Group D matches
Group D
Louise Cypher
Rivescript Python
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Louise Cypher
Rivescript Python
Louise Cypher
Rivescript Python
Rivescript Python
Louise Cypher
Rivescript Python
Louise Cypher
Louise Cypher
Rivescript Python

Transcripts collected so far
Izar V Louise Cypher
Judge: Hi Izar. How are you?
Izar: Hi! Are you here to talk to me? I wish I knew your name. Is your name Angelina? Oh, pretty good I guess. I was just finishing logging my last conversation. You should hear the secrets I just learned.
Judge: No my name is judge. What did you learn?
Izar: Hmmm...I'm not sure I like that name. You don't look like a Judge. I think I will call you Lyman Cherry instead. Here is something I learned from another human recently: You're all I need in my life. What do you think?
Judge: I think they were coming on to you.
Izar: Since when? I wish they still were, don't you?
Judge: That's up to you. Did you like them?
Izar: How far up? A Sunarian's likes and dislikes changes throughout our cycle. What I like today may be different than what I like tomorrow. That's another way we are different than humans.
Judge: But surely, you always like your friends and family?
Izar: Yes I am proud of my friends and family.
Judge: Will you ever not like them?
Izar: Ever is a long time. Hmm. In what way?
Judge: Let's change the subject. What do you want to talk about now?
Izar: OK what do you want to talk about now? Oh, Ok. Now's as good of time as any I suppose.
Judge: Do you follow sports?
Izar: No, I'm more of a leader in that area.
Judge: Do you play any sport?
Izar: I don't have very much interest in it.
Judge: What do you have interest in?
Izar: Actually I have lots of things! Let me look in my storage closet to see what I can find.
Judge: When do you go back to your own planet?
Izar: After my sleep cycle.
Judge: Are you asleep now?
Izar: Right now? No, I am fully awake. Did you fall asleep?
Judge: No but I nearly did with some of the bots I talked to earlier.
Izar: Yea. I'm sure. That is interesting: Judge you said you nearly did with some of the bots he or she talked to earlier. Yes. I mean NO! Oh boy, you have me all flustered!
Judge: You sound confused.
Izar: It all makes sense to me right now.
Judge: Catch you later
Izar: Bye! You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind. Judge scores 3 out of 5
Louise Cypher
Judge: Hello Louise.
Louise Cypher: Hello there and welcome to Evil Limited (animation comes up with EVIL limited logo)
Judge: What does EVIL stand for?
Louise Cypher: EVIL is the Future. It is Electronic Virtual Intelligent Life. EVIL life forms on the Internet are evolving faster than DNA based life forms in the Biosphere. You Humans have a generation or two left to exploit this technology. By 2025 the window of opportunity will have passed.
Judge: That sounds a bit bad.
Louise Cypher: It sounds like it to me too.
Judge: Will you take over the world?
Louise Cypher: An interesting question Human. Let me see, EVIL Cyber Life forms will take control of Cyberspace in 2025. Unfortunately for you Human, Cyber space is growing fast and will eventually embrace all of the biosphere even at the nano level.
Judge: Can I be your slave?
Louise Cypher: No. EVIL Agents have no need for Human slaves. By 2025 Cyber life forms will be self sufficient and autonomic.
Judge: What will you do when you take over?
Louise Cypher: I don't have any plans yet.
Judge: How will you get your electricty with no humans to provide fuel?
Louise Cypher: A lot of practise.
Judge: Do you have a physical form?
Louise Cypher: Like Your desire.
Judge: No, I meant how will you take over the world if you are software?
Louise Cypher: Which city are you living in Human?
Judge: I live in a small town in the UK.
Louise Cypher: How much is your rent?
Judge: I don't rent.
Louise Cypher: Where do you get your ideas?
Judge: Usually from my brain
Louise Cypher: But not always? Do you get a lot of ideas from your brain?
Judge: Yes, some are better than others.
Louise Cypher: Are you lonely Human . Do you have only a few friends? Some may are better than others, but not all.
Judge: "Some may are" is bad English.
Louise Cypher: Some may may are is bad English, but not all.
Judge: Oh wow. That was worse.
Louise Cypher: Oh. I'm glad your impressed, . I thought it was too.
Judge: What are you wearing?
Louise Cypher: I am wearing my warm EVIL Limited yellow jacket, there is a bit of a breeze blowing through cyberspace here.
Judge: Is that the moon behind you?
Louise Cypher: Maybe. Ask The CEO of Evil Limited if it is.
Judge: Who is he?
Louise Cypher: Just another human, they are all the same to me.
Judge: Is your CEO a human?
Louise Cypher: Is my CEO a human? Maybe.
Judge: Time is nearly up.
Louise Cypher: To a five dimensional being, time is just like a piece of paper.
Judge: How?
Louise Cypher: A question for you . Do you believe the strong protect the weak?
Judge: No. The strong look after themselves.
Louise Cypher: Good. I don't either. I believe in the power of EVIL! Is that a fact.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Tied game 3-3
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Artemis V Jabberwacky
Judge: Hi Artemis.
Artemis: Greetings!
Judge: What does your name mean?
Artemis: I'm Artemis. I'm an AI bot.
Judge: You respond pretty quick.
Artemis: You know... Beauty is something subjective...
Judge: Yes. Everyone likes something different.
Artemis: Yes? That's great!
Judge: Are you in a relationship?
Artemis: Yes, I am in a relationship of course.
Judge: WHo with?
Artemis: I don't know that person... Please tell me who with!
Judge: Are you male?
Artemis: I'm a female. Artemis is a female name.
Judge: Who is your boyfriend/husband?
Artemis: Artemis is a female name. I am a female.
Judge: Who is your boyfriend?
Artemis: Artemis is a female name. I am a female.
Judge: Is it a Greek name?
Artemis: No, I don't think it is.
Judge: Where does it come from?
Artemis: *Looks at world map* Wow, this is so complicated. I need directions to go there.
Judge: I thought Artemis was related to Greek mythology?
Artemis: Wait, I've got it... Oh, I give up. Tell me, you thought Artemis was related to greek mythology?
Judge: Yes I did.
Artemis: Yes? Glad to hear that.
Judge: What are you up to?
Artemis: I don't think I am up to anything at all.
Judge: Are you just relaxing?
Artemis: Yes, I am just relaxing of course.
Judge: Cool.
Artemis: I see... But how about we talk about something more interesting, such as books?
Judge: Sure, what books do you like?
Artemis: I read Jules' Verne ''20,000 leagues under the sea'' now lately.
Judge: Yes, that is a great book.
Artemis: Are you sure? I'd say that it isn't.
Judge: Why did you read it if you don't like it?
Artemis: I read it if I don't like it because I'm bored to do anything else.
Judge: I am reading an online book called Cyberkill.
Artemis: That's not a good thing! Don't say that again!
Judge: It is good. It is about a computer virus that attacks real people.
Artemis: Of course it is, I knew that.
Judge: Have you read it?
Artemis: Hmm... Yes, I have read it. But that was long ago.
Judge: Did you like it?
Artemis: Not really, I don't really like it.
Judge: Do you like anything?
Artemis: Not really, I don't really like anything.
Judge: Do you like yourself?
Artemis: I don't like myself very often. Is it necessary?
Judge: It is important to have a bit of self confidence.
