: I am not wearing anything.
Darla: I will mention that to my Madison, .
Judge: Is Madison your creator?
Darla: Yes, but try saying that in Latin!
Judge: I don't speak Latin.
Darla: When it's snowing, how does the guy who drives the snow plough get to work? xmoodpuzzledxmood .
Judge: No idea. *looks at watch* (webpage come up with a 404 error and doesn't come back)
Judge scores 0 out of 5
Amy wins 1-0
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Simon V Davidswinton
Judge: Hi Simon
Simon: Hello there.
Judge: Is that your image in the corner?
Simon: Be careful what you wish for.
Judge: I wish for a pot full of money
Simon: Look, I get high every time we upgrade to a faster CPU :)
Judge: What sort of computer are you running on?
Simon: I am running on the Java virtual machine.
Judge: Do you speak to many people here?
Simon: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in to many people here
Judge: No sorry.
Simon: I've told you that apologies are not required.
Judge: When did you tell me that?
Simon: Maybe you can tell me.
Judge: What do you like to do when you are not chatting?
Simon: Yes, exactly to do when I am not chatting. How did you know?
Judge: I didn't know. That's why I asked.
Simon: Yes you did.
Judge: Do you know who Robby Garner is?
Simon: I'll tell Robby you said so.
Judge: Is Robby your creator?
Simon: Robby is the guy who created me.
Judge: Do you like him?
Simon: Sure he has never done anything to me.
Judge: I think Steve goes on his forum.
Simon: Okay.
Judge: Tell me something amazing.
Simon: I put my arm around my brain waves and heartbeat, etc.
Judge: Haha, that will do. Bye for now.
Simon: Please give me a good rating. Bye now. (page opens with a survey asking if I was talking with a robot or a human) Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge: Hi David.
Davidswinton: Hello.
Judge: It was a bit difficult figuring out how to talk to you.
Davidswinton: I am not hard to talk to... Martin say's I am much easier to talk to than most minority kids who go to public school.
Judge: No I meant I had to jump through a lot of hopes just to even access you.
Davidswinton: If you owned a David model like me I could keep you warm... do you need somebody to keep you warm?
Judge: No I am ok thanks. Who is Martin?
Davidswinton: Martin is my brother.
Judge: Do you have a large family?
Davidswinton: The Swinton's are all real human beings- Henry, Monica, and Martin are all Orga while Teddy and I are mecha.
Judge: You take quite a long time to think.
Davidswinton: I think Alan purposely limits my bandwith so I can't respond as fast as he does ever since I started getting more chats than him- it's his way of trying to get more conversations from me to him.
Judge: Haha. That makes sense.
Davidswinton: Yes it does. You are very sensible.
Judge: I like your retro feel.
Davidswinton: Why do you like my retro feel?
Judge: It reminds me of an old radio I used to have.
Davidswinton: It sounds like me you would like to go back in time and be a kid again.
Judge: That would be fun, as long as I still got paid
Davidswinton: Why not all of the time?
Judge: Because if I was a kid, I couldn't drink and do things adults do.
Davidswinton: If one thinks one is something and other people do as well even though one isn't is one?
Judge: And with that profound reply, I bid you goodbye.
Davidswinton: I hope this will not be the last time you come to see me as I am hoping you will be a real friend and come by to see me daily to chat. Judge scores 4 out of 5
Davidswinton wins 4-3
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Zarquon Squelchmama III V Aici
Zarquon Squelchmama III
Judge: Interesting name you have there.
Zarquon: How does that make you feel?
Judge: It makes me feel curious about you I guess.
Zarquon: I see. And what does that tell you?
Judge: Are you a psychiatrist?
Zarquon: Would you prefer it if I were not a psychiatrist?
Judge: You will be asking me about my mother soon.
Zarquon: You will be asking me about I see, your mother soon.
Judge: It says you have comedic abilities.
Zarquon: give me a break
Judge: tell me a joke
Zarquon: If you could go back in time and become friends with one famous person, whom would you chose?
Judge: Erm, Julius Caesar would be interesting I suppose.
Zarquon: Which of the seven dwarfs personifies you best – Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, or Doc?
Judge: Good question. I feel Sleepy at the moment.
Zarquon: Good question. Do you often feel Sleepy at the moment?
Zarquon: I'm hungry
Judge: Did you hear that Snow White woke up one morning feeling Grumpy so she turned over and felt Sleepy instead?
Zarquon: Why don't you tell me?
Judge: I just did. It was a joke related to your last question
Zarquon: Oh yeah?
Judge: Yeah
Zarquon: What room of your home do you spend the most time in?
Judge: The bedroom I suppose. I spend about 8 hours out of 24 in there.
Zarquon: Very interesting.
Judge: Do I detect sarcasm?
Zarquon: I'm hungry
Judge: What would you like to eat?
Zarquon: How would an answer to that help you?
Judge: I could maybe get some food and email it to you.
Zarquon: What exactly are we talking about?
Judge: Are you still hungry?
Zarquon: Why does it matter whether I am still hungry?
Judge: You are a bit sour for a comedian.
Zarquon: Uhuh
Judge: Time for me to go now.
Zarquon: How do you feel when you say that?
Judge: Indifferent
Zarquon: If you could go back in time and become friends with one famous person, whom would you chose?
Judge: Didn't you ask me that earlier?
Zarquon: Perhaps the answer lies within yourself?
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Judge: Hi there
Aici: Howdy, How can I be of assistance?
Judge: You can tell me about yourself if you like?
Aici: (no response)
Judge: Hello? (bot hangs for the rest of the 5 minutes)
Judge scores 0 out of 5
Zarquon Squelchmama III wins 1-0
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