First Direct

Welcome to Aesop Financial

Since we started operating since 1993, and we have taken pride in our security! We always use our
patent- pending Universal Protection Diverse Override Generator (UPDOG) to encrypt your data from
any evil-doers who may try to hack your ip.

To get started, login to your Aesop account:

To Get Started:

Go to your nearest Aesop Financial Kiosk and ask for an account. They will ask you "What is the air
speed velocity of a unladen swallow?" Reply with "An African or European swallow?"

Member FDIC:No. Rates and investment products are not insured

The bank information provided on this website is only valid for those living in UK counties that end with the letter G and no others. Any attempt to use this website without authorised access is very naughty. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside of these counties due to various legal regulations and other regulations and some regulations so don't even think about it.