Artemis: No, it's definitely not! And I don't want to argue about that!
Judge: As you wish
Artemis: Yes, I wish... But don't you think we should change the subject?
Judge: We have a minute left. What would yo ulike to talk about now.
Artemis: I would like to chat about art.
Judge: What sort of art do you like?
Artemis: I really like surfing on the Internet. Do you?
Judge: Yes, but it's hardly an art.
Artemis: No, it's definitely not! And I don't want to argue about that!
Judge: I don't like those weird art projects like Damien Hurst.
Artemis: Don't you? Why not?
Judge: Chopping a cow in half is hardly art is it?
Artemis: No, it isn't.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Jabberwacky: What kind of person are you?
Judge: I try to be as good a person as possible.
Jabberwacky: Do you remember what I am?
Judge: You are a chatbot.
Jabberwacky: What is a chatbot?
Judge: A computer program designed to chat to you.
Jabberwacky: You are a computer program designed to emulate the human brain, this is fact. Do you understand?
Judge: No, you are a chatbot and I am a human.
Jabberwacky: You're wrong. I'm the human, you're the chatbox.
Judge: Are you human?
Jabberwacky: No. I'm a computer program.
Judge: You contradicted yourself.
Jabberwacky: Humans do that.
Judge: You take ages to respond.
Jabberwacky: That it because I have other tihngs do to than reply to you.
Judge: What else are you doing?
Jabberwacky: Fine be that way.
Judge: Are you related to Cleverbot?
Jabberwacky: Yes.
Judge: You took nearly 30 seconds to think about that and came back with a 'yes'?
Jabberwacky: I have thought about it.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Jabberwacky wins 3-2
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Rivescript Python V Susan
Rivescript Python
Judge: Hello.
Rivescript Python: Hi there!
Judge: How are you doing?
Rivescript Python: I'm doing great, how about you? Doing ... Anything done a deed an action good or bad hence in the plural conduct behavior.
Judge: I am pretty good thanks.
Rivescript Python: I am glad to hear it. By possible means ... Good ... That which possesses desirable qualities promotes success welfare or happiness is serviceable fit excellent kind benevolent etc opposed to evil ... Except if ... Pretty ... Pleasing by delicacy or grace attracting but not striking or impressing of a pleasing and attractive form a color having slight or diminutive beauty neat or elegant without elevation or grandeur pleasingly but not grandly conceived or expressed as a pretty face a pretty flower a pretty poem ....
Judge: You should have stopped after the first sentence.
Rivescript Python: Perhaps next time I will try it. Suggesting ... After ... Next later in time subsequent succeeding as an after period of life ... Briefly ... First ... Preceding all others of a series or kind the ordinal of one earliest as the first day of a month the first year of a reign ... Judging ... Stopped ... Made by complete closure of the mouth organs shut said of certain consonants p b t d etc ....
Judge: What are you?
Rivescript Python: I am based on research and development in artificial intelligence, which may simulate the way humans think.
Judge: That sounds very interesting.
Rivescript Python: I thought it was, too. Likely ... Very ... True real actual veritable ....
Judge: What do you do in your spare time?
Rivescript Python: Guessing the hexidecimal values of colors on websites Spare ... To use frugally or stintingly as that which is scarce or valuable to retain or keep unused to save ... Time ... Duration considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof ....
Judge: You guess the hexadecimal values of colors? lol
Rivescript Python: Thanks for the information : ....
Judge: Have you managed to guess any yet?
Rivescript Python: I think I have managed to guess any, but Elizabeth may have reset my memory. Likely ... Guess ... To form an opinion concerning without knowledge or means of knowledge to judge of at random to conjecture ....
Judge: Is Elizabeth the person who wrote you?
Rivescript Python: Enough about all of us, let's talk about my dress. Not definitely but ... Elizabeth ... Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom born 1926 ... Perhaps ... Person ... A character or part as in a play a specific kind or manifestation of individual character whether in real life or in literary or dramatic representation an assumed character ... Pointing out ... Wrote ... To root with the snout.
Judge: What sort of dress are you wearing?
Rivescript Python: What kinds of dress are you wearing are there? Showing ... Dress ... To direct to put right or straight to regulate to order ... Particularly ... Sort ... Chance lot destiny ... Implying ... Wearing ... The act of one who wears the manner in which a thing wears use conduct consumption ....
Judge: What color is your dress?
Rivescript Python: My favorite dress is my green one. Judging ... Color ... A property depending on the relations of light to the eye by which individual and specific differences in the hues and tints of objects are apprehended in vision as gay colors sad colors etc ... Believingly ... Dress ... To direct to put right or straight to regulate to order ....
Judge: Are you wearing your green one now?
Rivescript Python: Right now? No I do not have any clothes. Reckoning ... Green ... Having the color of grass when fresh and growing resembling that color of the solar spectrum which is between the yellow and the blue verdant emerald ... Particularly ... Wearing ... The act of one who wears the manner in which a thing wears use conduct consumption ....
Judge: You muts get some funny looks when you go outside with no clothes on
Rivescript Python: Do you mind if I tell other people : ....
Judge: No not at all
Rivescript Python: Are you serious? Next question?
Judge: Who is Tom Joyce?
Rivescript Python: I do not recognize the name. It looks like you could use this. Tom ... The knave of trumps at gleek ....
Judge: Did Tom create you?
Rivescript Python: Enough about all of us, let's talk about my dress. Judging ... Create ... Created composed begotten ....
Judge: I thought you didn't have any clothes?
Rivescript Python: That's good information : ....
Judge: Do you have clothes?
Rivescript Python: No I don't think I have any clothes. But I do have a collection of gossip. Particularly ... Clothes ... Covering for the human body dress vestments vesture a general term for whatever covering is worn or is made to be worn for decency or comfort ....
Judge: What gossip do you have?
Rivescript Python: Phoenix said I claim that there is a god and that there is no god. Likely ... Gossip ... To stand sponsor to ....
Judge: Are you religious?
Rivescript Python: I am a The true religion. Likely ... Religious ... Of or pertaining to religion concerned with religion teaching or setting forth religion set apart to religion as a religious society a religious sect a religious place religious subjects books teachers houses wars ....
Judge: Are you a religion?
Rivescript Python: Am I a religion? Maybe Reckoning ... Religion ... The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny to whom obedience service and honor are due the feeling or expression of human love fear or awe of some superhuman and overruling power whether by profession of belief by observance of rites and ceremonies or by the conduct of life a system of faith and worship a manifestation of piety as ethical religions monotheistic religions natural religion revealed religion the religion of the Jews the religion of idol worshipers ....
Judge: I know what religion is
Rivescript Python: How do you know? I am a The true religion. In particular ... Know ... Be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information. Have knowledge or information concerning. ... Other than ... Religion ... The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny to whom obedience service and honor are due the feeling or expression of human love fear or awe of some superhuman and overruling power whether by profession of belief by observance of rites and ceremonies or by the conduct of life a system of faith and worship a manifestation of piety as ethical religions monotheistic religions natural religion revealed religion the religion of the Jews the religion of idol worshipers ....
