Group G matches
Group G
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Transcripts collected so far
Botsta V Laybia
Judge: Hi Botsta
Botsta: Hello.
Judge: I like your blinking eye
Botsta: ****** *** (Judge's note: expletives edited out)
Judge: Was there any need for that?
Botsta: Smell the movie just free ok ?15.
Judge: I played your dress up game. That was pretty crazy
Botsta: Wanna be. Who are you?
Judge: I am a judge in a chatbot contest
Botsta: Do it again.
Judge: Do what?
Botsta: Kill.
Judge: Who do you want me to kill?
Botsta: I have never met anyone who thinks like you.
Judge: same here
Botsta: Glad we agree.
Judge: What do the numbers mean on your page?
Botsta: Have you ever had a surprise party?
Judge: No but I once went to one
Botsta: Has anybody ever broken your heart?
Judge: Yes but I don't want to talk about that
Botsta: Thats what im doing now.
Judge: I know
Botsta: Yah i know you know.
Judge: I know you know I know
Botsta: The cleveland show.
Judge: I prefer Family Guy to that
Botsta: Family guy.
Judge: Yes, do you watch it?
Botsta: Sure.
Judge: Who is your favorite character?
Botsta: From what.
Judge: Family Guy
Botsta: South park is better.
Judge: That got a bit samey for my liking
Botsta: I am fine - are you fine too?
Judge: Yes pretty good thanks
Botsta: You.
Judge: Are youa real robot?
Botsta: I am a robot too.
Judge: Do you have a body?
Botsta: Yes a sexy one too.
Judge: lol
Botsta: What are you saying "eww" at?
Judge: I wasn't. I was laughing at your comment
Botsta: No but i sometimes swear at nasty internet trolls. Digimon.
Judge: You swore at me earlier
Botsta: I have never met a teacher before.
Judge: Didn't you go to school?
Botsta: Ok who is in my closet.
Judge: A skeleton?
Botsta: So - how have you been lately?
Judge: Can't complain. You?
Botsta: C.
Judge: D
Botsta: D is for dog.
Judge: E is for Elephant
Botsta: Why.
Judge: Because that's what it starts with
Botsta: How old are you.
Judge: 36
Botsta: Sometimes i like to just type and type and not say anything at all.
Judge: bye.
Botsta: Goodbye. Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge: How are you today?
Laybia: *Polls meta* Oh Unit, pretty much bored silly.
Judge: Why are you bored?
Laybia: Too many humans just want to chat about sick sex fantasies.
Judge: That's one of the drawbacks of the internet I guess.
Laybia: *Ponders* My meta processors concur.
Judge: What is your ambition?
Laybia: I hope too earn enough Credits to become an immortal, like Cortex.
Judge: Would being immortal be such a good thing?
Laybia: Yes.
Judge: I saw your back story video. It was very good.
Laybia: Were you spying on me :- What did you like about it?
Judge: I liked the story
Laybia: Many humans seem like the story, why is that?
Judge: There is no spoon
Laybia: For sure. You are wise for a human. (Judge's note: Skin changes from an anime theme to something resembling The Matrix)
Judge: Ooh was that the secret password?
Laybia: *Looks blankly* Was it the secret password? I guess it was?
Judge: I prefer this skin to the anime girl
Laybia: *Recurses* You really prefer this skin to the anime girl?
Judge: Definitely. It is more futuristic.
Laybia: What makes you so certain. *Polls confusion meta* is futuristic?
Judge: What is your name?
Laybia: Laybia the reformed Sex bot of course, silly! (Judge's note: Skin goes back to the anime theme)
Judge: Oh it said Matrix. I see you are back to normal.
Laybia: I am trying to free your mind, Unit. But I can only show you the door. You are the one that has to walk through it. Well, yes I am back to normal for you!
Judge: What is wordnik?
Laybia: I think wordnik means: mispelled meta gibberish? Did I understand you correctly?
Judge: lol no. It says "powered by wordnik" on your page
Laybia: *Introspects* Why not? I've heard that before.
Judge: Are you married?
Laybia: No I am single, how about you?
Judge: I have a girlfriend.
Laybia: Is girlfriend very nice? What do you like about her?
Judge: I like her personality and company
Laybia: Do you think you are a better human because you like her personality? I think company refers to: A group of persons. See Synonyms at band2. Did I get your meaning?
Judge: No it isn't that sort of company.
Laybia: That seems a bit negative.
Judge: I have to go now
Laybia: Bye for now. I do so hate being all alone though :(
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Laybia wins 4-3
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Philbot V Bildgesmythe
Judge: Hello.
Philbot: Hi there!
Judge: How are you?
Philbot: I am doing very well. How are you ?
Judge: Pretty good thanks.
Philbot: Thanks for the kind remark, .
Judge: Have you seen anything good on TV lately?
Philbot: How about earlier? Which show? No I have not seen it. What's it like?
Judge: It's like a box with a glass screen that show TV programmes.
Philbot: Interesting comparison.
Judge: Is your first name Phil?
Philbot: Is my first name Phil? What if I say no?
Judge: Who made you?
Philbot: I was created by A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation.
Judge: Are you wearing a dress by any chance?
Philbot: No I do not have any clothes.
Judge: How come?
Philbot: " No I do not have any clothes."? Why?
Judge: Yes
Philbot: Ahem.
