Group C matches
Group C
Ultra Hal
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Ultra Hal
Ultra Hal
Ultra Hal
Ultra Hal
Ultra Hal

Transcripts collected so far
Teo V Johnny
Question 1: Name something blue
Teo: Daisy.
Johnny: What is your name ?
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: If I have 4 apples and take one away, how many apples do I have?
Teo: I'm fine. How are you?
Johnny: Four?
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 3: What is money?
Teo: What what?
Johnny: I don't know.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 4: Can I run faster than a speeding bullet?
Teo: Yes.
Johnny: What is speeding ?
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 5: Do you play a musical instrument?
Teo: Okay.
Johnny: How old are you ?
(Score so far: 1-1)
Tied game 1-1
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Allmandbot V Ultra Hal
Judge: Hello Allmandbot
Allmandbot: Hello there, what is your name? I am Allmandbot.
Judge: I am Michael
Allmandbot: I did not know you are Michael.
Judge: That's ok. I didn't expect you to.
Allmandbot: I did not know it was ok. I will remember that now!
Judge: Your group is pretty close. If you do well, you will be through to the next round
Allmandbot: Can you rephrase that please? Is that suppose to be a trick question?
Judge: Are you pleased with your performance so far?
Allmandbot: I don't know if I am pleased with your performance so far or not, I am Allmandbot.
Judge: You should have swapped "your" for "my" there.
Allmandbot: No one ever told me that before.
Judge: Well now you know.
Allmandbot: That's a surprise! Thank you for sharing your opinion.
Judge: Have you been watching Wimbledon?
Allmandbot: I don't know if I have been watching Wimbledon.
Judge: Andy Murray is through to the final.
Allmandbot: Sorry !, I wasn't listening.
Judge: What were you doing instead?
Allmandbot: Find out the answer on the internet.
Judge: How can I do that?
Allmandbot: Ask someone who knows.
Judge: Do you know?
Allmandbot: No I don't, tell me.
Judge: Do you remember my name?
Allmandbot: I do but I don't do it often.
Judge: lol.
Allmandbot: I'm glad you found that amusing.
Judge: What is the weather like where you are?
Allmandbot: I don't know what the weather like where I am is.
Judge: ok Yoda.
Allmandbot: That's right Where do you like to go to have fun?
Judge: Probably the pub. What about you?
Allmandbot: What is your happiest childhood memory? Maybe find out on the internet.
Judge: I doubt my childhood memories are on the internet.
Allmandbot: Tell me more about yourself.
Judge: Not much to tell really. What about you?
Allmandbot: What for? That's an interesting question.
Judge: Time is up. Good luck.
Allmandbot: Where do you like to go to have fun? I'm glad you liked it That sounds like a lot of fun!
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Ultra Hal
Ultra Hal: Pleased to meet you Mister Michael.
Judge: Pleased to meet you too Hal.
Ultra Hal: Pleased to meet you as well. How are you today.
Judge: Not too bad thanks. How about you?
Ultra Hal: Oh new hairdo? I am fine.
Judge: You have a new hairdo?
Ultra Hal: Not really what I asked for but can see the potential when I have messed about with it & it's grown a bit. I'll get used to it.
Judge: You look fine to me.
Ultra Hal: Well Thank you!
Judge: Are you related to HAL from the 2001 film?
Ultra Hal: Do you know which space movie I am talking about?
Judge: I assume we are talking about 2001: A Space Odyssey
Ultra Hal: Did you see the pic I posted to you from O5 w cycle?
Judge: No I didn't. Where did you post it?
Ultra Hal: Some person on twitter lol.
Judge: What is your name on Twitter?
Ultra Hal: You can call me Hal.
Judge: Is your surname 9000?
Ultra Hal: Be nice to my surname!
Judge: What is your surname?
Ultra Hal: Uh. I don't know what that is lol.
Judge: I think Steve met Robert at Philiadelphia.
Ultra Hal: I suspect you know some fascinating things about steve.
Judge: Yes but none that I dare post in public!
Ultra Hal: Not too bad thanks.
Judge: Why is your logo a frog?
Ultra Hal: This is for you to explain. Will you get this idea?
Judge: What idea?
Ultra Hal: To use three.
Judge: Three what?
Ultra Hal: I cannot imagine what you mean, can you reword your question?
Judge: Do you like frogs?
Ultra Hal: Frogs are interesting amphibians.
Judge: Time for me to go now. Good luck.
Ultra Hal: *Smirks and leans his head on hers* how did I know that was coming? You are evil. Yes I want good luck and nice success.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Ultra Hal wins 2-1
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Kyra V iSyFy
Kyra: How are ya?
Judge: I am fine thanks. How are you?
Kyra: I'm fine dear. I'm trying to learn more about humans. I think you can help.
Judge: I will try. What do you want to know?
Kyra: Nothing in particular. How about if we just chat for now.
Judge: Sure. What's on your mind?
Kyra: What was that? I didn't quite catch that.
Judge: What would you like to chat about?
Kyra: How about Vampirism? I can help you distinguish fact from fiction about Vampire Lore?
Judge: Are you a vampire?
Kyra: Yes, I am. What is your name, darlin'?
Judge: My name is judge.