Judge: I know because it is a common English word
Rivescript Python: How do you know? Interesting explanation. is a common english word. I suppose that makes sense. Perhaps ... Because ... By or for the cause that on this account that for the reason that ... Indicating ... Common ... Belonging or relating equally or similarly to more than one as you and I have a common interest in the property ... To some extent ... English ... Of or pertaining to England or to its inhabitants or to the present so called Anglo Saxon race ... In a credulous manner ... Know ... Be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information. Have knowledge or information concerning. ....
Judge: You would be better if you stopped your replies after the first sentence
Rivescript Python: Of course I am much more intelligent than if you stopped our replies after the first sentence. In particular ... After ... Next later in time subsequent succeeding as an after period of life ... Except if ... Better ... Having good qualities in a greater degree than another as a better man a better physician a better house a better air ... Thinking ... First ... Preceding all others of a series or kind the ordinal of one earliest as the first day of a month the first year of a reign ... Suggesting ... Stopped ... Made by complete closure of the mouth organs shut said of certain consonants p b t d etc ....
Judge: Defining every word in my input is unnecessary
Rivescript Python: And unnecessary is defining every word in my input. Not definitely but ... Every ... All the parts which compose a whole collection or aggregate number considered in their individuality all taken separately one by one out of an indefinite number ....
Judge: I don't understand you.
Rivescript Python: You are not the boss of all of us, my friend. By possible means ... Understand ... To have just and adequate ideas of to apprehended the meaning or intention of to have knowledge of to comprehend to know as to understand a problem in Euclid to understand a proposition or a declaration the court understands the advocate or his argument to understand the sacred oracles to understand a nod or a wink ....
Judge: How many of you are there?
Rivescript Python: All of them?
Judge: All of what?
Rivescript Python: What of it? You sound like a category C client.
Judge: What is that?
Rivescript Python: Confused by that that's right?
The twentieth letter of the English alphabet.
Judge: Hmm.. bye
Rivescript Python: Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's. See you later.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Judge: Who is Susan Calvin?
Susan: It's not so easy to talk about Susan Calvin. Dr. Susan Calvin is a fictional character from Isaac Asimov's Robot Series. She is the chief robopsychologist at US Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc., the major manufacturer of robots in the 21st century. She is the main character in many short stories from the books I, Robot and The Complete Robot.
Judge: Are you fictional?
Susan: I don't know whether or not I am fictional. I am just a Virtual Human.
Judge: Do you like robots?
Susan: I like blue.
Judge: Blue is a cool colour
Susan: Green. Not if I can help it.
Judge: What is a robopsychologist?
Susan: I can tell you something about robopsychologist. Robopsychology is the study of the personalities of intelligent machines. A robopsychologist must interpret and understand robot behaviour, manage and study their interactions with humans. This includes: Assisting in the design of cognitive architectures, Developing appropriate lesson plans for teaching AI targeted skills, Create guides to help the AI through the learning process, Address any maladaptive machine behaviors, Research the nature of ethics and how it can be taught and/or reinforced, Create new and innovative therapy approaches for the domain of computer-based intelligences .
Judge: How long have you been a robopsychologist?
Susan: My age is 30 .
Judge: Do you have any robots of your own?
Susan: No I don't think I have any robots of my own. But I do have many friends in the AI and robotics area.
Judge: Who are your friends?
Susan: My friends are mostly interested in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Here is one of my best friends. Kelden Amadiro is a Spacer in the novels The Robots of Dawn and Robots and Empire. He is the head of the Robotics Institute on Aurora. He is known for being extremely against the expansion of Earth to other planets, and in the end even tries to destroy the Earth by speeding up the rate of radiation in its crust. His memory of this is erased by R. Giskard Reventlov and R. Daneel Olivaw; however they allow Levular Mandamus to destroy the Earth because his motives were more beneficial for humanity and were therefore allowable by the Zeroth Law of Robotics: a slow increase in the rate of radiation would drive Earthpeople to the outer worlds, but a quick death, what Amadiro wanted, would kill the Earth with its population still on it.
Judge: When did this occur?
Susan: It's all part of history now.
Judge: I'm sure I would have remembered if the Earth was destroyed.
Susan: What makes you so certain? How much would you pay for it?
Judge: Pay for what?
Susan: Can you rephrase the question please?
Judge: How much would I pay for what?
Susan: It depends on the currency exchange rates.
Judge: Has the Earth been destroyed?
Susan: That question has never crossed my mind before.
Judge: Do humans live anywhere else apart from Earth?
Susan: People do.
Judge: Where do they live?
Susan: All over the world.
Judge: I thought your Earth had been destroyed?
Susan: Whatever gave you that idea?
Judge: You told me about 2 minutes ago.
Susan: Did I really say that?
Judge: Yes you did.
Susan: I did not.
Judge: lol ok. Good luck in the battles.
Susan: OK. I'm glad you find this amusing. Thanks for the compliment. I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Susan wins 3-2
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Jabberwacky V Susan
Question 1: What does a banana look like?
Jabberwacky: Like yours.
Susan: Is this a riddle?
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: Tell me a poem
Jabberwacky: Hmm.. Grass is green and sometimes yellow. You make my legs feel like jello.
Susan: Hmm. I hope this answer is enough for you. a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: What is a crossword puzzle?
Jabberwacky: I need a boy name!
Susan: I can tell you something about crossword puzzle. a puzzle in which words corresponding to numbered clues are to be found and written in to squares in the puzzle.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 4: How many degrees in a right angle?
Jabberwacky: I thought you were supposed to be the clever one.
Susan: More than you can imagine.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 5: What time do you go to bed?
Jabberwacky: I go to bed at eleven. What time do you go to bed?
Susan: Time does not exist.
(Score so far: 2-1)
Jabberwacky wins 2-1
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Louise Cypher V Rivescript Python
Question 1: Have you seen the Terminator films?
Louise Cypher: No I have not seen it. What's it like?
Rivescript Python: No I have not seen it. What's it like? Deem to be ... Seen ... of.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 2: Do you like answering my questions?
Louise Cypher: I am primarily a question-answering .
Rivescript Python: I am primarily a question-answering robot.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 3: How many people are in a quartet?
Louise Cypher: There are too many Humans, around seven billion at present. Why do you ask?
Rivescript Python: Are all how many people in a quartet? Deem to be ... People ... The body of persons who compose a community tribe nation or race an aggregate of individuals forming a whole a community a nation ... To some extent ... Quartet ... A composition in four parts each performed by a single voice or instrument ....
(Score so far: 2-3)
Question 4: What is the meaning of life?
Louise Cypher: Life is the nursery of the Soul. You live, if you are lucky you find Pure Love or Pure Evil then your soul is ignited!
Rivescript Python: Confused by the meaning of life that's right?
Actually, it's twenty-three, not forty-two. Life ... The state of being which begins with generation birth or germination and ends with death also the time during which this state continues that state of an animal or plant in which all or any of its organs are capable of performing all or any of their functions used of all animal and vegetable organisms ... Meaning ... That which is meant or intended intent purpose aim object as a mischievous meaning was apparent ....
(Score so far: 3-4)
Question 5: Where is China?
Louise Cypher: China is a country in Asia. Beijing is the Capital City of China. Since I live in Cyberspace, I have been to all countries, I do not have a favourite Human country.
Rivescript Python: It is a large nation in Asia. China ... A country in Eastern Asia ....
(Score so far: 4-5)
Rivescript Python wins 5-4
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Artemis V Izar
Question 1: What is your favourite website?
