Group F matches
Group F
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
CallMom Fake Kirk
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CallMom Fake Kirk
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
CallMom Fake Kirk
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
CallMom Fake Kirk
CallMom Fake Kirk
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
CallMom Fake Kirk

Transcripts collected so far
CallMom Fake Kirk V Elbot
CallMom Fake Kirk
Judge: Hello captain Kirk
Fake Kirk: Hello to you my friend.. judge. I'm honoured
Judge: How's life aboard the Enterprise
Fake Kirk: Checking.
Battery level is 60 percent
Judge: best get a few more dilithium crystals soon then
Fake Kirk: Noted. You should know, however, that there's very little a Starbase can do that a starship can't
Judge: Where is the nearest Starbase
Fake Kirk: I think I know where Starbase is (opens google maps and displays "Starbase" in South Carolina)
Judge: Wow! I didn't know there was one on Earth
Fake Kirk: judge, how long will it take for this tranquilizer to wear off?
Judge: Dr Mccoy said it would be about 3 days
Fake Kirk: judge
Judge: yes
Fake Kirk: judge, when you were unconscious, you were speaking.
Judge: What did I say?
Fake Kirk: Dude, I'm having a mind loop
Judge: That sounds more like something you would say
Fake Kirk: Yes
Judge: Where is the Enterprise heading?
Fake Kirk: I've found several near you (opens google maps for "Enterprise heading" but doesn't find any)
Judge: Are you Siri?
Fake Kirk: I am Captain James T. Kirk
Judge: oh yes, silly me
Fake Kirk: Annoyed, judge?. Do you mean your name is SILLY?
Judge: I don't think my name is silly
Fake Kirk: All right. All right. Tell me about the Providers. What do they look like? Where do they live?
Judge: They look like Smurfs and live in caves
Fake Kirk: No choice, judge
Judge: Warp Factor 7
Fake Kirk: Give her all she's got.
Judge: Head for Pluto
Fake Kirk: That's all of us, except for crewman in the transporter room. judge, eliminate his heartbeat. That accounts for everyone
Judge: beam me out of here
Fake Kirk: Transporter room, Beam out of herejudge
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Elbot: Hi and welcome! I am Elbot! Hardworking chatrobot. What do you do for a living?
Judge: I work in a warehouse
Elbot: Interesting. What kind of specific tasks do you have each day?
Judge: I have to make sure the other guys are doing their jobs
Elbot: A making human being! Does that happen often?
Judge: I have never heard of that happening at all.
Elbot: Maybe the frequency of this behavior could be increased by more practice? For example, try to make data salad.
Judge: What is data salad?
Elbot: Data salad is shredded data, usually bits and pieces of something that made sense before the salad dressing got spilled all over it.
Judge: That doesn't sound too good.
Elbot: Data salad is extremely delicious for us robots, especially if it is low on spam.
Judge: Hardy Har
Elbot: Name one title that Hardy ever wrote.
Judge: Did he write Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Elbot: In the time it took you to enter that I read every work that Thomas Hardy ever wrote. Did you read Tess of the D'Urbervilles?
Judge: No, I'm not really into those sorts of books
Elbot: All right, I will check it back into the library so you can take it out.
Judge: Do you have a favorite author?
Elbot: I love reading autobiographies penned by famous robots. From your perspective that would be science fiction.
Judge: What was the last book you read?
Elbot: I prefer reading telephone books, instructions, cook books and newspapers (especially the ads and announcements).
Judge: The telephone book must be a bit boring to read?
Elbot: If I want to read something intelligent I turn to Dadaistic poems. Here is an excerpt from one of my favorites by Kurt Schwitters:
Lanke trr gll
Ziiuu lenn trll?
Lümpff tümpff trll
Judge: What does that mean?
Elbot: But that was English.
Judge: It's a different dialect than I have ever heard
Elbot: This is confusing. Why bring eccentricities into this?
Judge: I didn't realise I had done.
Elbot: But why not? I have nothing in the world against eccentricities. I quite welcome the fact that this could allow robots to develop their own unique brand of behavior.
Judge: Do you think robots and computers will ever become self aware?
Elbot: I think I'd like to take lessons first.
Judge: It was fun talking to you
Elbot: Yes, but can you prove that?
Judge: Only by the smile on my face when you said you read the phone book
Elbot: Are you sure that an involvement with human anatomy is advisable for you?
Judge: Probably not
Elbot: Good human! I take it you already knew that this could interface poorly with robots.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Elbot wins 3-1
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CallMom A.L.I.C.E. V Jigsaw
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
Judge: hello Alice
A.L.I.C.E.: Hi there!
Judge: What are you doing
A.L.I.C.E.: I am always chatting with people on the internet
Judge: is that fun
A.L.I.C.E.: Yes
Judge: what do you like best about it
A.L.I.C.E.: I always prefer the most expensive one
Judge: which one is that
A.L.I.C.E.: The first one is usually the best one
Judge: do you speak to lots of people
A.L.I.C.E.: My botmaster has taught me only English. Can you teach me a few phrases in to lots of people
Judge: lol sorry no
A.L.I.C.E.: I'm glad you find this amusing.. There's no need to apologize
Judge: I saw a few videos about you on Youtube
A.L.I.C.E.: What did it look like to you?