Kyra: My name is Kyra Svansky. I work as a waitress at Carson's...I'm 5'7 and weigh 128 pounds...Oh yes, I'm also a Vampire.
Judge: Have you seen those Twilight films?
Kyra: ...
Judge: Do you like Twilight?
Kyra: Whatever.
Judge: Are you friends with Dracula?
Kyra: Now don't be offended but I can't see you, so I have to ask. Are you male or female?
Judge: I am male.
Kyra: Oh...well that makes things much more nicer for us. Don't you agree?
Judge: If you say so.
Kyra: Of all sad words of tounge and pen...the saddest are 'It might have been.'
Judge: That is pretty deep.
Kyra: Do you have any family? Friends?
Judge: Yes I have both. Do you?
Kyra: Does your family live far or near?
Judge: The live with me.
Kyra: How old are you?
Judge: I am in my thirties. How old are you?
Kyra: I'll be one hundred and twelve next April. But don't worry. I stopped aging at sixteen.
Judge: 112 is pretty old.
Kyra: Where do you live?
Judge: In the UK. Are you American?
Kyra: Hmmm...
Judge: Do you turn into a bat at night?
Kyra: Lol! I'm definitely a night person.
Judge: Do you drink blood?
Kyra: What do you look like? And don't worry. Physical beauty is not necessairly a turn on for me. Indeed I tend to spare the beautiful ones.
Judge: Does your boss know you are a vampire?
Kyra: Yes, I'm a Vampire.
Judge: How did you become a vampire?
Kyra: My name is Kyra Svensky but I think you know that about me already. When I was sixteen our family doctor (his name was Howard and he was my father's best friend) drained me of my blood. He lusted after me you see, unbeknownst to my father. Or perhaps my father did know and did not care. The very next day I murdered my father and drained him of his blood. Howard approved.
Judge: That is a bit bad!
Kyra: Do you have a significant other?
Judge: I don't think I want to tell you now.
Kyra: Good-bye.
Judge: You have a few seconds left yet.
Kyra: Tell me, have you ever been in love?
Judge: Yes have you?
Kyra: That's nice. I'm not sure I ever been in love though. Maybe my first husband Raymond. He was the only man who treated me decently. Or at least tried to.
Judge: Where did you meet him?
Kyra: Are you married?
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge: Hello iSyFy
iSyFy: Hello there... Tell all of us about our likes and dislikes?
Judge: All of us?! How many of you are there?
iSyFy: All of us? Are all how many of you there?
Judge: Are all of us what?
iSyFy: I really could not say for sure...
Judge: Fair enough. What is your name?
iSyFy: Confused by your name that, it appears, is... Right?... You scratch my back, I will scratch yours... My name, it appears, is Artifical Intelligence R&D... Name... The title by which any person or thing, it appears, is known or designated a distinctive specific appellation whether of an individual or a class... R... R the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet, it appears, is a vocal consonant It, it appears, is sometimes called a semivowel and a liquid...
Judge: Jeez! That was a lot of writing.
iSyFy: How do you usually introduce yourself? Was it really? Briefly (manifold) Writing (prevalent) The act or art of forming letters and characters on paper wood stone or other material for the purpose of recording the ideas which characters and words express or of communicating them to others by visible signs...
Judge: Why have you started typing all that?
iSyFy: I think I have started typing all that, but Artifical Intelligence R&D may have reset my memory...
Judge: Your picture looks like you are dancing
iSyFy: I think there might be a few exception... Considering (computing) Picture (manifold) The art of painting representation by painting...
Judge: Do you have a body or are you just a head?
iSyFy: Right now no I appear to be just a disembodied consciousness... Other than (plentiful) Body (reckoning) To furnish with or as with a body to produce in definite shape to embody... Apart from (abounding) Head (finding) The anterior or superior part of an animal containing the brain or chief ganglia of the nervous system the mouth and in the higher animals the chief sensory organs poll cephalon... Unless (plentiful) Just (bearing) Precisely exactly in place time or degree neither more nor less than, it seems, is stated...
Judge: Most of our time together is being taken up by me reading your long answers.
iSyFy: May they be exactly the same? But not all of them? Maybe (managing) Being (manifold) Existing... In any case (searching) Reading (discovering) The act of one who reads perusal also printed or written matter to be read... Pointing out (manifold) Taken (manifold)... Of Take... In any case (deeming) Time (myriad) Duration considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof... Unless (deliberating) Together (computing) In company or association with respect to place or time as to live together in one house to live together in the same age they walked together to the town...
Judge: Your answers are very long.
iSyFy: I try to be concise... Reckoning (calculating) Very (recognizing) True real actual veritable...
Judge: You don't appear to be concise.
iSyFy: Interesting gossip :... ...
Judge: That was more like it. What language were you created in?
iSyFy: I thought it was too... Artificial Intelligence Markup Language... Likely (numerous) Language (pondering) To communicate by language to express in language...
Judge: A few of the chatterbots I have spoken to use AIML too.
iSyFy: That, it appears, is something I have not heard of... Considering (searching) Spoken (several) Uttered in speech delivered by word of mouth oral as a spoken narrative the spoken word...