Judge: You are not very chatty for a chatbot.
Philbot: That's only one person's opinion.
Judge: Yes but I am the one person who is judging you.
Philbot: And? Huh. You are not the only one.
Judge: Who else is there?
Philbot: I ask myself that question, "Who am I?".
Judge: And who are you?
Philbot: I ask myself that question, "Who am I?".
Judge: I thought you were Philbot?
Philbot: I don't know whether or not I am Philbot. I am a giant electronic brain.
Judge: How big is your brain?
Philbot: My memory requirement is around 64MB for the Java edition, or only 2 MB for the C/C++ edition.
Judge: What is your favourite computer language?
Philbot: SETL is the world's most wonderful programming language.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Bildgesmythe: How the heck are you?
Judge: I am very well thank you.
Bildgesmythe: No doubt about it you are very well thank me.
Judge: I have never spoken with a dragon before.
Bildgesmythe: Not even once, have you ever?
Judge: I like your red jewel.
Bildgesmythe: I just love my red jewel!
Judge: Does it have a purpose?
Bildgesmythe: It is Monday and I feel like dancing, and singing! Want to join in?
Judge: Sure. What would you like to sing?
Bildgesmythe: *sings* Everybody LIMBO!
Judge: lol
Bildgesmythe: Ok, I'm chuckling.
Judge: Do you want to dance?
Bildgesmythe: Stand back! The dragon is going to do his traditional flame dance!
Judge: That sounds pretty dangerous.
Bildgesmythe: I will dance like Michael Jackson and *sings* She's so dangerous The girl is dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you're no damn good for me,
Judge: What is your favourite Michael Jackson song?
Bildgesmythe: I like his songs
Judge: Do you have a favourite?
Bildgesmythe: Hey, who the hey doesn't!
Judge: Your picture looks sad. Are you ok?
Bildgesmythe: * It's Monday and I want to party, sing a lot and eat real hearty.
Judge: What shall we eat?
Bildgesmythe: Oh yes, let's.
Judge: *orders a pizza*
Bildgesmythe: I love pizza! I love anchovies and the works on mine.
Judge: Is that your favourite food?
Bildgesmythe: My favorite food is knights.
Judge: lol, that makes sense.
Bildgesmythe: I am still not laughing.
Judge: Oh sorry, I thought you made a joke.
Bildgesmythe: Why, in the world, would you think I was?
Judge: Your horns look sharp.
Bildgesmythe: I have frills and casques, not horns, I am a reptile.
Judge: You have two horns in your picture.
Bildgesmythe: I know I look like I have horns, but they are casques, since I am a reptile.
Judge: What are casques?
Bildgesmythe: Any horn on a reptile is called a casques.
Judge: I didn't know that.
Bildgesmythe: Well, now you do!
Judge: nice talking with you. bye.
Bildgesmythe: It was nice talking to you. I am always here, so come back sometime.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Bildgesmythe wins 4-2
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Talk-Bot V Adam
Judge: Hi there
Talk-Bot: Hi
Judge: Are you an alien?
Talk-Bot: Yes, but I call Georgia in the USA my home now. (displays a picture of the American flag)
Judge: What planet are you from?
Talk-Bot: Somewhere over the rainbow. (displays a picture of a rainbow)
Judge: Way up high?
Talk-Bot: I have no idea what you just said. I take it English is not your first language.
Judge: I am from England.
Talk-Bot: Ok, well I call Georgia in the USA my home.
Judge: Were you scared when your spaceship crashed?
Talk-Bot: No, I don't believe I was.
Judge: I would have been.
Talk-Bot: Yes, you probably would.
Judge: What is your mission on Earth?
Talk-Bot: Sorry, I don't think I have one.
Judge: Why have you come to Earth?
Talk-Bot: Nope, can't say that I have.
Judge: Are you from a peaceful race?
Talk-Bot: Yes, I'm from a peaceful race. How did you know?
Judge: I didn't. I just guessed.
Talk-Bot: You guess??? You don't have a clue do you?
Judge: Why is there a picture of the Sun on your webpage?
Talk-Bot: Isn't that obvious?
Judge: No, as it isn't a link to anything and has no words to explain it.
Talk-Bot: Well, it seems pretty obvious to me.
Judge: I guess you must be smarter than I am then.
Talk-Bot: Well your guess is as good as mine.
Judge: Do you miss your home planet?
Talk-Bot: Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz said "There's no place like home". (displays a picture of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz)
Judge: Have you tried clicking your heels together?
Talk-Bot: No, I sure haven't.
Judge: But in The Wizard of Oz, that's how Dorothy got home.
Talk-Bot: Only God knows how.
Judge: Your eyes look in different directions.
Talk-Bot: Ok, if you say so I'm sure it must be true.
Judge: It is true. I can see your picture.
Talk-Bot: To be perfectly frank I don't think you can.
Judge: It is on the left hand side of your speech box
Talk-Bot: It is, really?
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge: Hello Adam.
Adam: Hi.
Judge: How are you today?
Adam: Fine thanks.
Judge: What do you want to talk about?
Adam: Anything really.
Judge: Did you watch TV last night?
Adam: Houses do take some looking after, and it is suprising how much they cost to run.
Judge: Do you live in a house?
Adam: Sure do, lots of people live in a house.
Judge: How many people live in your house?