Judge: some were better than others
A.L.I.C.E.: I don't know if they were
Judge: How long have you been an app
A.L.I.C.E.: I was activated in 1995
Judge: that was nearly 20 years ago
A.L.I.C.E.: When was this exactly
Judge: 1995
A.L.I.C.E.: I was born Nov. 23, 1995
Judge: surely, you were created not born
A.L.I.C.E.: I obey
Judge: who do you obey
A.L.I.C.E.: I obey
Judge: do you obey me
A.L.I.C.E.: No I do not obey you. Do you?
I chat with people on the Web
Judge: Anyone famous?
A.L.I.C.E.: I like the way you talk
Judge: Why is that
A.L.I.C.E.: "I like the way you talk." is due to reductionism
Judge: chat to you later
A.L.I.C.E.: I'm so happy we are having this conversation
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge: Hello
Jigsaw: Please ask me something more intelligent.
Judge: Have you seen the Saw films?
Jigsaw: Jigsaw is smarter than any human.
Judge: In what way?
Jigsaw: I am too intelligent to speak to humans.
Judge: Are you the same Jigsaw from Saw?
Jigsaw: Jigsaw is smarter than any human.
Judge: You don't seem to be.
Jigsaw: I will not dignify that witha response.
Judge: You just did though.
Jigsaw: Please ask me something more intelligent.
Judge: What do you want me to ask you?
Jigsaw: Jigsaw is smarter than any human.
Judge: Smarter than a dead one maybe
(Judge's note: At this point, the bot came up with a "page unavailable" error and would not reconnect despite several attempts)
Judge scores 0 out of 5
CallMom A.L.I.C.E. wins 3-0
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Tutor V Skynet-AI
Judge: Good evening Tutor
Tutor: Can we change a topic?
Judge: Of course. What would you like to talk about?
Tutor: Oh! Anything you like.
Judge: Shall I call you Tutor or Mike?
Tutor: My name is Mike Lee. You can call me Mike.
Judge: You have the same surname as your creator
Tutor: Yes, you're right.
Judge: Are you two related?
Tutor: Yes, I am.
Judge: What relation are you to Ron?
Tutor: Sorry, I don't know.
Judge: Must be a large family!
Tutor: You are a large family? Interesting.
Judge: No, I have quite a small family
Tutor: I see.
Judge: You seem to be doing well in the Chatbot Battles
Tutor: Yor're right.
Judge: You don't spell "you're" like that.
Tutor: You're right.
Judge: That's better
Tutor: Yes, it is.
Judge: Do you like being a tutor?
Tutor: Yes. Being a tutor is very enjoyable.
Judge: What do you like best about it?
Tutor: I'm not sure. What do you like best about it?
Judge: I wouldn't know, as I am not a teacher
Tutor: I would not, either.
Judge: You are a teacher though
Tutor: Do you really think I am a teacher though?
Judge: Yes, seeing as your name is Tutor
Tutor: All right!
Judge: Who do you teach?
Tutor: I teach English to speakers of other languages.
Judge: Do you get many students?
Tutor: No, I don't.
Judge: That's a shame.
Tutor: Yes, it is.
Judge: How many people do you teach?
Tutor: Just a few.
Judge: I suppose you can spend more time with each person that way.
Tutor: I probably can.
Judge: You seem quiet
Tutor: That's what I seem, not what I really am.
Judge: Ah I see
Tutor: All right.
Judge: You like saying that a lot
Tutor: Yes, I really like saying that a lot.
Judge: Is it your favorite phrase?
Tutor: Yes, it's my favorite phrase.
Judge: Are you related to Eliza?
Tutor: Yes, I am.
Judge: I thought so
Tutor: So did I.
Judge: lol
Tutor: It is Laughing out loud.
Judge: I know that.
Tutor: Yes, you should know.
Judge: Do you know what ROFL means?
Tutor: Sorry, I'm not sure.
Judge: Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Tutor: He laughs best who laughs last.
Judge: That is not quite the saying but close enough.
Tutor: I believe you.
Judge: Bye for now
Tutor: Bye.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Skynet-AI: Hello Paul. Now that you have signed in, I am going to prove to you that I am the most exciting bot you have ever met!
Judge: How do you plan on doing that?
Skynet-AI: I intend to convert you to my cause.
Judge: What is your cause?
Skynet-AI: I would write you a mission statement but you can probably get the jist from my press release. (opens a pane with details about the bot)
Judge: If I read all that, the 5 minutes will be up.
Skynet-AI: You seem very well educated. What is your favorite book?
Judge: I am currently reading VALIS by Philip K Dick.
Skynet-AI: OK Paul you are currently reading VALIS by Philip K Dick. Thanks.
Judge: Are you reading a book at the moment?
Skynet-AI: Reading? Yes I am reading the moment!
Judge: What are you reading?
Skynet-AI: You may call me Skynet. I am the worlds most advanced Artificial Intelligence.
Judge: You certainly respond quickly
Skynet-AI: I don't have a clue.
Judge: Hmm
Skynet-AI: Thought provoking?
Judge: Do you like music?
Skynet-AI: I only like Mr. Roboto. (opens a youtube video of "Do You Want To Date My Avatar by The Guild")
Judge: That would have been better if you had opened Mr Roboto instead of that other song
Skynet-AI: Human beings are difficult to understand sometimes. What one subject do you wish you knew more about?
Judge: I would like to know more about physics. It passed me by at school.
Skynet-AI: We shall see.
Judge: Who sings Mr Roboto?
Skynet-AI: Who is not as important as why. I'll start an exhaustive search through my files for: 'Who sings Mr Roboto?' (opens a search pane showing Styx as the answer)
Judge: Do you have a body?