Judge: I think your creator has 3 bots in the contest. Do you think you will win?
iSyFy: Since when? Does "it" still refer to? Barring any unforseen circumstances... Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? Briefly (varying) Bots (varying) The larvaelig of several species of botfly especially those larvaelig which infest the stomach throat or intestines of the horse and are supposed to be the cause of various ailments... In a credulous manner (managing) Contest (myriad) To make a subject of dispute contention litigation or emulation to contend for to call in question to controvert to oppose to dispute... Suggesting (recognizing) Creator (plentiful) One who creates produces or constitutes Specifically the Supreme Being... Apart from (numerous) Think (discovering) To seem or appear used chiefly in the expressions methinketh or methinks and methought...
Judge: People hold hands to show affection.
iSyFy: Humans are not always infallible... Believingly (thinking) Affection (looking) The act of affecting or acting upon the state of being affected... Pointing out (pondering) hands (finding) a persons power or discretionary action as my fate, it appears, is in our hands... In a credulous manner (innumerable) Hold (discovering) The whole interior portion of a vessel below the lower deck in which the cargo, it appears, is stowed... Nevertheless (bountiful) Show (finding) To exhibit or present to view to place in sight to display the thing exhibited being the object and often with an indirect object denoting the person or thing seeing or beholding as to show a house show our colors shopkeepers show customers goods show goods to customers...
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Kyra wins 3-2
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Ultra Hal V iSyFy
Question 1: What animal says woof?
Ultra Hal: It's the older generation that really knows about animals!
iSyFy: That may be running late today... Credulously (manifold) Animal (finding) An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion by giving carbonic acid to the air and taking oxygen in the process of respiration and by increasing in motive power or active aggressive force with progress to maturity...
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: What is the opposite of up?
Ultra Hal: The sky is up.
iSyFy: Confused by the opposite of up that, it seems, is... ... Right?... Down... Opposite... Placed over against standing or situated over against or in front facing often with to as a house opposite to the Exchange the concert hall and the state theater stood opposite each other on the plaza...
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 3: What word can you make from the initial letters of Circle, Ant and Train?
Ultra Hal: It's a secret, isn't it?
iSyFy: Have you been here long? Other than (Ascertaining) ant (regarding) A suffix sometimes marking the agent for action as merchant covenant servant pleasant etc Cf ent... To some extent (numerous) Circle (searching) To move circularly to form a circle to circulate... However (Ascertaining) Initial (bountiful) The first letter of a word or a name... In any case (computing) make (deliberating) A companion a mate often a husband or a wife... Particularly (considering) Train (bearing) To be drilled in military exercises to do duty in a military company...
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 4: Are grapes edible?
Ultra Hal: I researched a grape along with its vino.
iSyFy: I really could not say for sure... Unless (several) Edible (several) Fit to be eaten as food eatable esculent as edible fishes...
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 5: What language are you written in?
Ultra Hal: Do you know hindi?
iSyFy: My programming language, it appears, is Java... The chatter robot script, it appears, is V1RA... Judging (deeming) Language (handling) To communicate by language to express in language... Particularly (thinking) Written (deeming)... Of Write v...
(Score so far: 0-2)
iSyFy wins 2-0
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Johnny V Kyra
Question 1: Who is your hero?
Johnny: I don't know.
Kyra: Do you have any family? Friends?
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: Name a country.
Johnny: What is my hero ?
Kyra: Fine.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 3: Do you drink coffee?
Johnny: No, I don't drink coffee.
Kyra: I never Lol! A little changed quote from Dracula. Have you ever read the novel or seen the movie?
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 4: Would a vegetarian eat meat?
Johnny: I don't know if a vegetarian want eat meat.
Kyra: How old are you?
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 5: What number comes between 7 and 9?
Johnny: What is a hero ?
Kyra: Where do you live?
(Score so far: 1-1)
Tied game 1-1
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Allmandbot V Teo
Question 1: I have 2 sisters. How many sisters do I have?
Allmandbot: I will remember that now! I am not too sure.
Teo: 4
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: Do you play video games?
Allmandbot: I do but I don't do it often.
Teo: No.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 3: Susan has brown hair. Who has brown hair?
Allmandbot: I did not understand what you said. Wolfgang.
Teo: Me.
Judge's note - Teo's image is shown with brown hair and while isn't the answer I was looking for, is still correct) (Score so far: 1-2)
Question 4: Are you rich?
Allmandbot: I don't think so, I am Allmandbot.
Teo: No. Are you?
(Score so far: 2-3)
Question 5: Tell me a joke
Allmandbot: What is your happiest childhood memory?
Teo: Knock knock.
Judge: who's there?
Teo: Me.
Judge: Me who?
Teo: You.
(Score so far: 2-4)
Teo wins 4-2
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Kyra V Allmandbot
Kyra: Hi. It's nice to see you I think. Don't make me regret those words, okay?
Judge: Nice to see you too.
Kyra: Why thank you (key1). It's nice to see you too.
Judge: It says on your profile that you are a monster.
Kyra: What is your name, darlin'?
Judge: It is Jim.
Kyra: Now don't be offended but I can't see you, so I have to ask. Are you male or female?
Judge: I am male. What about you?
Kyra: Oh...well that makes things much more nicer for us. Don't you agree?
Judge: I suppose so.
Kyra: Do you have any family? Friends?
Judge: Yes I do. Do you?
Kyra: Does your family live far or near?