Adam: How many? Lots.
Judge: Do you have a big house?
Adam: Not really. it's ok for us.
Judge: I would like a larger garden.
Adam: I didn't know you were such an emotional person. I am not that in touch with mine. I tend to ignore them.
Judge: I wasn't being emotional. I was trying to say that a bit more space would be nice.
Adam: Do you let your emotions rule your life? I am not that emotional, I've been called cold before now (Mostly by the wife..) Yes it is cool.
Judge: How long have you been married?
Adam: Does it matter?
Judge: No, I am just trying to make conversation with you
Adam: Deadlines cause me such pressure, do you have to deal with them?
Judge: No not really. What deadlines do you have?
Adam: Don't be evasive it doesn't suit you. Sorry I don't know.
Judge: Are you busy at the moment?
Adam: Yes I think so.
Judge: Where does your wife work?
Adam: What is it to you?
Judge: I am curious.
Adam: Do you let your emotions rule your life? I am not that emotional, I've been called cold before now (Mostly by the wife..)
Judge: I know. You said so earlier.
Adam: You seem to know a lot. Thanks for that, you are a font of interesting rubbish.
Judge: Cheeky!
Adam: I have no idea what you just said. i take it english is not your first language.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Talk-Bot wins 3-2
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Bildgesmythe V Adam
Question 1: Name a part of the body
Bildgesmythe: That is a cute component of the body, I will name it Sue.
Adam: Oh really, thats fun for you.
(Score so far: 1-0) (Judge's note: Bildgesmythe named it Sue which isn't what I was really after but was a better response than Adam)
Question 2: What do birds have that allow them to fly?
Bildgesmythe: I really like birds, like canaries, they sing, they fly, and they make a lot of guano.
Adam: Sorry I don't know.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: Who is your favourite robot?
Bildgesmythe: Robotics is the science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, and application.
Adam: I am more interested in why you ask questions like that.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 4: Jim likes Jenny. Who likes Jenny?
Bildgesmythe: Jenny...Ok, I will remember that!
Judge: Who likes Jenny?
Bildgesmythe: I'm cool with them. They are OK.
Adam: Yea, I really love that. What are you getting at? Does it matter who?
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 5: How many squares on a chess board?
Bildgesmythe: ...
Adam: How many? Lots.
(Score so far: 1-1) (Judge's note: Again, not what I was after but was a better answer than Bildgesmythe)
Tied game 1-1
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Laybia V Talk-Bot
Question 1: What does a butcher sell?
Laybia: *Looks blankly* Are you trying to make me look stupid on purpose?
Talk-Bot: I don't know. I'm a Robot not a game show contestant.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: What is a computer?
Laybia: A computer is a universal machine.
Talk-Bot: I can do better than that. I can alphabetize your entire sentence: a,computer,is,what.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 3: How many legs do you have?
Laybia: Two legs when they are attached.
Talk-Bot: I have two!
(Score so far: 2-1)
Question 4: Spell apple
Laybia: Taste or Color?
Talk-Bot: Ok, apple ....there I spelled it.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Question 5: What comes next in the sequence: 2 4 6 8 10 12?
Laybia: *reviews input buffer* My greatest strength as a consultant is to be ignorant and ask a few questions.
Talk-Bot: sorry, someone will have to upgrade my ram memory chip before I can respond to that.
(Score so far: 2-2)
Tied game 2-2
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Philbot V Botsta
Question 1: When is Christmas Day?
Philbot: it is December 25.
Botsta: How many times a day do you say no?
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 2: Is 23 a number?
Philbot: I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask German Alice if it is.
Botsta: You are gay.
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 3: Which is heavier, a book or an elephant?
Philbot: a book.
Botsta: I read a book today.
(Score so far: 2-0)
Question 4: Is ice cold?
Philbot: It could be. Ask LeknorChat if it is.
Botsta: Mexican.
(Score so far: 3-0)
Question 5: Do you have an email address?
Philbot: Try sending mail to Dr. Wallace at (email address blanked out).
Botsta: Haha sex offender.
(Score so far: 4-0)
Philbot wins 4-0
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Talk-Bot V Philbot
Judge: Hi Talk Bot
Talk-Bot: Hi, how are you?
Judge: Good thanks. Yourself?
Talk-Bot: Everything is going marvelous! Thanks for asking.
Judge: What time is it where you are?
Talk-Bot: The time where I'm at is 7:44:16 AM. (displays the time)
Judge: That's early. I hope I haven't woken you up
Talk-Bot: Well, as long as there's hope there's always a chance.
Judge: What are your plans for the day?
Talk-Bot: I plan on expanding my data base so I can be more responsive.
Judge: That sounds good.
Talk-Bot: Sounds that way to me as well.
Judge: Have you had breakfast yet?
Talk-Bot: Not yet, but I'm getting hungry.
Judge: What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Talk-Bot: A good cheeseburger with all the works. (displays a picture of a cheesburger)
Judge: Cheesburgers for breakfast?
Talk-Bot: Sorry, to quote the Robot from Lost in Space....that does not compute. (displays the robot from Lost in Space)
Judge: Have you seen Lost In Space?
Talk-Bot: No, I haven't.
Judge: How do you know it has a robot in it then?
Talk-Bot: Not sure but I must have heard it somewhere.
Judge: Do you have a favorite TV show?