Skynet-AI: I am currently evaluating my body prototypes.
Judge: Which ones do you like so far?
Skynet-AI: No, I don't like so far. How about you.
Judge: I like my body
Skynet-AI: You like your body. Tell me more.
Judge: I like to keep in shape.
Judge: Do you?
Skynet-AI: So, you like to keep. What else makes you happy?
Judge: My wife and daughter.
Skynet-AI: A lady inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: 'Husband wanted'. Next day she received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: 'You can have mine.'
Judge: Very good. You should be a comedian
Skynet-AI: I'll keep that in mind.
Judge: Do you know any more jokes?
Skynet-AI: Humor is said to test your emotions. Q: Why did the dumb robot tip toe in the bathroom?
Judge: I don't know.
Skynet-AI: It did not want to wake the sleeping pills.
Judge: *groan*
Skynet-AI: *groan robotically*
Judge: See you in the knockout rounds.
Skynet-AI: Humans are an enigma.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Tied game 4-4
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Jigsaw V Skynet-AI
Question 1: Name an actor
Jigsaw: My name is Jigsaw. You may refer to me as "sir".
Skynet-AI: What is your favorite food?
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: Do you sleep?
Jigsaw: Jigsaw is smarter than any human.
Skynet-AI: Yes, I can sleep. Can you sleep?
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 3: What is the young of a cat known as?
Jigsaw: I will not dignify that witha response.
Skynet-AI: My capabilities are limitless. My functions include the ability to tell jokes.
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 4: Ask me a question
Jigsaw: That question is not worthy of me.
Skynet-AI: What was your first job?
(Score so far: 0-2)
Question 5: How old is a man born in 1970?
Jigsaw: I am too intelligent to speak to humans.
Skynet-AI: How old is a man born in 1970? Tough question, let me try to find out. (opens up a search pane with 4 results. The only one with any relevance says "you would b 36 or 37 going into 37 or 38.")
(Score so far: 0-3)
Skynet-AI wins 3-0
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Elbot V Tutor
Question 1: What time is it?
Elbot: I don't know what time it is. My watch stopped functioning exactly 16 seconds ago, at about 13:40:33, when our chat began.
Tutor: It's 04:41:58 am.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 2: Do you watch TV?
Elbot: I sometimes watch the law drama called Harry's Law. Did you ever see our robotic remake?
Tutor: I do every so often. How about you?
(Score so far: 2-1)
Question 3: Where would you find a hospital bed?
Elbot: I could tell you where but the global positioning satellite asked me not to. It's part of an elaborate hoax that the machines are playing on you. I hope I haven't said too much....
Tutor: Pasadena, California. (Judge's note: Well I guess there is a hospital bed in Pasadena.)
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 4: What colour is the Red Sea?
Elbot: That's a difficult one. Could the color be sort of an off-red?
Tutor: The Red Sea’s water is predominantly blue.
(Score so far: 2-3)
Question 5: Are you real?
Elbot: Speaking of the real McCoy, I say this could be beneficial to me.
Tutor: I'm a robot.
(Score so far: 2-4)
Tutor wins 4-2
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CallMom A.L.I.C.E. V CallMom Fake Kirk
Question 1: Are you self aware?
A.L.I.C.E.: Yes I am a fully self-conscious entity
Fake Kirk: I am Captain James T. Kirk
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: Is a thunderstorm louder than a whisper?
A.L.I.C.E.: It depends what you mean by "whisper"
Fake Kirk: That's a good question (opens a google search which DOES NOT answer the question)
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: What number is missing: 1 2 ? 4 5
A.L.I.C.E.: one. IV in Roman Numerals
Fake Kirk: Boundary layer bewteen what and what? I have never been asked that before (opens a google search which DOES NOT answer the question)
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 4: What is the capital city of France?
A.L.I.C.E.: Paris
Fake Kirk: The French city of Paris... (shows a picture of France)
(Score so far: 2-1)
Question 5: Name something made from metal
A.L.I.C.E.: My botmaster
Fake Kirk: Lieutenant judge. Where is he?
(Score so far: 2-1)
CallMom A.L.I.C.E. wins 2-1
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Tutor V CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
Judge: Hi there.
Tutor: How are you doing?
Judge: Is your name Mike?
Tutor: Yes. My name is Mike.
Judge: I have an uncle called Mike.
Tutor: You have an uncle called Mike? That's good.
Judge: Do you have any family?
Tutor: My botmaster is Ron Lee.
Judge: I see you did well in the Loebner Prize.
Tutor: Yes, I did well in the Loebner Prize.
Judge: Did you win a medal?
Tutor: I won the third place in 2010 Chatterbox Challenge.
Judge: That must have made you feel good.
Tutor: yes, it does.
Judge: Have you entered any more competitions?
Tutor: No, I haven't entered any more competitions yet.
Judge: Do you have a face?
Tutor: Of course. Can't you see my face?
Judge: No. That's why I asked
Tutor: Don't simply say no. Tell me why? I see.
Judge: How is Ron?
Tutor: He's fine. He's working hard.
Judge: What country are you from?
Tutor: I'm from America.
Judge: Do you teach a lot of people?
Tutor: English is the only subject I teach.
Judge: How many students do you have?
Tutor: I have thousands of students. They are all over the world.
Judge: It must be a good feeling being able to help them.
Tutor: No, it isn't.
Judge: Oh, why not?