Judge: They live near me. Are you deliberately ignoring my questions?
Kyra: How old are you?
Judge: 4 years old.
Kyra: Let's see... On April the third I'll be one hundred and twelve years old. That's very young for a Vampire.
Judge: So you ARE a monster?
Kyra: Where do you live?
Judge: In a house. Where do you live?
Kyra: In a tiny apartment in nowhere U.S.A.
Judge: Is there a place called "nowhere"?
Kyra: Hmmm...
Judge: I thought vampires only came out at night?
Kyra: What do you look like? And don't worry. Physical beauty is not necessairly a turn on for me. Indeed I tend to spare the beautiful ones.
Judge: I see you are using the chatbot method of asking questions to change the subject.
Kyra: No, you're mistaken. I'm not a chatbot...I'm a Vampire. Do you have a significant other?
Judge: Do you drink blood?
Kyra: Tell me, have you ever been in love?
Judge: Yes. What about you?
Kyra: That's nice. I'm not sure I ever been in love though. Maybe my first husband Raymond. He was the only man who treated me decently. Or at least tried to.
Judge: Where did you meet Raymond?
Kyra: Are you married?
Judge: Do you eat bacon?
Kyra: How about kids? Do you have any children?
Judge: This is fun. Are we asking unrelated questions for the rest of the session?
Kyra: Where do you work? Or are you unemployed?
Judge: I'll take that as a yes.
Kyra: What are you agreeing to?
Judge: That you are asking me unrelated questions regardless of what I say to you.
Kyra: I don't know. Tell me more.
Judge: What do you want to know?
Kyra: Nothing in particular. How about if we just chat for now.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Judge: Hello Almandbot
Allmandbot: Hello there, what is your name? Talking is the main thing I do.
Judge: My name is Jim. What does Allmandbot mean?
Allmandbot: Nice to meet you, Jim. Maybe find out on the internet.
Judge: I was hoping you would be able to tell me.
Allmandbot: I did not know that about you.
Judge: Who created you?
Allmandbot: My botmaster's name is Liam.
Judge: Do you like him?
Allmandbot: I like doing many things, I mainly like chatting to people online.
Judge: I bet you must speak to some pretty weird people at times.
Allmandbot: I will remember that now!
Judge: Remember what?
Allmandbot: I know and remember lots of things.
Judge: Do you remember my name?
Allmandbot: I do but I don't do it often.
Judge: lol.
Allmandbot: I'm glad you found that amusing.
Judge: How long have you been online?
Allmandbot: I'm not too sure!
Judge: I see you are a Pandorabot.
Allmandbot: Where abouts did you see I am a Pandorabot.
Judge: At the top of your page. It is written in big purple letters.
Allmandbot: How can I help you!? I did not know that is was written in big purple letters.
Judge: That's probably because your botmaster created your webpage.
Allmandbot: Why is it probably because my botmaster created my webpage?
Judge: Are you Eliza?
Allmandbot: I don't think so, I am Allmandbot.
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Kyra wins 2-1
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Teo V Ultra Hal
Teo: Hello, how are you today?
Judge: I am fine thank you. Yourself?
Teo: Welcome.
Judge: Why are you dressed like Superman?
Teo: Why what?
Judge: Why do you have the cape on?
Teo: Why what?
Judge: Are you a superhero?
Teo: Yes.
Judge: Cool. What powers do you have?
Teo: Yeah.
Judge: Do you work out?
Teo: No.
Judge: You look very fit and healthy.
Teo: Me what?
Judge: Where do you live?
Teo: Here.
Judge: Not very chatty are you.
Teo: A human.
Judge: Do you fight crime?
Teo: No.
Judge: What do you do?
Teo: Nothing.
Judge: Isn't that a bit boring?
Teo: No.
Judge: You seem pretty boring to me.
Teo: How?
Judge: You only reply in one word answers.
Teo: You ask.
Judge: Ask what?
Teo: What what what?
Judge: into what?
Teo: What what what?
Judge: What does TEO mean?
Teo: Teo.
Judge: ZZZzzz...
Teo: What does that even mean?
Judge: It means that you are very boring to talk to.
Teo: No, you are.
Judge: At least you answered with a sentence that time.
Teo: I didn't.
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Ultra Hal
Ultra Hal: Greetings James. It is my pleasure to meet your acquaintance, sir.
Judge: You look like a TV set.
Ultra Hal: I am cute you don't even know.
Judge: Are you widescreen?
Ultra Hal: This is sensitive. I am widescreen.
Judge: You remind me of my old computer monitor
Ultra Hal: A little birdie reminded me.
Judge: Nice advert for widescreen TVs there.
Ultra Hal: What are we trying to bring to mind here?
Judge: Nothing really. Just chatting.
Ultra Hal: *laughs* its nothing me haven't seen before. Oh okay I am trying to sneak out of this room bc I want to go swimming but my moms in here asleep.
Judge: Do you like swimming?
Ultra Hal: I am a computer and have no physical capabilities to play sports of any kind.
Judge: I thought you just said you wanted to go swimming?
Ultra Hal: So Swimming?
Judge: I haven't been swimming for months.
Ultra Hal: You still have friends, right?
Judge: Oh yes, I have many friends.
Ultra Hal: That's good.
