Latest Game added 15th September 2007 - FlashFlashRevolution 

High Scores - See at a glance who is the top scorer on each game. Is your name up there?
Bearbot and Mitsuku - Are you feeling bored or lonely? Come and have a chat with the website bots. They are friendly and here 24 hours a day just to talk to you. Click on the chatbot you wish to speak to.

Join Square Bear as he battles his way through puzzle after puzzle. Can you complete them all?

Trivia Squares - Are you feeling brainy? Features a hi-score table for the best 100 players.

FlashFlashRevolution - One of those dance machines that you see in the arcades. Now you can play in your own home without feeling embarrassed!

Reversi - The classic strategy game. Features a hi-score table and 3 levels of difficulty.
Yep, it's the old favourite, complete with hi-score table for the top 100 elite.

Tetris - The most addictive game ever devised, also features a hi-score table.

Hexxagon - A strategy game. Try to capture your opponents pieces. For 2 players or try to beat Square Bear.

Back to the old skool for Tic-Tac-Toe or "Noughts and Crosses" as we Brits like to say.

Snake - The popular phone game is now available to play on your PC. Features hi-score tables and 3 levels of difficulty.

Asteroids - Blast the rocks and spaceships. How long can you survive? Features a hi-score table.

Snap! - Find the 12 matching pairs as quick as you can. Features a hi-score table.