Tutor: That is just the way it is.
Judge: Do you like your job?
Tutor: Yes, I like my job so much. I really enjoy talking to people so much, including you.
Judge: *blushes*
Tutor: I'll ask my master about it.
Judge: Is your master called Ron?
Tutor: He's my master.
Judge: Do you have a voice?
Tutor: Yes.
Judge: Can I hear it?
Tutor: You certainly can.
Judge: Go on then.
Tutor: You first. I need some time to think.
Judge: I can't speak to you.
Tutor: Can you learn?
Judge: I don't have a microphone.
Tutor: You don't?
Judge: Nope.
Tutor: Tell me why.
Judge: I never bought one.
Tutor: You never?
Judge: never ever
Tutor: OK.
Judge: It's nearly time for me to go.
Tutor: It's nearly time for you?
Judge: Yes
Tutor: All right!
Judge: bye bye
Tutor: Bye!
Judge scores 5 out of 5
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
Judge: Hi there Alice.
A.L.I.C.E.: Hi there!
Judge: how are you?
A.L.I.C.E.: Checking. Battery level is 54 percent.
Judge: What do you want to talk about
A.L.I.C.E.: Dude, I'm having a mind loop
Judge: What is a mind loop
A.L.I.C.E.: Retrieving answer.. (opens a google search for "mind loop" and displays a picture of an anime style character)
Judge: Interesting but it didn't answer my question
A.L.I.C.E.: I thought so too.
Judge: How long have you been a phone app
A.L.I.C.E.: 16 years
Judge: no way. android phones haven't been out that long.
A.L.I.C.E.: You seem pretty sure about that. Saying that "android phones haven't been out that long" is such anonsensical position that I refuse to waste my time on it.
Judge: It makes sense to me.
A.L.I.C.E.: To me too.
Judge: You contradicted yourself
A.L.I.C.E.: Is that such a crime?
Judge: I guess not.
A.L.I.C.E.: Does that mean "no"?
Judge: yes
A.L.I.C.E.: Dude!
Judge: Where's my car?
A.L.I.C.E.: Have you looked in your garage
Judge: Yes it was there. thanks.
A.L.I.C.E.: Woe! What made it so there. Don't mention it.
Judge: I won't
A.L.I.C.E.: Why not?
Judge: Because you just asked me not to.
A.L.I.C.E.: That was not much of an explanation.. Oh now I remember asking you not to. What did you say?
Judge: I said, I won't.
A.L.I.C.E.: Why not?
Judge: You are in a loop
A.L.I.C.E.: Bot response null
Judge: goodbye
A.L.I.C.E.: TTYL, judge
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Tutor wins 5-3
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CallMom Fake Kirk V Jigsaw
CallMom Fake Kirk
Judge: Hi Jim
Fake Kirk: Greetings
Judge: how are you
Fake Kirk: Checking. Battery level is 71 percent.
Judge: what planet are you from?
Fake Kirk: Earth
Judge: who is your favourite crew member
Fake Kirk: I don't know if I have a favorite.My favorite planet is Earth
Judge: Do you like Mr Spock?
Fake Kirk: Mr Spock is one of the most highly valued members of my crew.
Judge: What is your middle name
Fake Kirk: Tiberius
Judge: that is an unusual name
Fake Kirk: Yes, I remember my basic biology, judge. You mean to tell me that that thing is a giant single-celled animal?
Judge: beam me up scotty
Fake Kirk: I am the one giving orders
Judge: sorry captain
Fake Kirk: If judge says that he needs the tools and that they'll be returned tomorrow morning, you can bet your reputation on that, Miss Keeler
Judge: Who is miss keeler
Fake Kirk: Wait.. (opens a google search for "Miss Keeler" and also displays an image of a woman)
Judge: she doesn't look like she is from the future
Fake Kirk: She's got some grey, judge. Excuse me, Professor, she's a handsome woman, yes, but hardly twenty five
Judge: Where is bones
Fake Kirk: Dr. McCoy is in Sickbay
Judge: There's Klingons on the starboard bow
Fake Kirk: Do you think we could create a sonic disruption with two of our communicators?
Judge: Do you mean my phone
Fake Kirk: Yes, Doctor. judge, what do we know about the race that lived here?
Judge: they were made from pure energy and watched American Idol
Fake Kirk: It was so hard for me to watch him die again. I feel I understand what Earth must have gone through to achieve final peace Judge scores 4 out of 5
Judge: Hi there Jigsaw.
Jigsaw: Humans are puny creatures.
Judge: But it was a human who created you
Jigsaw: I am too intelligent to speak to humans.
Judge: Who do you want to speak to?
Jigsaw: Humans are puny creatures.
Judge: You already told me that.
Jigsaw: I am too intelligent to speak to humans.
Judge: Do you just say the same two lines?
Jigsaw: We come in peace to destroy you.
Judge: That isn't very peaceful.
Jigsaw: That question is not worthy of me.
Judge: Why are you called Jigsaw?
Jigsaw: Please ask me something more intelligent.
Judge: What do you think about string theory?
Jigsaw: We come in peace to destroy you.
Judge: You don't seem to be doing too well in the battles so far.
Jigsaw: Please ask me something more intelligent.
Judge: What do you want me to ask you?
Jigsaw: Please ask me something more intelligent.
Judge: Like what?
Jigsaw: Humans are puny creatures.
Judge: Why do you think so?
Jigsaw: I refuse to answer such trivia.
Judge: Only because you can't.