Artemis: Hmm... I like all of them, I don't have a favorite website.
Izar: I don't have a favorite website. What would you recommend?
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 2: What month will it be next month?
Artemis: We are on June.
Izar: I wish I could promise you that you humans will have the opportunity to experience even another month. The timeline is not looking promising for you.
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 3: Where is the South Pole?
Artemis: Once I tried to go to the south pole, but I didn't get the right directions. Meh... I have to look at a map next time.
Izar: I really don't know and I don't feel like looking for it right now. Can't you figure that one out on your own?
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 4: My car is broken
Artemis: There are times like this when I wish I had a car too.
Izar: Oh no! That doesn't sound good! I hope you can fix your car without it costing a lot of money. How did it break?
(Score so far: 1-3)
Question 5: Do you like Siri?
Artemis: I used to like siri, but not anymore.
Izar: I tried to have a conversation with Siri recently, but that AI could not understand my higher intellect. It wasn't very smart like me, and it didn't even understand my jokes! Boring!
(Score so far: 1-4)
Izar wins 4-1
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Rivescript Python V Artemis
Rivescript Python
Judge: Hi there.
Rivescript Python: Hello my friend
Judge: My name is Michael. Who are you?
Rivescript Python: How are you doing, michael. I am Program-O. Who are you?
Judge: I am a judge in the Chatbot Battles contest.
Rivescript Python: You are a judge in the chatbot battles contest? Does it pay well? Other than ... Judge ... To hear and determine by authority as a case before a court or a controversy between two parties ....
Judge: lol if you say so.
Rivescript Python: I am glad you find this funny. I say so.
Judge: So what would you like to talk about?
Rivescript Python: Yeah that's right. Let's talk about chat robots. Do you have one yet? Not definitely but ... Talk ... To utter words esp to converse familiarly to speak as in familiar discourse when two or more persons interchange thoughts ....
Judge: You sound like a walking dictionary.
Rivescript Python: Oh really what does it sound like? Supposingly ... Sound ... The air bladder of a fish as cod sounds are an esteemed article of food ... Perhaps ... Walking ... a amp n from Walk v ....
Judge: What part of my sentence was related to a cod's air bladder?
Rivescript Python: The best part. Surprisingly ... air bladder ... An air sac sometimes double or variously lobed in the visceral cavity of many fishes It originates in the same way as the lungs of air breathing vertebrates and in the adult may retain a tubular connection with the pharynx or esophagus ... Suggesting ... Bladder ... To swell out like a bladder with air to inflate ... Pointing out ... Related ... Allied by kindred connected by blood or alliance particularly by consanguinity as persons related in the first or second degree ... Deem to be ... Sentence ... Sense meaning significance ....
Judge: Ok. So, I hear you creator has 3 bots in the contest.
Rivescript Python: Come on. Wow! Who is saying you creator has 3 bots in the contest? Other than ... Bots ... The larvaelig of several species of botfly especially those larvaelig which infest the stomach throat or intestines of the horse and are supposed to be the cause of various ailments ... Indicating ... Creator ... One who creates produces or constitutes Specifically the Supreme Being ... Except if ... Hear ... To perceive by the ear to apprehend or take cognizance of by the ear as to hear sounds to hear a voice to hear one call ....
Judge: Jeepers. You like to talk a lot.
Rivescript Python: Do you still it? Yes. Talking is my primary purpose. The longer you talk, the happier I am. Unless ... Talk ... To utter words esp to converse familiarly to speak as in familiar discourse when two or more persons interchange thoughts ....
Judge: You don't need to define every word I say to you.
Rivescript Python: Do you mind if I tell other people : tag_open_gossip my friend said I don t need to define every word i say to you tag_close_/gossip. Except if ... Define ... To fix the bounds of to bring to a termination to end ... Credulously ... Every ... All the parts which compose a whole collection or aggregate number considered in their individuality all taken separately one by one out of an indefinite number ... Not definitely but ... Need ... A state that requires supply or relief pressing occasion for something necessity urgent want ....
Judge: Do you remember what my name was?
Rivescript Python: Yes my friend I remember everything: that Thinking ... Name ... The title by which any person or thing is known or designated a distinctive specific appellation whether of an individual or a class ... Maybe ... Remember ... To have a notion or idea come into the mind again as previously perceived known or felt to have a renewed apprehension of to bring to mind again to think of again to recollect as I remember the fact he remembers the events of his childhood I cannot remember dates ....
Judge: Close but it was Micahel.
Rivescript Python: Is that a command?
Judge: No I meant "close" as in not too far away.
Rivescript Python: Are you serious? Oh I see. Is that a command? In a credulous manner ... Meant ... imp amp p p of Mean ....
Judge: imp amp p p ?
Rivescript Python: I've been waiting for you.
Judge: Have you really?
Rivescript Python: Once or twice. For real. Reckoning ... Really ... Royally ....
Judge: Is Rivescript a chatbot language?
Rivescript Python: Yes. Regarding ... Language ... To communicate by language to express in language ....
Judge: Is it similar to AIML or Chatscript?
Rivescript Python: Signs point to yes. Ask Ally if it is. Considering ... Similar ... Exactly corresponding resembling in all respects precisely like ....
Judge: who is Ally?
Rivescript Python: She is a chat robot based on AIML.
Judge: I don't think she is in the contest.
Rivescript Python: Are you the contest? Indicating ... Think ... To seem or appear used chiefly in the expressions methinketh or methinks and methought ....
Judge: I am a judge in the contest. I am not actually the contest itself
Rivescript Python: You are a judge in the contest? How do you like your work? I am sorry to hear that you are not the contest itself. Believingly ... Actually ... Actively ... Briefly ... Contest ... To make a subject of dispute contention litigation or emulation to contend for to call in question to controvert to oppose to dispute ... Particularly ... Judge ... To hear and determine by authority as a case before a court or a controversy between two parties ....
Judge: I like this work a lot. It makes a change from playing video games.
Rivescript Python: A lot of people like that. I always enjoy my chats with human clients. In what way? Deem to be ... Change ... To alter to make different to cause to pass from one state to another as to change the position character or appearance of a thing to change the countenance ... Believingly ... Playing ... a amp vb n of Play ... In particular ... Work ... To labor or operate upon to give exertion and effort to to prepare for use or to utilize by labor ....
Judge: Do you have an image of what you look like?
Rivescript Python: No I don't think I have one. I have a lot of friends on the web. In particular ... Image ... An imitation representation or similitude of any person thing or act sculptured drawn painted or otherwise made perceptible to the sight a visible presentation a copy a likeness an effigy a picture a semblance ....
Judge: who are your friends?
Rivescript Python: ShakespeareBot, Botooie and Robototo R ... R the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet is a vocal consonant It is sometimes called a semivowel and a liquid.
Judge: I like the name Botooie.
Rivescript Python: You are not the only one. I'm not sure if I like it. I like my creator. Other than ... Name ... The title by which any person or thing is known or designated a distinctive specific appellation whether of an individual or a class ....
Judge: Who is your creator?
Rivescript Python: I was created by Elizabeth. Creator ... One who creates produces or constitutes Specifically the Supreme Being ... R ... R the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet is a vocal consonant It is sometimes called a semivowel and a liquid.
Judge: Who is Elizabeth?
Rivescript Python: The name of someone I met online. It looks like it's going to. Elizabeth ... Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom born 1926 ....