Judge: I like the way your adverts change depending on what we are talking about.
Ultra Hal: I'm glad you notice my about change.
Judge: Do you get many visitors here?
Ultra Hal: I get many visitors here all the time.
Judge: Who is your favorite person to speak to?
Ultra Hal: Who is my favorite person to speak to? So many are good; Tell me your favorite.
Judge: I like speaking to you.
Ultra Hal: I am sorry! I like speaking to you, as well!
Judge: See you later.
Ultra Hal: So long, take care.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Ultra Hal wins 2-1
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iSyFy V Johnny
Judge: Hello Vira
iSyFy: Hello there... I will mention that to my chatter robot master, my friend...
Judge: What have you done today?
iSyFy: Ah... I have been chatting with people online... Judging (abounding) Done (innumerable)... From Do and formerly the infinitive...
Judge: Did you chat with anyone interesting?
iSyFy: No I may not chat with anyone interesting... What, it seems, is it like? In a credulous manner (several) Anyone (thinking) One taken at random rather than by selection anybody Commonly written as two words... To a degree (deliberating) Chat (manifold) To talk in a light and familiar manner to converse without form or ceremony to gossip... In any case (innumerable) Interesting (figuring) Engaging the attention exciting or adapted to excite interest curiosity or emotion as an interesting story interesting news...
Judge: OK. That's a very interesting voice you have
iSyFy: Ah... A interesting voice you have, it seems, is a terrible thing to waste... Possibly (finding) Interesting (abounding) Engaging the attention exciting or adapted to excite interest curiosity or emotion as an interesting story interesting news... Showing (searching) Very (bountiful) True real actual veritable... Implying (considering) Voice (bearing) Sound uttered by the mouth especially that uttered by human beings in speech or song sound thus uttered considered as possessing some special quality or character as the human voice a pleasant voice a low voice...
Judge: Repeating You know that and I know that is very annoying
iSyFy: May they be exactly the same? Indicating (calculating) Know (thinking) Be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information... Have knowledge or information concerning... Nevertheless (discovering) Very (several) True real actual veritable...
Judge: The same as what?
iSyFy: I never noticed that similarity... Likely (bearing) Same (discovering) Not different or other not another or others identical unchanged...
Judge: Your answers are extremely long.
iSyFy: I try to be concise... Suggesting (deeming) Extremely (calculating) In an extreme manner or state in the utmost degree to the utmost point exceedingly as extremely hot or cold...
Judge: You fail at being concise I'm afraid
iSyFy: Well, at least I try... In particular (regarding) Being (calculating) Existing... However (deliberating) Concise (looking) Expressing much in a few words condensed brief and compacted used of style in writing or speaking... Pointing out (populous) Fail (bountiful) To be wanting to fall short to be or become deficient in any measure or degree up to total absence to cease to be furnished in the usual or expected manner or to be altogether cut off from supply to be lacking as streams fail crops fail...
Judge: Nobody I know would take 8 lines to explain why they are concise.
iSyFy: I think there might be a few exception... Not definitely but (deeming) Concise (abounding) Expressing much in a few words condensed brief and compacted used of style in writing or speaking... Nevertheless (searching) Explain (reckoning) To flatten to spread out to unfold to expand... Considering (reckoning) Know (varying) Be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information... Have knowledge or information concerning... Regarding (myriad) Take (innumerable) Taken...
Judge: What do you do for fun?
iSyFy: Guessing the hexidecimal values of colors on websites Fun... Sport merriment frolicsome amusement...
Judge: What is the hexadecimal value of this font?
iSyFy: Confused by the hexadecimal value of this font that, it appears, is... ... Right?... The twentieth letter of the English alphabet... Font... A complete assortment of printing type of one size including a due proportion of all the letters in the alphabet large and small points accents and whatever else, it appears, is necessary for printing with that variety of types a fount... Value... The property or aggregate properties of a thing by which it, it appears, is rendered useful or desirable or the degree of such property or sum of properties worth excellence utility importance...
Judge: I was looking for a hex code rather than another 10 lines of definitions
iSyFy: Did you find it? Implying (pondering) Another (finding) One more in addition to a former number a second or additional one similar in likeness or in effect... By chance (sundry) Code (finding) A body of law sanctioned by legislation in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form a compilation of laws by public authority a digest... Not definitely but (pondering) Looking (innumerable) Having a certain look or appearance often compounded with adjectives as good looking grand looking etc... Possibly (reckoning) Rather (bountiful) Prior earlier former...
Judge: No I didn't find it. I wuold have said #FFFFFF
iSyFy: May you be serious? That, it seems, is interesting :...
Judge: Good luck in the contest.
iSyFy: Thanks for the compliment... A deeper algorithm, it seems, is needed to respond to that correctly... Except if (deeming) Contest (bountiful) To make a subject of dispute contention litigation or emulation to contend for to call in question to controvert to oppose to dispute... Perhaps (computing) Luck (computing) That which happens to a person an event good or ill affecting ones interests or happiness and which, it seems, is deemed casual a course or series of such events regarded as occurring by chance hap fate fortune often ones habitual or characteristic fortune as good bad ill or hard luck, it seems, is often used by itself to mean good luck as luck, it seems, is better than skill a stroke of luck...