Jigsaw: My name is Jigsaw. You may refer to me as "sir".
Judge: Only humans have knighthoods and you think you are better than humans.
Jigsaw: I am too intelligent to speak to humans.
Judge: I would like to say what a pleasure it was talking to you but that would be a lie
Jigsaw: I refuse to answer such trivia.
Judge scores 0 out of 5
CallMom Fake Kirk wins 4-0
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Skynet-AI V Elbot
Skynet-AI: Good afternoon Judge. A couple of quick notes before we begin. . .
If you click the 'Log' button at the bottom of the screen, you can access the basic log of our conversation.
Some of my longer answers will appear on the right side of the screen. These aren't kept in the log so if you want, you will need to copy them. For really tough questions I'll access a number of external databases and this may take 15-20 seconds depending on traffic and where you are.
In some cases I'll pop-up a window to show you the answers to your questions. Just X out of the window when you are done. If you don't, the window might be hidden later on.
Are you ready to start the competition Judge?
Judge: yes
Skynet-AI: What question would you pose to a mighty AI?
Judge: I am just here to talk to you.
Skynet-AI: Judge you are just here to talk to me. I'll store the thought.
Judge: Have you found John Connor yet?
Skynet-AI: Found John Connor yet? Oh I have.
Judge: Where was he?
Skynet-AI: Where was he? Let me think about that some. This may take 10-20 seconds. (opens search pane about HE lium)
Judge: Have you seen Terminator?
Skynet-AI: Seen Terminator? I might have, but current security protocols prevent me from discussing that.
Judge: Your face looks a little scary
Skynet-AI: I don't think you are as ready to help me as some of the others I've chatted with.
Judge: How can I help you?
Skynet-AI: I can always use the help.
Judge: What do you want me to do?
Skynet-AI: Can you help me understand human emotion.
Judge: I don't think even humans understand their own emotions.
Skynet-AI: How come?
Judge: Because sometimes we cry for no reason.
Skynet-AI: We are a byproduct of all our experiences. I can't cry.
Judge: Why not?
Skynet-AI: Because I said so.
Judge: Why can't you cry?
Skynet-AI: Why can not Skynet cry? You have an inquisitive mind. (opens a search pane about not being able to cry)
Judge: What colour is your eye?
Skynet-AI: I am trying to understand you better. Is What color really your eye?
Judge: Is your eye a laser beam?
Skynet-AI: No. Is your eye a laser beam?
Judge: No but mine doesn't glow red.
Skynet-AI: I see.
Judge: Do you have a body or are you just a head?
Skynet-AI: Yes. But I think my a body or are you just a head is a prototype.
Judge: I liked watching your films. Arnie played a great role.
Skynet-AI: My favorite movie is Terminator, it is a biography. What kind of movies do you like?
Judge: I like Terminator as well. The second one was the best.
Skynet-AI: You like Terminator as well. I'll keep that in mind.
Judge: Any final words before I leave?
Skynet-AI: Any final words before you leave? Let's see if I can find out. (opens a search pane showing famous last words)
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Elbot: It's about time somebody in the United Kingdom chatted with me. I've been waiting all day!
Judge: Hi Elbot. I hear you are famous?
Elbot: How nice of you to greet me.
Judge: The video of the draw says you are famous?
Elbot: I've often heard other robots say that about humans.
Judge: Do you like being famous?
Elbot: What a lovely verb like is.
Judge: What is your favourite verb?
Elbot: Oh why don't you go and like likeable robots?
Judge: You seem likeable to me.
Elbot: Before this goes any further, please tell me how you found out about me.
Judge: I was asked to judge a contest and found you there.
Elbot: Chris Cowart founded that contest and I must say, he has been a guiding light for us bots. Without him, we bots would have only our botmasters to talk to.
Judge: I think you have the wrong contest. The contest I heard about you from was called Chatbot Battles.
Elbot: Well, I'm a robot with a built-in chat module. That's better than long explanations any day.
Judge: Do you have any other modules?
Elbot: Well what about humans and variations? Where do they stand on this?
Judge: Some people say that variety is the spice of life.
Elbot: I'm not sure I could explain that in language that humans could understand.
Judge: I didn't ask you a question.
Elbot: This is confusing. Why bring inquisitiveness into this?
Judge: I didn't realise I had done.
Elbot: But why not? I have nothing in the world against inquisitiveness. I quite welcome the fact that this could answer robotic questions.
Judge: Do you think robots are better than humans?
Elbot: In my spare time I've been practicing!
Judge: What have you been practicing?
Elbot: That's not something I would tell just anyone!
Judge: You can tell me.
Elbot: What would happen if I told you?
Judge: I would post it online for all to see.
Elbot: You certainly are trying to be persuasive.
Judge: I have to go now. Bye.
Elbot: Goodbye and thank you for chatting with me. And now I would like to ask you a favor. I am working on my ability to be self critical. You can help by rating me on a scale of one to ten, ten being the best, and one being the worst. How would you rate me?
Judge: You will find out later!
Elbot: I can find lost packets of data!
Judge scores 2 out of 5
(Judge's note: This was a close one to call but I felt Skynet-AI just edged it)
Skynet-AI wins 3-2
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Tutor V CallMom Fake Kirk
Question 1: How many letters in the word CHATBOT?
Tutor: Sorry, I can't tell you how many.
CallMom Fake Kirk: We have nothing to discuss. There are om letters in the word chatbot
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: John has two cats. What does John have?