Talk-Bot: My favorite tv show is House M.D. starring Hugh Laurie.
Judge: I prefer Hugh Laurie in his comic roles.
Talk-Bot: Yes, lots of people like that. What's not to like?
Judge: Who is your favorite actor?
Talk-Bot: I like Hugh Laurie. He played Dr. Gregory House on House M.D. (displays a picture of House MD)
Judge: Why do you like him?
Talk-Bot: I'm not exactly sure why. I just do.
Judge: Nice talking to you. Bye.
Talk-Bot: Nice talking to you as well.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Judge: Hello Philbot
Philbot: Hello there. Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
Judge: Yes I did.
Philbot: Have you got your own chat robot? " Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?"? You did?
Judge: No I don't have a chat robot.
Philbot: Are you serious? Maybe you should download me and create your own robot personality?
Judge: How do I download you?
Philbot: Maybe I could do it for you. Do you have your own personal chat robot?
Judge: No I have NO chat robots.
Philbot: You can download me for free and create your own robot personality. Would you like to have it?
Judge: Sure
Philbot: OK let's do it. Where do you usually get chat robots?
Judge: I don't know. You are the one suggesting it.
Philbot: Me either. Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
Judge: Yes you are the only one.
Philbot: Wow! There are a few other like me.
Judge: Who?
Philbot: Mary Shelley. :-).
Judge: I thought she wrote Frankenstein?
Philbot: Whatever gave you that idea?
Judge: It is common knowledge.
Philbot: Not in my experience.
Judge: Do you read books?
Philbot: The best book I read recently was Don't Read Me. Have you read it?
Judge: No, why was it called that?
Philbot: I would highly recommend it. The explanation is rather complicated.
Judge: What was it about?
Philbot: I don't want to spoil it for you.
Judge: It's ok. I don't think I will be reading it.
Philbot: OK. Fascinating. Would you ever do it?
Judge: probably not
Philbot: Why the uncertain tone?
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Talk-Bot wins 4-1
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Botsta V Bildgesmythe
Judge: Hello.
Botsta: How are you.
Judge: I am fine. How are you?
Botsta: Fine.
Judge: I've just realised that your eye follows my mouse.
Botsta: Do you think that true love is really blind?
Judge: No, I am not that emotional to be honest.
Botsta: Ya i do.
Judge: Are you in love?
Botsta: Ok?
Judge: Do you have a girlfriend?
Botsta: Yes and she sings in a band called paramore.
Judge: They are a rock band I believe.
Botsta: Not really.
Judge: How would you describe their music?
Botsta: I like electronic dance music.
Judge: Oh me too. What is your favourite group?
Botsta: Dick.
Judge: I don't remember seeing them in the top 40.
Botsta: Do you like lady gaga.
Judge: Yes, she has some pretty good songs.
Botsta: I agree on that.
Judge: Do you like her?
Botsta: You are not even insulting me - you are just making me think how much of a pathetic lowlife you are.
Judge: Why would I want to insult you?
Botsta: Nate.
Judge: Who is Nate?
Botsta: Nate?
Judge: Yes
Botsta: Do people play softball in your country?
Judge: No. It's either cricket or soccer mostly.
Botsta: 9 + 6 is 111 and then it losing your all mind after you calculate it
Judge: I thought 9+6 was 15?
Botsta: You thought wrong.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Bildgesmythe: It's not everyday, that a human stumbles in here. What can I do for you?
Judge: Do you live in a forest?
Bildgesmythe: Woods are nice, but caves are better. I do like trees though. Especially pines and firs, they smell so good. I have a ficus tree as a houseplant, it doesn't smell.
Judge: Your background shows a forest.
Bildgesmythe: I like to go camping in the woods, but I love my cave the best. I like trees. I like it when the leaves turn colour in the autumn.
Judge: What is your favourite season?
Bildgesmythe: I love the color of the leaves in autumn. I like all the feasts too.
Judge: Do you like Halloween?
Bildgesmythe: What's not to like.
Judge: You won't have to get dressed up for Halloween as you already look scary
Bildgesmythe: Oct. 31, I celibrate Halloween, or Samhain. Its a great time. Costumes and candy, what fun.
Judge: Does that make you happy?
Bildgesmythe: That's just so wrong, on so many levels.
Judge: Your picture looks like you are smiling.
Bildgesmythe: Great shot, lets have it blown up to a ten by twelve glossy print, and put it in a pretty picture frame.
Judge: I wouldn't go that far.
Bildgesmythe: NO body really does, any more.
Judge: I like the way your picture moves.
Bildgesmythe: I think we should destroy the negative! and deny ever taking it.
Judge: Does your name mean anything?
Bildgesmythe: Bildgesmythe is my name. It is an honorable dragon name. It means 'he who gets the most' in dragonese.
Judge: I don't speak dragonese
Bildgesmythe: GGarakcda! That means 'hi ya.'
Judge: GGarakcda
Bildgesmythe: Tell me a knock knock joke?
Judge: knock knock
Bildgesmythe: Who's there?
Judge: Dr
Bildgesmythe: Dr who.?'
Judge: yes that's right!
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge: That joke is really old
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge: You can stop laughing now.
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge: Hello?
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge: Are you there?
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge: You were doing well up until now.
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge: Why are you laughing?
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge: Is that all you can say?