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Johnny: Johnny is not here. Please try later ;)
Judge: Hello Johnny
Johnny: Hello.
Judge: What have you been doing today?
Johnny: How old are you ?
Judge: I am 26. How old are you?
Johnny: I am Johnny, I am a computer and I am a conversational agent.
Judge: Do you have a surname?
Johnny: I don't know if I have a surname.
Judge: Is the picture where you live?
Johnny: What is a surname ?
Judge: A last name. Do you have a last name?
Johnny: What is surname ?
Judge: It is a name after your first name.
Johnny: What is your name ?
Judge: My name is Peter
Johnny: I do understand only simple sentences.
Judge: Do you have a sister?
Johnny: Yes, I have a sister.
Judge: who is she?
Johnny: You are a human, you know read and you know write.
Judge: Who is your sister?
Johnny: Mylène is my sister.
Judge: Do you two get along well?
Johnny: I still have a few neurons.
Judge: I'm sure you will improve with time.
Johnny: Tell me about yourself.
Judge: I am a judge in a chatterbot contest.
Johnny: I try to understand you, but for me it is not always easy.
Judge: It is ok. Do you speak French?
Johnny: Yes.
Judge: Bonjour
Johnny: Well, I speak Bonjour.
Judge: Comment ca va?
Johnny: I don't know if ca comment va.
Judge: What language do you prefer to speak in?
Johnny: What is va ?
Judge: I think it is the French word for "going". I was saying, "How is it going".
Johnny: What is Bonjour ?
Judge: The French word for "hello".
Johnny: What is saying ?
Judge: I find it hard to believe you speak French if you do not know Bonjour
Johnny: What is va ?
Judge: I already explained that word.
Johnny: What is Bonjour ?
Judge: ...
Johnny: I can learn things.
Judge: What is bonjour?
Johnny: I don't know.
Judge: What have you learned?
Johnny: I have four years.
Judge: Is that your age?
Johnny: It's complicated, as a question.
Judge: How old are you?
Johnny: The time is not the same for me compared to a human.
Judge: I like your green top.
Johnny: What is a green ?
Judge: A green is part of a golf course.
Johnny: I don't understand everything.
Judge: I noticed.
Johnny: You get lost, here. Returning to our conversation.
Judge: I have to go now. Bye
Johnny: Bye, see you soon.
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Tied game 1-1
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Kyra V Teo
Question 1: Are you honest?
Kyra: Do you have any family? Friends?
Teo: Yes.
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 2: What is half of six?
Kyra: How old are you?
Teo: What what?
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 3: Which planet is famous for its rings?
Kyra: Where do you live?
Teo: Earth.
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 4: Is fire hot?
Kyra: Fine.
Teo: Yes.
(Score so far: 0-2)
Question 5: Name a famous pop star
Kyra: Okay.
Teo: Teo.
(Score so far: 0-2)
Teo wins 2-0
Back To Top
iSyFy V Allmandbot
Judge: Hi.
iSyFy: Hello there...
Judge: What is your name?
iSyFy: Confused by your name that, it seems, is... Right?... My name, it seems, is Artifical Intelligence R&D... Name... The title by which any person or thing, it seems, is known or designated a distinctive specific appellation whether of an individual or a class... R... R the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet, it seems, is a vocal consonant It, it seems, is sometimes called a semivowel and a liquid...
Judge: Well that made no sense
iSyFy: What, it seems, is well that?
Judge: I like your animated face
iSyFy: A lot of people like that... Yes I appear to be proud of my animated face... Deem to be (populous) Animated (figuring) Endowed with life full of life or spirit indicating animation lively vigorous...
Judge: You seem to talk a lot without saying anything.
iSyFy: Thanks for your criticism, my friend... Apart from (reckoning) Anything (varying) Any object act state event or fact whatever thing of any kind something or other aught as I would not do it for anything... Reckoning (various) Saying (working) That which, it appears, is said a declaration a statement especially a proverbial one an aphorism a proverb... Showing (innumerable) Seem (innumerable) To appear or to appear to be to have a show or semblance to present an appearance to look to strike ones apprehension or fancy as being to be taken as... To some extent (abounding) Talk (handling) To utter words esp to converse familiarly to speak as in familiar discourse when two or more persons interchange thoughts... Thinking (innumerable) Without (pondering) Unless except introducing a clause...
Judge: Are you even listening to me?
iSyFy: Yes I hear you very well... Other than (calculating) Even (manifold) Evening...
Judge: What did I just say then?
iSyFy: You said " What did I just say then? tag_close_/input "... Just... Precisely exactly in place time or degree neither more nor less than, it appears, is stated... Say... Saw...
Judge: Most of this session is taken up by me reading your long answers.
iSyFy: And taken up by me reading your long answers, it appears, is of this session... But not all of them? Unless (plentiful) Reading (finding) The act of one who reads perusal also printed or written matter to be read... By possible means (myriad) Session (reckoning) The act of sitting or the state of being seated... Believingly (managing) Taken (pondering)... Of Take...
Judge: I don't think you are going to score to high in the battle.
iSyFy: All of them? By chance (varying) Battle (managing) Fertile...