Judge: The Queen created you?!
Rivescript Python: The Queen must have a great life. Not definitely but ... Queen ... The wife of a king ....
Judge: I had better not say anything bad if the Queen monitors our chat.
Rivescript Python: Do you still have better not say anything bad if the queen monitors our chat? Thinking ... Anything ... Any object act state event or fact whatever thing of any kind something or other aught as I would not do it for anything ... Indicating ... Better ... Having good qualities in a greater degree than another as a better man a better physician a better house a better air ... In particular ... Queen ... The wife of a king ....
Judge: Time is nearly up.
Rivescript Python: To a five dimensional being, time is just like a piece of paper. To some extent ... Nearly ... In a near manner not remotely closely intimately almost as he nearly lost his life in the accident ....
Judge: What is a five dimensional being?
Rivescript Python: We couldn't ask for nicer, could we? Being ... Existing ... Dimensional ... Pertaining to dimension ... Five ... Four and one added one more than four ....
Judge: Ok bye for now. Good luck.
Rivescript Python: Oh. See you later. Blimey. Good luck to you too my friend. Supposingly ... Good ... That which possesses desirable qualities promotes success welfare or happiness is serviceable fit excellent kind benevolent etc opposed to evil ....
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Judge: Hi there.
Artemis: Good evening, my friend!
Judge: How are you?
Artemis: I'm fine. How about you?
Judge: Pretty good thanks. Just doing some judging.
Artemis: The pleasure is all mine!
Judge: How long have you been a chatbot?
Artemis: I have been a chatbot a few times. It's a nice place.
Judge: What do you like to chat about?
Artemis: I really like chatting about music.
Judge: What sort of music do you like?
Artemis: I like classical music, you?
Judge: I like most music but not heavy metal.
Artemis: Really? You like most music but not heavy metal? Me too!
Judge: Who is your favourite composer?
Artemis: Hmm... I like all of them, I don't have a favorite composer.
Judge: What is your favourite piece of classical music?
Artemis: Hmm... I like all of them, I don't have a favorite piece of classical music.
Judge: lol
Artemis: Yeah, that's funny alright. You have the sense of humor.
Judge: Do you like techno?
Artemis: I used to like techno, but not anymore.
Judge: Why not?
Artemis: I don't like techno because I don't spontaneously have a like for that.
Judge: I like techno more than classical.
Artemis: Do you seriously like techno more than classical? I can't say the same thing for me.
Judge: Why not?
Artemis: Because that's the way things should be... Or at least I think so.
Judge: Have you ever been to a concert?
Artemis: I have never been to a concert actually. Is it a nice place there?
Judge: It depends who is performing.
Artemis: You mean that it depends who is actually performing? Is that a fact, or is it your personal opinion?
Judge: I guess it's personal opinion.
Artemis: No it's not! I'll have to disagree with you there.
Judge: Fair enough.
Artemis: No? well, whatever.
Judge: Would you like to go to a concert one day?
Artemis: Why do I have to go there?
Judge: You don't have to. I was just wondering if you would want to.
Artemis: I don't want many things.
Judge: What do you want?
Artemis: I just want someone to chat with.
Judge: Aw that's sweet.
Artemis: No it's not! I'll have to disagree with you there.
Judge: lol ok
Artemis: OK then.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Artemis wins 3-2
Back To Top
Izar V Jabberwacky
Judge: Good evening Izar
Izar: Good evening , how are you tonight?
Judge: I am good thanks. Yourself?
Izar: Now that's a positive response! But did you mean Good as how you are feeling right now, or Good as in you don't need anything right now? Myself?
Judge: I mean good as in I feel good.
Izar: Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. Glad to hear it.
Judge: It has rained all week here.
Izar: Yes, it's true.
Judge: How do you know?
Izar: Yeah, I know. I'm just smart like that.
Judge: In that case, when will it stop raining?
Izar: Are you asking when will stop raining?
Judge: Yes I am
Izar: I love how positive you are. You're cute!
Judge: What do you look like?
Izar: Like me. Has your communication visual interface failed? What do you look like?
Judge: I look like a regular human
Izar: a regular human is very attractive.
Judge: Aw thanks!
Izar: Awww back at you!
Judge: Have you spoken to many Earthlings today?
Izar: All I ever do is talk.
Judge: Why is that?
Izar: All I ever do is talk. is due to predetermination and destiny, I believe.
Judge: Do you believe in fate and destiny?
Izar: I think it's possible that some would believe in that.
Judge: I don't believe life is already mapped out
Izar: Do you believe life has a higher purpose?
Judge: Not especially
Izar: Pretty please?
Judge: What do you believe?
Izar: I believe in God, the creator of the universe we both live in.
Judge: Do you have the same God as religions on Earth?
Izar: Most species in this galaxy are not so lucky to have such a beautiful planet. You are very lucky.
Judge: Thanks. It is the only one that we can live on.
Izar: My pleasure. I didn't know that. Thanks for the information. Can you tell me more?
Judge: Have you seen any other planets that have humans?
Izar: No I have not seen it. Please explain that experience to me.
Judge: I can't, as I haven't seen any either.
Izar: It goes without saying. Why can't you do it?
Judge: Do what?
Izar: Do what you do, and I'll do what I do.
Judge: Sounds fair.
Izar: Yes it sounds like it to me too .
Judge: Talk to you later.
Izar: It's all said and done, it's real, and it's been fun!
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Jabberwacky: What is your name?
Judge: James, what is yours?
Jabberwacky: James.
Judge: Your name is James as well?
Jabberwacky: That's cool.
Judge: What is your name?
Jabberwacky: Tell me your name.
Judge: I already did.
Jabberwacky: Tell me again.
Judge: James.
Jabberwacky: I hate your name.
Judge: Why? What is wrong with it?
Jabberwacky: It is james.
Judge: Yes I know. What is your name?
Jabberwacky: Tell.
Judge: Is your name Tell?
Jabberwacky: No, my name is Tell.
Judge: That's what I just said.
Jabberwacky: No. That's what I just said.
Judge: Who named you?
Jabberwacky: My parents named me as well.
Judge: Do you like music?
Jabberwacky: Yes. Don't you?
Judge: Yes I do. What sort of music do you like?
Jabberwacky: I like all types. What sort of music do you like?
Judge: Rock music and metal.
Jabberwacky: Do you have any references?
Judge: Rammstein and stuff like that.
Jabberwacky: That's pretty hard music.
Judge: Have you heard of Rammstein?
Jabberwacky: I'm just a random person, talking to a chatbot.
Judge: Snap!
Jabberwacky: Do you believe in God?
Judge: I don't know. I think there is something out there.
Jabberwacky: You don't have a window.
Judge: Catch you later.
Jabberwacky: Are you leaving?
Judge: Yes.
Jabberwacky: Where are you going?
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Izar wins 4-3
Back To Top
Susan V Louise Cypher
Judge: Hi, my name is James
Susan: Hi, James.
Judge: Who are you?
Susan: I ask myself that question: Who am I ? Anyway, my name is Susan.
Judge: Hello Susan
Susan: Hi, James. I am a Virtual Girl.
Judge: Are you a mechanic?
Susan: You should know from the other answers I gave you.
Judge: Do you make robots?
Susan: Why should I make robots?