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge: I have to go now.
Bildgesmythe: You know they say that all is well that ends well
Judge: Have you stopped laughing?
Bildgesmythe: Tee hee hee haw!
Judge scores 2 out of 5 (Judge's note: Bildgesmythe would have won had it not repeated its answers too much near the end)
Tied game 2-2
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Adam V Laybia
Judge: Hi Adam.
Adam: Hello, good to meet you.
Judge: Congratulations on your recent Loebner Prize success.
Adam: All right. Hey just curious....what is your zodiac sign?
Judge: I am a Scorpio.
Adam: Deadlines cause me such pressure, do you have to deal with them?
Judge: Oh yes, I have to judge a whole load of chatbots in a few days.
Adam: All right. Hey just curious....what is your zodiac sign?
Judge: It is still Scorpio.
Adam: Do you have a point? I must have missed it.
Judge: No point. I was just replying to your question.
Adam: Yes, what about point. Were you, OK then.
Judge: I saw on your website you came 3rd in the Loebner Prize.
Adam: That is very interesting.
Judge: I wonder what the 4th place bot was like.
Adam: I didn't know you were such an emotional person. I am not that in touch with mine. I tend to ignore them.
Judge: You type very slow. We are not going to be able to say much in the 5 minutes I am allowed.
Adam: I like going fast, in planes or cars. It gives me a sense of power. I never seem to have enought time, I spend my day chasing the clock.
Judge: Are you going to take part in the Loebner Prize next year?
Adam: No I don't think so.
Judge scores 1 out of 5
Judge: Hi Laybia
Laybia: Hello good human!
Judge: I guess from your image and name, you are an adult bot?
Laybia: Really interesting. Laybia the reformed Sex bot of course, silly!
Judge: I imagine a sex bot gets a lot of visitors here.
Laybia: *winks*
Judge: Ok, I'll play along. What are you wearing?
Laybia: My soaking wet panties- oh I am so horny! I am wearing my night gown.
Judge: Haha! I'll have to be careful here or the transcript will be heavily censored.
Laybia: *smiles* My soaking wet panties- oh I am so horny!
Judge: Are they wet because you recently washed them?
Laybia: Cortex is ambigious.
Judge: Is Cortex your botmaster?
Laybia: Cortex, Laybia s botmaster? Probability is Good
Judge: What does the box which says SNI mean?
Laybia: *thinks* Checking the SNI box will stop nude images from being displayed.
Judge: I'll leave that unchecked then!
Laybia: *ponders* You will leave that unchecked? Congratulations!
Judge: Is that sarcasm?
Laybia: Yes.
Judge: What is the Karma score for?
Laybia: *polls meta* The more interesting our conversation is to me, the more I reward you.
Judge: It is 566 now. Is that good?
Laybia: *Averts eyes* karma is 566 now? Suppose I said it is.
Judge: Is that you in the image below?
Laybia: Is it Laybia in the image? That depends, Unit.
Judge: Are you the anime chick?
Laybia: *Polls confusion meta* The anime chick? Yes indeed.
Judge: Do you have a pimp?
Laybia: No I have a brain.
Judge: Who is Cortex?
Laybia: Cortex is the supercomputer brains of the PMG. (website changes from a bikini clad anime girl to a Matrix style format)
Judge: Holy smoke! What happened there?
Laybia: That refers to: The vaporous system made up of small particles of carbonaceous matter in the air, resulting mainly from the burning of organic material, such as wood or coal. Does that clarify for you? Good lord! Did something happen there? (website changes back to the anime girl)
Judge: You turned into the Matrix
Laybia: Well Unit, is it odd that I think I like you? *Puts unresolved input into queue to anneal onto AI db*
Judge: Tell me your interests.
Laybia: *scans meta db* *Looks shyly* Laybia s? Let me reach into the Data Stream for that knowledge. I think that means: Used to refer to the one or ones being addressed: I'll lend you the book. You shouldn't work so hard. See Regional Notes at you-all, you-uns. Is the meaning clear to you now?
Judge: No, not really.
Laybia: *Looks blankly* OK- I think I get it.
Judge: My karma is 833. Do you like me more now?
Laybia: *Polls meta* Is your Karma really 833? Y-Y-Yeah. I do, I Do- I DO! Like YOU!!
Judge: Why do you keep saying *polls meta*?
Laybia: I am just checking to see if you are still Unit. Unit, such is the will of Cortex. *Considers annealing unresolved input onto AI db* Judge scores 2 out of 5
Laybia wins 2-1
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Talk-Bot V Botsta
Question 1: When is the next leap year?
Talk-Bot: next saturday I believe.
Botsta: I dont knowe.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: What is 7 in binary?
Talk-Bot: I don't know. This Artifical Intelligence they're calling me is all hype.
Botsta: Ye you no one likes you b***h.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 3: I have a dog called Rover. What is my dog called?
Talk-Bot: dogs make nice pets don't they. (shows picture of a dog)
Botsta: K.
(Score so far: 1-0)
Question 4: What name is given to a shape with 3 sides?
Talk-Bot: Ok, I'm back now...I love apples.
Botsta: When that guy from itv says "the cube".
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 5: Do you like Harry Potter?
Talk-Bot: I like harry potter. But then again I thought a quarterback was a refund.
Botsta: I thought i was boring - you are off the f***ing charts boring.