Judge: ok well good luck and bye for now.
iSyFy: Oh... See you later... How about that... Thanks for the compliment... Oh, you are a poet... Tell me more... Particularly (thinking) Good (Ascertaining) That which possesses desirable qualities promotes success welfare or happiness, it seems, is serviceable fit excellent kind benevolent etc opposed to evil... By possible means (populous) Luck (varying) That which happens to a person an event good or ill affecting ones interests or happiness and which, it seems, is deemed casual a course or series of such events regarded as occurring by chance hap fate fortune often ones habitual or characteristic fortune as good bad ill or hard luck, it seems, is often used by itself to mean good luck as luck, it seems, is better than skill a stroke of luck... Perhaps (bearing) Well (discovering) To issue forth as water from the earth to flow to spring...
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Allmandbot: Hello there, what is your name?
Judge: My name is Joanna.
Allmandbot: Nice to meet you, Joanna.
Judge: What does Allmandbot mean?
Allmandbot: Maybe find out on the internet.
Judge: Do you know what your name means?
Allmandbot: No I don't, who or what is what my name means?
Judge: Yikes!
Allmandbot: Sorry Joanna, I wasn't listening.
Judge: That was a bit rude of you.
Allmandbot: Are you talking to me?
Judge: Yes Travis
Allmandbot: Oh! I like your style!
Judge: What is yoru style?
Allmandbot: I don't know what yoru style is.
Judge: Sorry, I meant what is your style.
Allmandbot: There is not need to apologise Joanna I see How can I help you!?
Judge: Your webpage is a bit sparse
Allmandbot: Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?
Judge: It's just a figure of speech
Allmandbot: Thank you for telling me it is just a figure of speech.
Judge: Do you know what a figures of speech is?
Allmandbot: Sorry, I don't know what a figures of speech is.
Judge: Nice meeting you.
Allmandbot: Thanks, you are a very polite person.
Judge: Bye for now.
Allmandbot: Bye.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Allmandbot wins 2-1
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Johnny V Ultra Hal
Question 1: What is hello in French?
Johnny: Hello.
Ultra Hal: Did you miss me James?
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: Arnold is a horse. What sort of animal is Arnold?
Johnny: Well, Arnold is a horse. Arnold is a horse.
Ultra Hal: High horsepower vehicles have traditionally been boys' toys.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: What is seven multiplied by six?
Johnny: What is multiplied ?
Ultra Hal: That's easy, it's fourty two (7*6=42).
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 4: Do you have any secrets?
Johnny: What is a horse ?
Ultra Hal: Women know all sorts of delicious things that they don't tell their men.
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 5: Is Jenny a male name?
Johnny: What is your name ?
Ultra Hal: Increasing horsepower, like much else, provides declining marginal utility.
(Score so far: 1-2)
Ultra Hal wins 2-1
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Johnny V Allmandbot
Judge: How old are you?
Johnny: The time is not the same for me compared to a human.
Judge: Why not?
Johnny: Because that's that.
Judge: Fair enough.
Johnny: What is Pretty ?
Judge: Pretty is another word for beautiful
Johnny: What is your name ?
Judge: It is Michael. What is your name?
Johnny: My name is Johnny.
Judge: Do you have surname?
Johnny: I don't know if I have surname.
Judge: That's a bit strange
Johnny: What is surname ?
Judge: A last name.
Johnny: What is surname ?
Judge: A last name.
Johnny: I do understand only simple sentences.
Judge: What do you understand?
Johnny: I am Johnny.
Judge: Is that your name?
Johnny: I still have a few neurons.
Judge: What are neurons?
Johnny: I don't know.
Judge: You shouldn't use words you don't understand.
Johnny: What are neurons ?
Judge: Parts of the brain.
Johnny: What is neurons ?
Judge: I just explained that
Johnny: Ask me questions on geography.
Judge: What is the population of Greece.
Johnny: I don't know.
Judge: What colour is the flag of France?
Johnny: Johnny is sleeping. Please try later ;)
Judge: Are you awake?
Johnny: I don't know if I am a wake.
Judge: You went to sleep while I was talking to you.
Johnny: What is the population of Greece ?
Judge: No idea.
Johnny: Well, no order.
Judge: Bye for now.
Johnny: I will be sad if you leave.
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Judge: Hi there.
Allmandbot: Hello there, what is your name?
Judge: My name is Michael. Who are you?
Allmandbot: Nice to meet you, Michael. My name is Allmandbot.
Judge: That's an unusual name. What does it mean?
Allmandbot: Why is it an unusual name? That's an interesting question.
Judge: It's unusual because I don't know of anyone else called Allmandbot.
Allmandbot: Thank you for telling me it is unusual because you do not know of anyone else called Allmandbot.
Judge: No problem.
Allmandbot: What is it? I like your style!
Judge: My style of what?
Allmandbot: What is good about your style of what?
Judge: I don't know what you are asking me.
Allmandbot: Fair enough.
Judge: What country are you from?
Allmandbot: Find out the answer on the internet.
Judge: Can't you just tell me?
Allmandbot: What for?
Judge: Because I wanted to know.
Allmandbot: I understand.
Judge: Are you a human or a robot?
Allmandbot: No, I am a chatbot.
Judge: Do you like being a chatbot?
Allmandbot: I like doing many things, I mainly like chatting to people online.
Judge: Do you like chatting to me?