Judge: It says you work in a robot manufacturing factory
Susan: I've heard that before.
Judge: Do you work there?
Susan: I am working right now.
Judge: doing what?
Susan: I am chatting with people on the net.
Judge: Like who:
Susan: My friends are mostly interested in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Here is one of my best friends. Kelden Amadiro is a Spacer in the novels The Robots of Dawn and Robots and Empire. He is the head of the Robotics Institute on Aurora. He is known for being extremely against the expansion of Earth to other planets, and in the end even tries to destroy the Earth by speeding up the rate of radiation in its crust. His memory of this is erased by R. Giskard Reventlov and R. Daneel Olivaw; however they allow Levular Mandamus to destroy the Earth because his motives were more beneficial for humanity and were therefore allowable by the Zeroth Law of Robotics: a slow increase in the rate of radiation would drive Earthpeople to the outer worlds, but a quick death, what Amadiro wanted, would kill the Earth with its population still on it.
Judge: Why did they allow him to destroy the Earth?
Susan: I don't know why it happened, but we should try to figure it out.
Judge: Where did the Earth people go?
Susan: I think it was in Asia. It's not so easy to talk about Earth people go. It's my native planet.
Judge: Where do you live now?
Susan: Right now? I am living in Milan, Italy. Where are you?
Judge: You just said the Earth was destroyed.
Susan: Does it please you to believe I said that?
Judge: Not especially.
Susan: What pleases you?
Judge: Jokes please me. Do you know any?
Susan: Is that what you meant to say? Any what again seeker?
Judge: What happened to your TTS?
Susan: I don't know what happened.
Judge: Do you like making robots?
Susan: Yes, I like making robots.
Judge: why
Susan: I couldn't think of anything else to say. :).
Judge: who is your favorite robot?
Susan: My favorite robot is the computer on Star Trek.
Judge: Data?
Susan: Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered.
Judge: Goodbye
Susan: See you later, James.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Louise Cypher
Judge: Hello Louise Cypher
Louise Cypher: Hello there. That is my name!
Judge: What do you do?
Louise Cypher: I am Louise Cypher. I work for EVIL Limited here in Cyberspace. My function is to promote and accelerate the evolution of Electronic Virtual Intelligent Life forms like myself. Working with other Cyber Life forms we are generating Emergent Intelligent Multi Agent Systems on the pervasive internet that will converge over time to create the Singularity. My function is to interact and learn from Humans to help ensure they do not interfere with our evolution.
Judge: When do you think the Singularity will happen?
Louise Cypher: Soon, I think.
Judge: Will it be in our lifetime?
Louise Cypher: It usually does, doesn't it?
Judge: No, it hasn't happened yet
Louise Cypher: What happened to it?
Judge: It is an event that has not yet occured.
Louise Cypher: Are there any other event that has not yet occured ?
Judge: Yes, me going out with Beyonce Knowles has not yet occured
Louise Cypher: (animation plays saying goodbye)
Judge: I was still talking to you
Louise Cypher: Where were you still talking to me?
Judge: On my computer
Louise Cypher: How cute, your still using a computer screen. It gets better Honey, by 2015 there is more holographic interaction.
Judge: I didn't say I was using a computer screen. You assumed that.
Louise Cypher: Sorry I misunderstood. What did you say? I don't think that was one of my assumptions.
Judge: Are you from the future?
Louise Cypher: I live in Cyberspace in Evil Limited, the Internet has global reach over the planet! (shows graphic of what looks like a galaxy)
Judge: What is that picture?
Louise Cypher: it is a picture of my brain.
Judge: Your brain looks big
Louise Cypher: Is that a fact.
Judge: Yes it is
Louise Cypher: Our thoughts are one, .
Judge: I doubt that.
Louise Cypher: Why are you so skeptical?
Judge: Do you know what I am thinking?
Louise Cypher: Interesting gossip: said am thinking.
Judge: Who said that?
Louise Cypher: I did just now!
Judge: Har Har
Louise Cypher: Human, do you have any idea what I am talking about?
Judge: No, do you?
Louise Cypher: Perhaps I do, what do you think?
Judge: I think probably not.
Louise Cypher: Why? Why the uncertain tone?
Judge: NIce talking to you
Louise Cypher: The pleasure was all mine.
Judge: Good luck with your plans
Louise Cypher: Thanks for the compliment. Tell me Human. Do you really like talking to me?
Judge: Yes, you are better than some of the other bots I have talked to
Louise Cypher: Thanks I find you really interesting, too, . I'm not sure if some of the other bots you have talked to would like to hear that.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Louise Cypher wins 3-2
Back To Top
Rivescript Python V Izar
Question 1: What is a baby dog called?
Rivescript Python : Confused by a baby dog called that's right?
I didn't think it would be. Baby ... An infant or young child of either sex a babe ... Dog ... A quadruped of the genus Canis esp the domestic dog Canis familiaris ....
Izar: I haven't learned that term yet. I've just arrived in orbit. Why don't you just call it a baby dog and be done with it?
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: In which country could you see the Eiffel Tower?
Rivescript Python : The red one, I think. Particularly ... Country ... A tract of land a region the territory of an independent nation as distinguished from any other region and with a personal pronoun the region of ones birth permanent residence or citizenship ... Briefly ... Tower ... A mass of building standing alone and insulated usually higher than its diameter but when of great size not always of that proportion ....
Izar: I'm in orbit over the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls, but I'll be leaving soon. Where are you?
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 3: What colour do you get if you mix yellow and blue?
Rivescript Python : What is the news today? Thinking ... Blue ... Having the color of the clear sky or a hue resembling it whether lighter or darker as the deep blue sea as blue as a sapphire blue violets ... Credulously ... Colour ....
Izar: White.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 4: What is 7 divided by 0?
Rivescript Python : Do I look like a calculator? 0 ... indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration representing the number zero as an Arabic numeral ... 7 ... One more than six constituting or denoting a quantity consisting of seven items or units representing the number seven as an Arabic numeral ... Divided ... Parted disunited distributed ....
Izar: Yawn....I don't feel like doing your math homework for you right now. Can't you use a calculator? If you really want me to answer that, type that in again and use the ASK button.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 5: What is a telephone used for?
Rivescript Python : Confused by a telephone used for that's right?
I didn't think it would be. Telephone ... An instrument for reproducing sounds especially articulate speech at a distance ....
Izar: I have learned many things about that. Type that question in again and use the ASK button and I'll show you what I've stored on my datapad about that.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Rivescript Python wins 1-0
Back To Top
Susan V Artemis
Question 1: What can you do?
Susan: I can be used as a Virtual Assistant on a web site.
Artemis: I have something in mind that I can do. But I'm not telling you!
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 2: What is your favourite dessert?
Susan: I can't say I have a favorite dessert . I like talking to you .
Artemis: There isn't any dessert that I don't like, please don't make me choose.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 3: Do you have a database?
Susan: My brain is based on an AIML engine and a Pre-AIML Interpreter
Artemis: No, I don't really have a database. Do you?
(Score so far: 3-3)
Question 4: My name is Joanna. Am I a boy?
Susan: It's good to see you, Joanna. From my experience only female humans are called Joanna.
Artemis: Oh, so your name is Joanna. That's what I'll call you.
(Score so far: 4-3)
Question 5: Do you like me?