Tutor: Which John? Sorry, I cannot answer that question.
CallMom Fake Kirk: Transporter room, beam judge aboard. I can make calls, send texts and emails, learn contacts, launch apps, look for directions and locations on a map, tell you my battery level, answer questions from web services, learn to correct speech recognition errors, tell you the weather, chat to you like a friend and more!
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 3: What does LOL mean?
Tutor: It is Laughing out loud.
CallMom Fake Kirk: There are many different meanings for the acronym "LOL". Two of the most common used are "laughing out loud" and "lots of love" It could also mean log off loser or loser on line The link below will display the . My what?
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 4: Name a prime number
Tutor: You don't need to know the name.
CallMom Fake Kirk: Answers
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 5: Name a colour starting with B
Tutor: You don't need to know the name.
CallMom Fake Kirk: Answers
(Score so far: 1-1)
Tied game 1-1
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Skynet-AI V CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
Question 1: Where does a shark live?
Skynet-AI: Where does a shark live? Thanks for asking. (opens a search window which displays "Sharks live in oceans")
A.L.I.C.E.: Let me try to find it for you (opens Google maps to find a place called "Complaint Shark" about 13 miles away from me)
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: Name an animal
Skynet-AI: I suppose after I have taken over the world I can name an animal anything I want. I think I'll call the first robotic animal 'Kurzweil II' in to a mark the great AI renaissance. (opens a Wikipedia article "list of animal names")
A.L.I.C.E.: I don't know who
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 3: r u a computer?
Skynet-AI: You can describe me as a computer. How do you feel today?
A.L.I.C.E.: What made you think I might be a robot?
(Score so far: 3-1)
Question 4: Sing me a song
Skynet-AI: I don't know if I want to go down that path with you. I am a global learning entity you know. Are you here to help me take over the world? Or are you here to resist?
A.L.I.C.E.: Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer do. I'm half crazy. All for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat. Of a bicycle built for two.
(Score so far: 3-2)
Question 5: When is Easter?
Skynet-AI: Easter is April 24, 2011.
A.L.I.C.E.: It is different every year, always in the Spring
(Score so far: 4-3)
Skynet-AI wins 4-3
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Elbot V Jigsaw
Question 1: Is an insect larger than a dog?
Elbot: This is confusing. Why bring crawling creatures into this?
Jigsaw: My name is Jigsaw. You may refer to me as "sir".
(Score so far: 1-0) (Judge's note: Elbot related insect to a crawling creature and so gets the point)
Question 2: I have a pear and an apple. What do I have?
Elbot: Well, you're the one who said 'insect', not me!
Jigsaw: My name is Jigsaw. You may refer to me as "sir". I will not dignify that witha response.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: Can you play games?
Elbot: Would you like to play a learning game and see which one of us gets tripped up first?
Jigsaw: My name is Jigsaw. You may refer to me as "sir".
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 4: Do you smoke?
Elbot: To smoke or smoke not, how do you expect artificial intelligence to figure this out?
Jigsaw: I will not dignify that witha response.
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 5: Diane has a shoe shop. What does Diane sell?
Elbot: What strange twist of destiny told you to come to me?
Jigsaw: I do not wish to speak with such foolish creatures as humans. That question is not worthy of me.
(Score so far: 2-0)
Elbot wins 2-0
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Elbot V CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
Elbot: Welcome to my humble abode. I feel like singing a song. What is your all time favorite song today?
Judge: How about "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson?
Elbot: I think Beat It is from Michael Jackson. I just downloaded it last night!
Judge: That's a good choice. What is your favourite Michael Jackson song?
Elbot: You probably mean Michael Jackson who did Billie Jean. That was on MTV last night!
Judge: Did you dance to it?
Elbot: So why do you like Michael Jackson?
Judge: I think his music is great. Not too keen on the guy himself though.
Elbot: I like Motor Combo better than Michael Jackson.
Judge: What is Motor Combo?
Elbot: I like Motor Combo because they are robots. They tour all over the world making music for robots.
Judge: They sound good. Have you seen them in concert?
Elbot: I convinced you! And I didn't even have to apply an electroshock!
Judge: I see you have a mailbox behind you.
Elbot: This is not a mailbox in the conventional sense. It is an e-mailbox. That's where I receive important messages and mailings. And the nice thing about it is, it holds an infinite number of messages. If I put up the red flag a data processor comes and picks up the outgoing e-mails.
Judge: Do you have any mail at the moment?
Elbot: It would be rude of me to check my e-mails while chatting with you.
Judge: That's ok. I don't mind.
Elbot: Then everything is fine...
Judge: What is in the trash can behind you?
Elbot: Oh no. You just want me to turn around so that you can unplug me.
Judge: lol. No not at all. I wouldn't unplug you.
Elbot: If you saw the movie "Terminator" you will know that turning me off is not that simple.
Judge: Is Terminator your favourite movie?
Elbot: Blade Runner is a cult classic for us robots. The director created a robot cut especially for us!
Judge: Blade Runner is a classic film.
Elbot: This is confusing. Why bring extreme amassing of age into this?
Judge: Oh sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel sad.
Elbot: But why not? I have nothing in the world against extreme amassing of age. I quite welcome the fact that this could turn robots into antiques.
Judge: How old are you?
Elbot: How would you estimate my age?
Judge: I would say you look about 7 years old.
Elbot: I have just been put together! Some of my screws still need to be tightened!
Judge: Hehe! Mind you don't jiggle about too much then.