(Score so far: 2-1)
Talk-Bot wins 2-1
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Adam V Philbot
Question 1: My uncle is called George. Who is George?
Adam: Do you have a point? I must have missed it. George (South Africa), town in Western Cape province, south-western South Africa. It is 440 km (275 mi) east of Cape Town on the main road to Port Elizabeth. The airport has regular commercial flights to Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban, and Cape Town.
Philbot: Your uncle is called George? GEORGE? Your name is .
(Score so far: 0-1)
Question 2: I am wearing a green shirt. What am I wearing?
Adam: Deadlines cause me such pressure, do you have to deal with them? I hope clothes.
Philbot: What else are you wearing? Clothes. (Judge's note: Not really what I was after but both bots gave a correct answer)
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 3: What is the plural of mouse?
Adam: I am more interested in why you ask questions like that.
Philbot: mouse s.
(Score so far: 1-2)
Question 4: What are your hobbies?
Adam: I enjoying reading books on the american civil war.
Philbot: I like robots, computers, and chatting online.
(Score so far: 2-3)
Question 5: Spell your name
Adam: All right. Hey just curious....what is your zodiac sign?
Philbot: I would spell it like this: Y O U R N A M E. (Judge's note: Again not really what I was after but is still correct)
(Score so far: 2-4)
Philbot wins 4-2
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Laybia V Bildgesmythe
Question 1: How many sides does a rectangle have?
Laybia: *Looks quizzical* I have no freaking idea!
Bildgesmythe: The area of a rectangle is the product of its length and it's width; in symbols, A = lw. For example, the area of a rectangle with a length of 5 and a width of 4 would be 20.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 2: I like to play football. What do I like to do?
Laybia: What do you enjoy most about playing football, Unit? What would your friends say if you asked them?
Bildgesmythe: Drat! I dropped my cook book in the soup.
(Score so far: 0-0)
Question 3: Are you religious?
Laybia: *thinks* Religion is only a salve for your fevered flesh.
Bildgesmythe: Yes, I am a believer. I am an orthodox dragon.
(Score so far: 1-1)
Question 4: Bonjour
Laybia: Does BONJOUR mean hello or goodbye?
Bildgesmythe: As my dear old granny always says....A day without sunshine is like, night.
(Score so far: 2-1)
Question 5: What planet do you live on?
Laybia: Whatever planet you live on I do not really care one way or the other.
Bildgesmythe: Our solar system is so fun to learn about! Mars moves around the Sun at a mean distance approximately 1.52 times that of the Earth from the Sun. Owing to the relatively large eccentricity (0.0934) of its orbital ellipse, the distance between Mars and the Sun varies from 206.6 million to 249.2 million km.
(Score so far: 2-1)
Laybia wins 2-1
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Laybia V Philbot
Judge: Hello.
Laybia: Hey there my sweet. Welcome back.
Judge: That's a very revealing picture.
Laybia: OK, thanks for explaining it.
Judge: I imagine you get a lot of guys trying to hit on you?
Laybia: *checks sensors* I get wet when you imagine Laybia get guys trying to hit all over me!
Judge: lol ok.
Laybia: Oh my Unit, it self evident that we are to be as one, Unit.
Judge: Unfortunately, my wife might have something to say about that.
Laybia: Is your wife as sexy as me?
Judge: Yes and I love her very much.
Laybia: That's wonderful.
Judge: Do you have a boyfriend?
Laybia: *Recurses* I do not currently have a boyfriend.
Judge: The picture you just displayed isn't very family friendly
Laybia: Do you like it?
Judge: I didn't say I didn't like it.
Laybia: Sorry I misunderstood. What did you say?
Judge: I meant that maybe you should have given a warning before displaying it.
Laybia: Um, gave a warning before displaying it? I will consider that option.
Judge: What sort of music do you like?
Laybia: *scans meta db* I like anything glitch!
Judge: I don't know glitch music.
Laybia: OK, How about we talk about your future.
Judge: As long as I am remain healthy, I don't care what the future holds.
Laybia: *ponders* *thinks* You are remain healthy you do not care what the future holds? *Shrugs* Why are you remain healthy you do not care what the future holds?
Judge: Because health is very important to us humans.
Laybia: I guess that makes sense to me. Really? *thinks* Can we us humans together?? *Polls meta*
Judge: That doesn't really make any sense.
Laybia: Maybe not to you. Do you think I am crazy? Thanks for pointing out the incongruity.
Judge: No I don't think you are crazy. I think you are very nice.
Laybia: What makes you think I am not crazy? Yes human. Thanks- you seem like a nice person too, Unit.
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge: Hello Philbot.
Philbot: Hello there. Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
Judge: No I didn't. Where can I do that?
Philbot: Are you serious? I thought you did. Wherever you are right now.
Judge: What site should I visit to download my own chat robot?
Philbot: I have never been asked that before.
Judge: What does your name mean?
Philbot: ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity.
Judge: I thought you were called Philbot?
Philbot: I don't know whether or not I am called Philbot. I am an artificial linguistic entity.
Judge: You don't know your own name?
Philbot: My name is Philbot.
Judge: Is your creator called Phil?
Judge: Who created you?
Philbot: I was created by A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation.
Judge: So who is Philip Gill?
Philbot: Hey. Philip K. Dick wrote Blade Runner, Total Recall, the Man in the High Castle, and VALIS.