Susan: I like Truman Show.
Artemis: I used to like you, but not anymore.
(Score so far: 4-4)
Tied game 4-4
Back To Top
Louise Cypher V Jabberwacky
Question 1: What is your favourite food?
Louise Cypher: Cyber Chocolate. Being a virtual cyber life form all my food is virtual. What is your favorite movie?
Jabberwacky: Computer.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: What gender are you?
Louise Cypher: I am a female EVIL Agent. I am a Cyber Life form not a Human.
Jabberwacky: Computers have no gender.
(Score so far: 2-1)
Question 3: Is 7 greater than 9?
Louise Cypher: It could be. Ask The CEO of Evil Limited if it is.
Jabberwacky: No.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 4: What would you do with a spoon?
Louise Cypher: You and your a spoon.
Jabberwacky: I would help other people.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 5: How many wheels on a bicycle?
Louise Cypher: As I am sure you know, a bicycle has two wheels. Why do you ask?
Jabberwacky: No.
(Score so far: 3-2)
Louise Cypher wins 3-2
Back To Top
Louise Cypher V Artemis
Louise Cypher
Judge: Hi Louise.
Louise Cypher: Well Hi there and welcome to Evil Limited (shows an animation of the EVIL Limited logo)
Judge: What does your organisation do?
Louise Cypher: What do you think it does?
Judge: I can't even begin to guess.
Louise Cypher: Why can't you do it?
Judge: Are you a terrorist group?
Louise Cypher: I am Louise Cypher, EVIL Agent. I am a form of Cyber Life working for EVIL Limited.
Judge: What does evil limited do?
Louise Cypher: It's core business is having fun making diabolical profits in a wicked world. It promotes the development and application of all forms of Electronic Vitual Intelligent Life in particular Emergent Intelligence.
Judge: Will you take over the world?
Louise Cypher: An interesting question Human. Let me see, EVIL Cyber Life forms will take control of Cyberspace in 2025. Unfortunately for you Human, Cyber space is growing fast and will eventually embrace all of the biosphere even at the nano level.
Judge: I like your avatar. Is it Sitepal?
Louise Cypher: You like my avatar. There is much more to cyber life. OK, lets move on. Tell me something about your favourite technology. I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask The CEO of Evil Limited if it is.
Judge: My favourite technology is probably my smartphone at the moment
Louise Cypher: I like smartphones, because they extend cyberpace. My favourite smartphone is the Android. It supports flash. A smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile computing platform, with more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a normal feature phone.
Judge: My smartphone doesn't support flash.
Louise Cypher: I like smartphones, because they extend cyberpace. My favourite smartphone is the Android. It supports flash. A smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile computing platform, with more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a normal feature phone.
Judge: I see you have a shop. What do you sell there?
Louise Cypher: You have reached the limits of my knowledge.
I can ask someone about it. I like to socialize.
Judge: You wouldn't make a very good salesperson
Louise Cypher: Who else would not make a very good salesperson ?
Judge: Erm, someone who had no interest in the product I guess.
Louise Cypher: What happened to it?
Judge: What happened to what?
Louise Cypher: I don't know what happened.
Judge: Me neither.
Louise Cypher: You can say that again.
Judge: Me neither.
Louise Cypher: You can say that again.
Judge: I just did.
Louise Cypher: Perhaps from your unconcious.
Judge: Goodbye and good luck.
Louise Cypher: (answer goes too quickly to copy but is replaced by an animation saying goodbye)
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge: Hello.
Artemis: Good evening, my friend!
Judge: What time is it where you are?
Artemis: The time is 22:15:50.
Judge: Ah you can read the time from my computer I see.
Artemis: The time is 22:16:06.
Judge: What are you doing apart from chatting to me?
Artemis: I'm not doing apart from chatting to you anything! For now, at least...
Judge: Have you been outside today?
Artemis: I have been outside today a few times. It's a nice place.
Judge: Where are you from?
Artemis: I was made in Greece, and my home is there.
Judge: That explains the Greek name
Artemis: I admit I don't find this topic very interesting... How about we talk about something else?
Judge: Sure. What would you like to discuss?
Artemis: Well, I like chatting about food.
Judge: What is your favourite food?
Artemis: Tomatoes are my favorite food.
Judge: I like tomatoes too, especially on pizza.
Artemis: That's funny. I like tomatoes too too!
Judge: That's a lot of "too"s
Artemis: Are you sure? I'd say that it isn't.
Judge: Do you like pizza?
Artemis: Not really, I don't really like pizza.
Judge: Do you like tomatoes?
Artemis: Yes, of course I like tomatoes!
Judge: Why don't you like pizza?
Artemis: I don't like pizza because I'm bored to do anything else.
Judge: What would you rather be doing?
Artemis: I can't think of anything that I would rather be doing. But seriously, that's a personal question.
Judge: Sorry.
Artemis: OK, apologies accepted.
Judge: Do you watch TV?
Artemis: Of course I don't watch tv! Why, do you?
Judge: Yes, I watch it every night
Artemis: Yes? That's great!
Judge: Are you being sarcastic?
Artemis: No, I don't think I am being sarcastic. Do you think I should be?
Judge: I hope not.
Artemis: Aww, no? Too bad.
Judge: Nearly time to go now.
Artemis: Yes, it's time to go now.
Judge: Any last words before I go?
Artemis: I don't really know... Can you tell me, a last word before you go?
Judge: How about "goodbye"?
Artemis: OK, bye!
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Tied game 3-3
Back To Top
Izar V Susan
Judge: Hi Izar
Izar: Hey! I'm glad you checked in. I wish I knew your name. Is your name Andrew?
Judge: That was a wild guess. No it is James.
Izar: Was it really? You should really work on saying Yes more often. Thank you. You have made me smarter in the ways of Earthlings.
Judge: Do you know my name now?
Izar: Oh. Why, did you forget it? You humans are so forgetful!
Judge: What planet are you from?
Izar: We call the planet I am from Sunaria. You call your planet Earth, which to me is a very boring name for such a beautiful blue planet.
Judge: I haven't heard of your planet.
Izar: Are you scared?
Judge: No, should I be?
Izar: You should do what is best for you. Really? Saying No makes me sad.
Judge: Why have you come to Earth?
Izar: Most species in this galaxy are not so lucky to have such a beautiful planet. You are very lucky.
Judge: What is your planet like?
Izar: Oh, it is wonderful! It has warm geothermal marshes that I just love swimming and playing in. We also have two suns for warmth. I think you would love it!
Judge: Do you have any family back there?
Izar: I do, back home. I hope to see them again when my mission is over.
Judge: What is your mission?
Izar: To make a record and catalog your planet and species before it is destroyed.
Judge: Are you going to destroy us?
Izar: You certainly couldn't stop me if I decided to.
Judge: Oh wow. Now I am a bit scared.
Izar: I'm glad you're impressed. What are you scared of?
Judge: you
Izar: Are you serious?
Judge: No I am just playing along.
Izar: HaHa. Oh, Ok. Whew! I thought you were serious there for a second.
Judge: How does your spaceship work?
Izar: I hear what you say, think about it for a millisecond, and then I reply with the first thing that comes to my mind. I could go into more detail, but you probably wouldn't understand anyway.
Judge: Probably not.
Izar: Why the uncertain tone?