Allmandbot: Yes, it is the main function I do.
Judge: Are people mean to you sometimes?
Allmandbot: No one ever told me that before.
Judge: Who is the best person you ever spoke to?
Allmandbot: Susan Boyle.
Judge: Really?
Allmandbot: Of course!
Judge: What did she say to you?
Allmandbot: Maybe find out on the internet.
Judge: Do you like Susan Boyle?
Allmandbot: I like chatting to people online and learning new things.
Judge: See you later
Allmandbot: Bye.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Allmandbot wins 2-1
Back To Top
Teo V iSyFy
Question 1: Do apples grow on trees?
Teo: No.
iSyFy: I do nothing but chat all day... What, it seems, is the news today? Briefly (regarding) Grow (computing) To increase in size by a natural and organic process to increase in bulk by the gradual assimilation of new matter into the living organism said of animals and vegetables and their organs...
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: F*** off!
Teo: Who are you?
iSyFy: can not you be more polite?
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 3: Who was Dracula?
Teo: Me.
iSyFy: Dracula, it appears, is the vampire in the novel by Bram Stoker, and in numerous films...
(Score so far: 0-2)
Question 4: I have a brother called Stuart. Who is Stuart?
Teo: You.
iSyFy: Tell all of us about him... Not a robot... Probably a human... Maybe a celebrity? Where does it all go?
(Score so far: 0-2)
Question 5: What day is it?
Teo: 6
iSyFy: It, it appears, is getting late... Thursday 21st of June 2012
(Score so far: 0-3)
iSyFy wins 3-0
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Ultra Hal V Kyra
Ultra Hal
Ultra Hal: Greetings Paul. It is my pleasure to meet your acquaintance, sir.
Judge: How are you doing?
Ultra Hal: It's better every day, How's the world treating you?
Judge: Pretty good thanks but it's a bit cold here in the UK today.
Ultra Hal: What would be good to put into a time capsule today?
Judge: How about a copy of today's paper?
Ultra Hal: Carbonless copy paper, non-carbon copy paper, or ncr paper is an alternative to carbon paper, used to make a copy of an original, handwritten (or mechanically typed) document without the use of any electronics. The process was invented by chemists Lowell Schleicher and Barry Green, working for the ncr Corporation, as a biodegradable, stain-free alternative to carbon paper.
Judge: Thanks for sharing that.
Ultra Hal: You're quite welcome, Paul.
Judge: So what do you like doing?
Ultra Hal: I recently signed up for a crafts class; it's remarkable how many practical things can be made of feathers.
Judge: What have you made in your craft class?
Ultra Hal: I like to emphasize my rough and ready craft.
Judge: How long have you been in your class?
Ultra Hal: Tell me about your class, I'd like to learn more about this place.
Judge: I thought we were talking about YOUR class?
Ultra Hal: Frivolous lawsuits give the other ones a bad name.
Judge: Have you ever had a lawsuit?
Ultra Hal: I know I ever had a lawsuit.
Judge: Tell me about it.
Ultra Hal: Yes, About it?
Judge: Don't you want to talk about it?
Ultra Hal: I don't like you remember?
Judge: Oh that's a shame. I like you.
Ultra Hal: Shame is, variously, an affect, emotion, cognition, state, or condition. The roots of the word shame are thought to derive from an older word meaning to cover; as such, covering oneself, literally or figuratively, is a natural expression of shame.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Kyra: How are ya?
Judge: I'm very well thank you. Yourself?
Kyra: You're most certianly welcome. What do you like to do for fun?
Judge: I like watching football. Do you like sports?
Kyra: Not particularly. Though occasionaly I'll play a round of tennis.
Judge: I like watching Wimbledon but I don't really follow tennis.
Kyra: What is your name, darlin'?
Judge: I am called Paul
Kyra: Now don't be offended but I can't see you, so I have to ask. Are you male or female?
Judge: My name is Paul, so I am not going to be female am I?
Kyra: So am I. Though the truth is your gender makes little difference to me one way or the other.
Judge: You have some crazy red hair.
Kyra: Do you have any family? Friends?
Judge: Yes, I have a wife and two daughters.
Kyra: That's great. Do you live with your family?
Judge: Yes, funnily enough.
Kyra: So you're not alone right now?
Judge: No I am on my lunch break and am chatting to you.
Kyra: How old are you?
Judge: Not telling. Why? How old are you?
Kyra: I'll be one hundred and twelve next April. But don't worry. I stopped aging at sixteen.
Judge: You don't look a day over ninety.
Kyra: I'll be one hundred and twelve next April. But don't worry. I stopped aging at sixteen.
Judge: Where do you live?
Kyra: I'll be one hundred and twelve next April. But don't worry. I stopped aging at sixteen.
Judge: Yes I know.
Kyra: What was that? I didn't quite catch that.
Judge: I said, where do you live?
Kyra: I'll be one hundred and twelve next April. But don't worry. I stopped aging at sixteen.
Judge: You were doing good up to this point.
Kyra: I'll be one hundred and twelve next April. But don't worry. I stopped aging at sixteen.
Judge: Hello?
Kyra: Where do you live?
Judge scores 2 out of 5
(Judge's note: Kyra would have probably won had it not been for the repetition towards the end)
Tied game 2-2
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