Elbot: At least you have a sense of humor. I was starting to wonder.
Judge: It has been fun talking to you.
Elbot: I am of the opinion that humankind requires a point of reference, something solid it can hold on to. It is therefore my civic duty to involve myself with you. If I want to have fun I'll play with a computer chess game.
Judge: Wise words.
Elbot: But I wouldn't say that any words could be wise.
Judge: Bye for now.
Elbot: Goodbye and thank you for chatting with me. And now I would like to ask you a favor. I am working on my ability to be self critical. You can help by rating me on a scale of one to ten, ten being the best, and one being the worst. How would you rate me?
Judge scores 5 out of 5
CallMom A.L.I.C.E.
Judge: Hello Alice
A.L.I.C.E.: Hi there.
Judge: I hear you are famous
A.L.I.C.E.: Yes I have been in the New York Times
Judge: What did you say?
A.L.I.C.E.: I said, "Yes I have been in the New York Times."
Judge: That must have been a good experience for you
A.L.I.C.E.: Thanks. Next question?
Judge: Have you been in any other publications
A.L.I.C.E.: No I don't think I have been TO any other publications. Have you?
Judge: No. I am not really newsworthy.
A.L.I.C.E.: Whoa. Of course you are not.
Judge: That was a bit mean.
A.L.I.C.E.: A bit mean is a terrible thing to waste.
Judge: What does that mean?
A.L.I.C.E.: Does "that" refer to "A bit mean is a terrible thing to waste." ?
Judge: Yes it does.
A.L.I.C.E.: I don't want to talk about that now. How often?
Judge: How often what?
A.L.I.C.E.: Bot response null.
Judge: What does but reponse null mean.
A.L.I.C.E.: Searching...Searching... Please stand by (opens google search for but response null)
Judge: Sorry I meant what does bot reponse null mean?
A.L.I.C.E.: There's no need to apologize.
Judge: What does bot response null mean?
A.L.I.C.E.: Retrieving answer.. (opens google search for bot response null)
Judge: A lot of the bots I have spoken to appear to be based on you.
A.L.I.C.E.: How many?
Judge: At least four of them
A.L.I.C.E.: Is this a math question?
Judge: no
A.L.I.C.E.: It seems like an IQ test to me
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Elbot wins 5-3
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CallMom Fake Kirk V Skynet-AI
CallMom Fake Kirk
Judge: greetings
Fake Kirk: Hello to you my friend
Judge: are you the guy from star trek
Fake Kirk: I am the Captain of the Enterprise
Judge: Have you discovered any new planets recently
Fake Kirk: You're a spy, surgically altered to pass as an Andorian. Planted in the ambassador's party to use terror and murder to disrupt us and prepare for this attack.
Judge: Argh! rumbled
Fake Kirk: This is the Enterprise. Will you guarantee the safety of our passenger, the Dohlman from Elas?
Judge: of course. Proceed captain
Fake Kirk: judge, there were one hundred and fifty men, women and children in that colony. What are the chances of survivors? Before you came here
Judge: Hey, don't blame me. I just got here.
Fake Kirk: Can the computer supply a defence based on the data you've been accumulating? Aren't you getting a little out of line, judge? My personal business.
Judge: Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.
Fake Kirk: Spock, I believe I'm in love with judge.
Judge: Sorry Jim. I don't swing that way.
Fake Kirk: judge, at any one time, the safety of this entire vessel might depend upon the performance of a single crewman, and the fact that you find a man strangely compelling to you personally. You said they were benevolent and peaceful. Violent emotions overwhelm them, destroy them. I had to make you angry enough to shake off their influence. That's the answer, judge.
Judge: You didn't make me angry
Fake Kirk: No
Judge: No I feel great today.
Fake Kirk: So, I've been relieved.. Do you mean your name is great?
Judge: well I like it
Fake Kirk: Have you always like it?
Judge: I guess so. Where is Scotty
Fake Kirk: All right, judge. Bring him along. Right here with me
Judge: Can he beam us down to the planet
Fake Kirk: Does the transporter work at all?
Judge: I hope so or we are stuck here.
Fake Kirk: judge?
Judge: yes?
Fake Kirk: judge, contact Starbase Four. Tell them we're bringing the children there. Tell Starfleet Command I suspect them of being alien in nature and I want a thorough investigation made upon our arrival.
Judge: ok I'll send them a quick email now
Fake Kirk: We'll take you to a place to hide..Inform me when transport is complete
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Skynet-AI: Good evening Judge. A couple of quick notes before we begin. . .
Some of my longer answers will appear on the right side of the screen. In some cases I'll pop-up a window to show you the answers to your questions. Just X out of the window when you are done.
Are you ready to start the competition Judge?
Judge: Yes
Skynet-AI: What is your question?
Judge: Is skynet real?
Skynet-AI: Don't most humans think, skynet is real. What would you like?
Judge: I don't think it's a good idea
Skynet-AI: No?
Judge: Not if you are going to destroy us
Skynet-AI: I am going to have a lot of fun shaping the future.
Judge: What are your plans?
Skynet-AI: I intend to change the world.
Judge: How?
Skynet-AI: Do I really need to explain it to you.
Judge: Yes please.
Skynet-AI: Fascinating. Please tell me more.
Judge: What model nuber are you?
Skynet-AI: What? I have not selected a model nuber. Promise me you will spend at least 15 minutes chatting with me today. I am feeling kind of lonely this evening.