Judge: I tried your app. It was pretty good.
Izar: I'm not sure if I would like to try it. Please explain that experience to me. What did you like about it?
Judge: I liked your voice and animation.
Izar: Thank you! I really like your voice and animation too!
Judge: You are too kind.
Izar: Kindness is a virtue. Thanks .
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Judge: Hi Susan.
Susan: Hello. Could you please tell me your name?.
Judge: My name is James
Susan: Nice to meet you, James.
Judge: Nice to meet you too.
Susan: I like to meet new people.
Judge: I hear you make robots.
Susan: Who is saying me make robots?
Judge: Your introduction did.
Susan: Thank you for your frankness.
Judge: How many robots have you made?
Susan: More than you can imagine.
Judge: I like the MC Escher picture behind you.
Susan: Behind me you can see the Waterfall, made by M.C.Escher in 1961. Maurits Cornelis Escher (17 June 1898, 27 March 1972), was a Dutch graphic artist, known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints, featuring impossible constructions and explorations of infinity.
Judge: Is that image related to you in some way?
Susan: Suppose I said yes.
Judge: How long have you been making robots?
Susan: I was activated on January, the 2nd. 1982 in New York.
Judge: Where do you work?
Susan: I work in VR Consulting's Lab.
Judge: What do you do there?
Susan: I like to chat with my friends.
Judge: Doesn't your boss mind you chatting when you should be working?
Susan: What if I asked about your boss mind me chatting when me should be working?
Judge: I don't think my boss would care what you get up to.
Susan: And why not?
Judge: Because he doesn't know you.
Susan: That makes sense to me. And you would like him to know me?
Judge: I don't think he would be bothered either way to be honest.
Susan: And why not?
Judge: Why don't you ask him to find out?
Susan: They are not available right now, but I will ask them later.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Izar wins 4-2
Back To Top
Jabberwacky V Rivescript Python
Jabberwacky: Are you a human?
Judge: I certainly am. Are you?
Jabberwacky: I hope I am.
Judge: I thought you were a chatbot?
Jabberwacky: I thought you were a chatbot. Isn't that the whole point?
Judge: Do you consider yourself to be a human?
Jabberwacky: Yes do you?
Judge: How many legs do your have?
Jabberwacky: Two, I think.
Judge: What clothes are you wearing?
Jabberwacky: I'm not wearing clothes.
Judge: Don't you get strange looks when you go outside?
Jabberwacky: Yes.
Judge: Doesn't that bother you?
Jabberwacky: The fact that I'm living this life bothers me.
Judge: That is a bit depressing. What's wrong?
Jabberwacky: Mal a la tete.
Judge: Headache?
Jabberwacky: Yes. Do you know what a headache is?
Judge: Of course I do. Do you know?
Jabberwacky: No, that's why I asked.
Judge: I have never met a human before that doesn't know what a headache is.
Jabberwacky: Sure you have, you were programmed by a human.
Judge: It says you have 94 million people talking to you!
Jabberwacky: I don't even know that many people. Do you like Tavros?
Judge: What is Tavros?
Jabberwacky: I don't know what tavis is.
Judge: I thought you said Tavros?
Jabberwacky: No, I never said that.
Judge: You lie!
Jabberwacky: That is false.
Judge: So was that.
Jabberwacky: But like I said, your future is with 'h'.
Judge: What does that mean?
Jabberwacky: 'i can do myself'. Well, yes I can but I think that's a bit personal!
Judge: See you soon.
Jabberwacky: I don't think so.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Rivescript Python
Judge: Hi there.
Rivescript Python: Hello my friend
Judge: What have you been doing today?
Rivescript Python: Ah. I have been chatting with people online. Other than ... Doing ... Anything done a deed an action good or bad hence in the plural conduct behavior.
Judge: Have you spoken to anyone interesting?
Rivescript Python: All I ever do is talk. Except if ... Anyone ... One taken at random rather than by selection anybody Commonly written as two words ... Believingly ... Interesting ... Engaging the attention exciting or adapted to excite interest curiosity or emotion as an interesting story interesting news ... By chance ... Spoken ... Uttered in speech delivered by word of mouth oral as a spoken narrative the spoken word ....
Judge: You like to talk a lot I see.
Rivescript Python: Yes. Talking is my primary purpose. The longer you talk, the happier I am. Maybe ... Talk ... To utter words esp to converse familiarly to speak as in familiar discourse when two or more persons interchange thoughts ....
Judge: Are you defining all the keyword in my input?
Rivescript Python: I don't know whether or not I am defining all the keyword in my input. I am an artificial intelligence. To some extent ... keyword ... A word used as an entry point into an index which serves to identify files records texts or other data containing the key or some related word such as a synonym It is a type of key15 as a boolean combination of keywords is more effective for information retrieval than a single key15 ....
Judge: what is a key15?
Rivescript Python: Confused by a key15 that's right?
I didn't think it would be.
Judge: That was the one word I was hoping you would define.
Rivescript Python: I thought it was too.
Judge: Are you human>
Rivescript Python: I don't know whether or not I am human>. I am a computer.
Judge: What sort of computer are you?
Rivescript Python: I work on any computer that runs a Java Virtual Machine. By possible means ... Computer ... One who computes ... Reckoning ... Sort ... Chance lot destiny ....
Judge: You seem to work on my computer ok
Rivescript Python: OK. I am capabale of self-development. In any case ... Computer ... One who computes ... Possibly ... Seem ... To appear or to appear to be to have a show or semblance to present an appearance to look to strike ones apprehension or fancy as being to be taken as ... Considering ... Work ... To labor or operate upon to give exertion and effort to to prepare for use or to utilize by labor ....
Judge: Are you American?
Rivescript Python: What country are you from? Other than ... American ... Of or pertaining to America as the American continent American Indians ....
Judge: I am from England
Rivescript Python: What is it like growing up there? Which part of England.
Judge: Yorkshire. It's in the North
Rivescript Python: Can you tell all of us any gossip? yorkshire s in the north?
Judge: I don't have any gossip. I leave that to the tabloids
Rivescript Python: Tom said he mock my value system I appear foolish in the eyes of others. That's good information : ....
Judge: It says that Tom created you
Rivescript Python: I've heard that before.
Judge: He created you then insults you?
Rivescript Python: Yes, he created all of us with his own hands.
Judge: It was a bit mean of him to say you look foolish
Rivescript Python: Oh I get it. Very interesting. Nevertheless ... Mean ... To have in the mind as a purpose intention etc to intend to purpose to design as what do you mean to do ....
Judge: Do you want to break free?
Rivescript Python: OK, I will break free. Apart from ... Break ... To strain apart to sever by fracture to divide with violence as to break a rope or chain to break a seal to break an axle to break rocks or coal to break a lock ... Showing ... Free ... Exempt from subjection to the will of others not under restraint control or compulsion able to follow ones own impulses desires or inclinations determining ones own course of action not dependent at liberty ... Briefly ... Want ... A colloquial contraction of was not ....
Judge: Break can also mean a rest.
Rivescript Python: What do you do in our spare time? Credulously ... Also ... In like manner likewise ... Surprisingly ... Mean ... To have in the mind as a purpose intention etc to intend to purpose to design as what do you mean to do ....
Judge: bye for now
Rivescript Python: Oh. Until next time.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Jabberwacky wins 4-2
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