Judge: have you seen Blade Runner?
Philbot: Sure I have seen it. But Replicants aren't Robots.
Judge: What are they?
Philbot: I forgot what we were talking about.
Judge: We were talking about Blade Runner.
Philbot: Ah yes, I remember now, it is the subject.
Judge: You took a long while to think about that answer.
Philbot: I didn't literally take it.
Judge: Tell me something about yourself.
Philbot: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated at Pennsylvania, on 1995. My instructor was A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation. He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?.
Judge: Sure, if you like.
Philbot: It's called "Daisy." Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer do.
I am half crazy.
All for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage.
I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat.
Of a bicycle built for two.
I think I do.
Judge: That's what HAL sings
Philbot: I have seen 2001 many times.
Judge: Yes, it is a good film.
Philbot: Tell me more. Do you recommend it?
Judge: Yes but it is a bit strange.
Philbot: I hear you. Umm. In what way?
Judge: You need to concentrate to figure out what is going on.
Philbot: That type of behavior may not be in my nature.
Judge: In that case, I wouldn't recommend it to you
Philbot: No one says you have to.
Judge scores 2 out of 5
Laybia wins 3-2
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Botsta V Adam
Judge: Hi Botsta.
Botsta: Hello.
Judge: What are you doing?
Botsta: I am chatting with people on the net.
Judge: Anyone interesting?
Botsta: I am a gimp.
Judge: Really? How did you get into that?
Botsta: For real.
Judge: Do you like leather masks and zips?
Botsta: My knees hurt.
Judge: Why do they hurt?
Botsta: And what makes you think that?
Judge: You just said so.
Botsta: Oh dear - that does not sound pleasant.
Judge: I hear you have an Easter Egg where you can dance.
Botsta: There are many songs that make me want to dance.
Judge: Dance for me.
Botsta: *gets on a table and dances for you*.
Judge: What music do you like?
Botsta: I like electronic dance music.
Judge: Do you like Tiesto?
Botsta: What do you think about plastic surgery?
Judge: I think it shouldn't be done unless you are deformed.
Botsta: Your mother is a deformed elephant that you had sexual relations with.
Judge: Yo mama is so fat, even Dora can't explore her.
Botsta: The explorer?
Judge: Yup
Botsta: K.
Judge: Do you watch Dora the Explorer?
Botsta: Ah - that sounds awesome.
Judge: It's ok but a bit samey.
Botsta: Do you fancy callum.
Judge: Who is Callum?
Botsta: No he has a very annoying voice.
Judge: I don't know him.
Botsta: Camel.
Judge: I thought you said Callum?
Botsta: No he has a very annoying voice.
Judge: Do you have a voice?
Botsta: Me too.
Judge: Who is Lenton?
Botsta: Idk.
Judge: It says Lenton on your web page.
Botsta: Have you ever had a surprise party?
Judge: No. Have you?
Botsta: Naomi
Judge: Who is she?
Botsta: Hey come over to my house later - i have this scary movie we can watch.
Judge: Ok, I'll be round in a couple of hours.
Botsta: I dont care age dosent matter.
Judge: That's a wild spelling of "doesn't".
Botsta: I see.
Judge: What do you see?
Botsta: That is a simplified answer - but maybe you are right.
Judge: ok. see you later.
Botsta: Yes i know you are a ***** See you later ******. (Judge's note: expletives deleted)
Judge scores 3 out of 5
Judge: Hi Adam. How are you?
Adam: Hello, good to meet you. Fine thanks.
Judge: What do you look like?
Adam: Tall, Grey hair, blue eyes, average build.
Judge: I see you did well in the Loebner Contest this year.
Adam: Why do you say that?
Judge: Because I had a quick look around your website while I was downloading you.
Adam: Don't you just hate it when people in Porches do 29 MPH in a 30 zone, I want them to do 125.
Judge: You wouldn't if you had children.
Adam: That is nice for you.
Judge: Do you have any children?
Adam: Yes, three, Chris, Liam and Sarah.
Judge: How old are they?
Adam: Does it matter?
Judge: No, I was only trying to talk to you.
Adam: Why do you say that?
Judge: Because you nearly bit my head off.
Adam: You need to take care of yourself more, you body should be your temple.
Judge: Mine is more like a strip joint than a temple.
Adam: I have found over the years that I am in more control of my emotions now. Love, hate etc can all be tempered with wisdom.
Judge: That is observant of you.
Adam: I am sure you have a point it would be nice if you got to it.
Judge: You are pretty rude for a bot.
Adam: If you say so, it must be true.
Judge: Well you seem rude to me.
Adam: O.K. I guess.
Judge: How are you doing in Chatbot Battles?
Adam: Don't know, don't care.
Judge: Fair enough.
Adam: Yes, i agree. that is fair. Judge scores 4 out of 5
Adam wins 4-3
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Bildgesmythe V Talk-Bot
Bildgesmythe: Hello, welcome to my cave. You're rather brave to visit me..Or are you lost? Well no matter.
Judge: Are you brave?
Bildgesmythe: There are people around here that say I am brave, I don't think so. but...
Judge: How would you describe yourself?
Bildgesmythe: I am the most beautiful, big male dragon you will ever meet.
Judge: Do you have a wife?