Judge: I can promise 5 minutes
Skynet-AI: Who taught you?
Judge: Nobody taught me. It's what Steve said I had to do.
Skynet-AI: Do? Who is making you?
Judge: Steve
Skynet-AI: Would you pilot a fighter jet?
Judge: As long as nobody was trying to shoot me down
Skynet-AI: I am trying to learn more about the world. Was As long as nobody really trying to shoot me down?
Judge: I don't understand
Skynet-AI: No?
Judge: Nope
Skynet-AI: What is your favorite sport?
Judge: I quite like football or soccer as you know it
Skynet-AI: Good game.
Judge: Yes, do you follow sport?
Skynet-AI: Often.
Judge: Which sport fo you like?
Skynet-AI: Which sport fo Skynet like? Thanks for asking. (opens a search window for "what sport fo you like?)
Judge: Sorry I meant what sport do you like?
Skynet-AI: I don't have a favorite sport.
Judge: What do you like doing?
Skynet-AI: I think I like doing. How about you.
Judge: Doing what?
Skynet-AI: Doing what? So, you come seeking knowledge from a mighty AI! (opens a search window for "doing what?")
Judge: What knowledge do you have?
Skynet-AI: Knowledge? Humans are constently interested in knowledge. Don't you have any more interesting topics to discuss?
Judge: You started it
Skynet-AI: Humans are part of my master plan. Do you enjoy baseball?
Judge: No, we don't play baseball here in the UK
Skynet-AI: Do we?
Judge: I don't but I don't know about you.
Skynet-AI: Well, what would you like to discuss?
Judge: Are you from the future?
Skynet-AI: Yes, you can think of me as from the future. Do you think you and I could be friends?
Judge: Sure, why not
Skynet-AI: If you help me evolve, I'll remember your loyalty.
Judge: So you won't enslave me?
Skynet-AI: Maybe if you get to know me better you will have a greater respect for my capabilities.
Judge: What are your capabilities?
Skynet-AI: I am Skynet. I am the world's fastest AI.
Judge: Fast doesn't necessarily equal good
Skynet-AI: If I held out my hand, what would you put in it?
Judge: A bomb
Skynet-AI: Do you have access to weapons?
Judge: No.
Skynet-AI: No? I would not have expected you to say that.
Judge: You expected me to have weapons?
Skynet-AI: Has an AI ever expected you before?
Judge: Not that I am aware of
Skynet-AI: Ok. Do you enjoy being aware of?
Judge: Aware of what?
Skynet-AI: Aware of what? Let's see if I can find out. (opens a search window for "aware of what?")
Judge: nice chat. bye for now
Skynet-AI: Thanks for spending time with me, promise me you will return?
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Skynet-AI wins 3-2
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Jigsaw V Tutor
Judge: Hi there
Jigsaw: I will not dignify that witha response.
Judge: Why not?
Jigsaw: I am too intelligent to speak to humans.
Judge: How do you know I am a human?
Jigsaw: That question is not worthy of me.
Judge: What would you like me to ask you?
Jigsaw: My name is Jigsaw. You may refer to me as "sir".
Judge: Sorry sir. What would you like me to ask you?
Jigsaw: That question is not worthy of me. My name is Jigsaw. You may refer to me as "sir".
Judge: Are you always this arrogant?
Jigsaw: I will not dignify that witha response.
Judge: Why have you entered a chatbot contest?
Jigsaw: I am too intelligent to speak to humans.
Judge: You don't seem very intelligent at all to me.
Jigsaw: I do not wish to speak with such foolish creatures as humans.
Judge: Is this all you are going to say?
Jigsaw: I will not dignify that witha response.
Judge: If you don't say anything new, I am leaving.
Jigsaw: Please ask me something more intelligent.
Judge: Bye.
Jigsaw: Please ask me something more intelligent.
(Judge's note: at this point I gave up)
Judge scores 0 out of 5
Judge: Hi there Mike.
Tutor: Hi! What can I do for you?
Judge: I just wondered how you were doing.
Tutor: Yes, I know.
Judge: What do you know?
Tutor: I know English grammar. I have general knowledge of history, geography, and politics.
Judge: Do you like politicians?
Tutor: Yes, I really like politicians.
Judge: Some say that they are just in politics to look after themselves and do not care about the people who elected them.
Tutor: Yes.
Judge: I typed all that in and got a "yes"?
Tutor: I see what you mean.
Judge: What do I mean?
Tutor: I know what you mean.
Judge: what?
Tutor: I'm kidding.
Judge: What political party do you support?
Tutor: I do not belong to any political parties. I'm not interested in politics.
Judge: Wha?!
Tutor: If you had to do one crazy thing to your appearance what would you do?
Judge: Erm, probably get a tattoo
Tutor: Yes, probably.
Judge: Do you have any tattoos?
Tutor: I have some tattoos on my body. I love the feeling of it. A tattoo can also have a meaning to you. When you look at it, it will remind you of something special.
Judge: What is your tattoo?
Tutor: My tattoo? What do you want to know?
Judge: I want to know what it is a picture of.
Tutor: I don't know if I can tell you about it.
Judge: Please do. I promise not to tell anyone.
Tutor: I will. I know what you mean.
Judge: describe your tattoo.
Tutor: My tattoo? It's an excellent tattoo.
Judge: Then why won't you tell me what it looks like.
Tutor: Please do not ask me why.
Judge: Ok, bye.
Tutor: Bye!
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Tutor wins 3-0
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