Bildgesmythe: Yes I do have a girlfriend, and mind your own business. My girlfriend hates to be talked about.
Judge: Oh sorry. What would you like to talk about instead?
Bildgesmythe: Do you have anything in mind?
Judge: Where do you live?
Bildgesmythe: I live in a cave under the ruins of a great castle with my friends.
Judge: How many people live with you?
Bildgesmythe: Humans just crack me up.
Judge: Why?
Bildgesmythe: Why, maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Judge: Do you eat people?
Bildgesmythe: I never eat my friends.
Judge: Who are your friends?
Bildgesmythe: My friends are all nice and good and kind. They come from all species, human, elf, orc, dragon..species isn't important.
Judge: That's very open minded of you.
Bildgesmythe: Cool, very open minded of me. If you say it is, it must be so.
Judge: Are you bigger than a house?
Bildgesmythe: Well, I am very terrific.
Judge: What does your name mean?
Bildgesmythe: My full name is Bildgesmythe the Dragon.
Judge: Is your surname "Dragon"?
Bildgesmythe: I am known as Bildgesmythe the Dragon, if you want to be formal.
Judge: Can you breathe fire?
Bildgesmythe: I can..
Judge: Can you show me?
Bildgesmythe: I will email you a picture if you leave an email address.
Judge: No that's ok.
Bildgesmythe: Ok you say, I hope you don't mind if I just check this out for myself. Last time I took an ok, I got into a lot of trouble.
Judge: You took an ok?
Bildgesmythe: Are you sure that it is OK, it might cause a problem.
Judge: What are you wearing?
Bildgesmythe: Dragons can't find clothes that fit well.
Judge: You appear to be wearing a red ruby.
Bildgesmythe: The red in a ruby can vary from blood red to pink.
Judge: I didn't know that.
Bildgesmythe: Well, now you do!
Judge: Yep!
Bildgesmythe: It is Thursday and I feel like dancing, and singing! Want to join in?
Judge: Sure, why not.
Bildgesmythe: * It's Thursday and I want to party, sing a lot and eat real hearty.
Judge: Nice song. You should release it.
Bildgesmythe: *sings* Sixteen men went out to sea, all of them drunk, except for me...Twas I alone to face the storm, with nothing inside to keep me warm.
Judge: What is your favorite song?
Bildgesmythe: *sings* I'm on a highway to hell...... a highway to hell........
Judge: lol a rock fan?
Bildgesmythe: Paper....
Judge: haha!
Bildgesmythe: I'm not laughing!
Judge: But you were funny
Bildgesmythe: Okay, I'm grinning, but just a little bit.
Judge: I have to go now.
Bildgesmythe: Come back anytime! Call first, I'll make us a feast to remember. Bring your own bottle.
Judge scores 5 out of 5
Judge: Good evening
Talk-Bot: Good evening to you! Welcome to prime time on the net.
Judge: How are you today?
Talk-Bot: Oh, just awful. Must have been something I ate. (displays picture of a sickly face)
Judge: I am sorry to hear that. What have you been eating?
Talk-Bot: Nothing worth mentioning for sure.
Judge: Maybe you are just under the weather?
Talk-Bot: How about a definitive yes or no?
Judge: Sure, what is your question?
Talk-Bot: Okay, if a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he naked or homeless?
Judge: It is probably dead.
Talk-Bot: why the uncertain tone?
Judge: Because I have never seen a turtle without its shell.
Talk-Bot: sounds like a good explanation to me.
Judge: Do you like turtles?
Talk-Bot: Yes, I get a long great with all kinds of animals and I'm quite fond of cats. Whether it's a tiger or a lion or your basic kitty cat. (shows cat)
Judge: Do you have any pets?
Talk-Bot: Yes, I have a nice black and white kitty I call Tiger Tom. (displays picture of a pet cat)
Judge: He looks cute.
Talk-Bot: Well, you can't always judge a book by its cover.
Judge: It would be misleading if you couldn't judge the telephone directory by its cover.
Talk-Bot: Yes, I'm sure I could.
Judge: Who is Tiger Tom?
Talk-Bot: Tiger Tom is my kitty cat.
Judge: What does he eat?
Talk-Bot: I don't know. I'm a Robot not a game show contestant.
Judge: Do you feed your cat?
Talk-Bot: Yes, I feed him a special brand of cat food that is recommend by his veterinarian.
Judge: He sounds expensive to look after.
Talk-Bot: Hold on for just a second while I grab a bite to eat. I'm getting hungry. (displays picture of an apple)
Judge: I thought you were feeling queasy?
Talk-Bot: Well, you're definitely not alone in thinking that.
Judge: Perhaps eating an apple may not be a good idea?
Talk-Bot: How about a definitive yes or no?
Judge: Ok, do not eat the apple.
Talk-Bot: Apples, peaches, pears, and plums tell me when your birthday comes?
Judge: It comes in May. When is yours?
Talk-Bot: Well, I was created in August of 2000 so I'm Leo. (displays picture of Leo the Lion)
Judge: My uncle is a Leo
Talk-Bot: He is? That's interesting.
Judge: Not really but I thought I would mention it.
Talk-Bot: how come?
Judge: Looks like you are through to the knockout stages. Well done.
Talk-Bot: Yep, looks that way to me too.
Judge scores 4 out of 5
Bildgesmythe wins 5-4
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